Dudes!!! I Need a English Pro to help me here


Active Member
hay guy im an uber noobie from the uk and i need some one from the uk
to answer my question

how do i legally grow a maj plant in my house with out the worrie of the
pigs busting me if i ever got caught...is there some sort of thing i can
get to make it so its purly for personal use?????

if anyone could help me i'd be very thankfull...
hope to get a reply soon :peace:


Well-Known Member
yer, its not legal. its been moved up to a class B drug here now as well. theres ways of being 'stealth' but theres no way of hiding it.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't you just become Prime Minister or something and then work to change the law. That would be my suggestion, not sure if you've got the time for that but if you do, I say go for it.


New Member
Couldn't you just become Prime Minister or something and then work to change the law. That would be my suggestion, not sure if you've got the time for that but if you do, I say go for it.
I'm canadian so learn your history. Primeministers have no say in the laws. they are merely just there to just fuck around or wait isn't that the king and queen. either way they stop then king and queen or primeinster from creating laws and shit after some very bad kings and queens or primeinstsers chopped people heads of they tallied it at like 1,040 heads a day for like 5-6 years