Help diagnose my seedlings.Lots of pics.

What your saying bmeat makes sense because the root balls that diddnt fall apart are the ones doing the best. The feeder leaves are all yellow too. I know i diddnt overwater last time because the stems were droopy and picked right back up within 30 minutes of watering. I may have over drenched them though.


New Member do a little less water next time..wait till they just wilt agian. its a smart way to water. it gives them a tiny bit of stress that they have to adapt to, and they get stronger from it.

good luck. my two plants didnt make it that i fucked up..well one did..but its tiny, a mutant and taking FOREVER to finish flower.
Here are some updated pics. I foilar fed them for 2-3 days(morning and night) with a light 20-20-20 solution very diluted(1/4 tsp to 1 liter water) 1 drop of dish soap added as a surfactant . I stopped when the tips started to show nute burn. Watering i slowed down to once every 4-6 days as needed and just enough to keep them moist. Very little to no runoff out the bottom of the pots. I bought a humidifier and its been at a steady 74F 60% Humidity for the last 2 weeks. They seem to be getting healthy again.

For anyone that has also overwatered/fuck up their seedlings i would say the time its taking them to recover is similar to just starting over with new seed in time spent so far. Im too stubborn for that and it looks like my work is starting to pay off:)


I read somewhere else on this site that a light foilar feed will help really weak plants. I didn't put nutes in the soil at all. And i actually stopped foilar feeding before i saw any nute burn. It was only a few days later after i stopped that the burnt tips showed up, and they are not spreading.


Active Member
My ladies at 10 days oldd

As you see by pic number three, water drainage can be a bitch!!

I noticed you said you havent watterd in 6 days, but the soil is still moist, you may have a drainage issue..

Seedlings are much more likely to survive a drought than they are to survive a flood.



Well-Known Member
I read somewhere else on this site that a light foilar feed will help really weak plants. I didn't put nutes in the soil at all. And i actually stopped foilar feeding before i saw any nute burn. It was only a few days later after i stopped that the burnt tips showed up, and they are not spreading.
Since you basically have the growth of a week old plant (No offense) I personally wouldn't give ANY foliar or other feeding for at least another 2 weeks unless you want something like bmeat's first plant that he just finished.
View attachment 2525451Bmeat's plant


Active Member
don't worry bout your temps I've got tht same range and mine are fine, looks like a big potfor those seedlings though, and I'd agree with the overwatering really let it dry out I think it would be more than 3 days
My ladies at 10 days oldd

As you see by pic number three, water drainage can be a bitch!!

I noticed you said you havent watterd in 6 days, but the soil is still moist, you may have a drainage issue...............................

I originally had drainage problems. When i potted up i mixed the organic soil with 35% perlite 15% vermiculite. The current pots have 6-8 half inch drainage holes in the bottom. I think they stayed moist too long because i was drenching them at every watering. The last watering i did(yesterday) the soil is already getting dry again. So a night and day difference just in the amount of water i gave them.


Active Member
My ladies at 10 days oldd

As you see by pic number three, water drainage can be a bitch!!

I noticed you said you havent watterd in 6 days, but the soil is still moist, you may have a drainage issue...............................

I originally had drainage problems. When i potted up i mixed the organic soil with 35% perlite 15% vermiculite. The current pots have 6-8 half inch drainage holes in the bottom. I think they stayed moist too long because i was drenching them at every watering. The last watering i did(yesterday) the soil is already getting dry again. So a night and day difference just in the amount of water i gave them.
Also saw you said you ripped some roots when transplanting.

I did too. As you see, pic three is much slower growth than the others. Ironically, this one was growing the fastest before the drainage became an issue. I also noticed I ripped a few roots when trasplanting it.

It was so young, I didnt expect the roots to be so long.. was 6 days old, and the roots had already reached the side of the pot..
Didn't really rip the roots, but half of the root balls fell apart mid air as they went into the new pot. So the roots were definitely disturbed. You can tell which ones were not disturbed because they look the strongest.
Everything is doing great. I switched my watering to the amount seen in the cup(poked holes in the bottom like a watering can) every 2-3 days. Opposed to drenching the whole pot every 5-7 days. To anyone that is just starting out like me learn from my mistake. DONT OVERWATER. Whatever you think is enough water is usually too much with seedlings.

