Blue Venom Plant dying 6 weeks flowering Whats Wrong?


I posted this thread already in the newbie section but figured it would get more views here. It's my first grow indoors under a 600 HPS. The blue venom plant has been dying (pics included) for about 2 weeks now. It started with the fan leaves now moved to the bud leaves I need to fix this before all my leaves are gone! I thought it was nut burn but the plat og next to it has been having the same amnt and is fine... so I flushed the blue venom 5 days ago and just gave it water now no nuts and this is still going on! Is it a salt defiency ? to much salt? Idk Help please


Well-Known Member
I posted this thread already in the newbie section but figured it would get more views here. It's my first grow indoors under a 600 HPS. The blue venom plant has been dying (pics included) for about 2 weeks now. It started with the fan leaves now moved to the bud leaves I need to fix this before all my leaves are gone! I thought it was nut burn but the plat og next to it has been having the same amnt and is fine... so I flushed the blue venom 5 days ago and just gave it water now no nuts and this is still going on! Is it a salt defiency ? to much salt? Idk Help please
Did you every initially flush it?


Well-Known Member
That's burned good.
What I have found, the one time I burned, when I flushed, the burning continued for another 2 days before it stopped.
Don't forget, your damaged leaves will not heal, but just watch for the burning to stop progressing.
I had 2 plants side by side last grow, and being different strains, one was a nute hog, I was feeding every water, and the other was fine, I fed every other water.


No I flushed it about a week and a half after I noticed the leaves dying, I thought it was supposed to happen cause it was the fan leaves at first then the bud leaves started dying left and right. If it is nute burn will the bud still be ok? I messed up I've been using Holland Secret Nutrients every time I water but the Plat og next to it is fine with no signs of nute burn so I thought she could take the same amnt. Could it be overwatering? Some guy told me it might be overwatering but why would it dry up and die if it's overwatering? IDK I loved this plant at first now it's pissing me off


Damn it's probably burnt shes got about 2 weeks left should I continue just water from now on or add A LITTLE bit of nutes then flush again?
Thanks Guys!


Well-Known Member
You probably stunted her growth and maybe pushed harvest back a week... Check trics and forget the calendar at this point. What kind of water you giving: tap or RO? When's the last time you fed her? How is she doing taking in water?


She's pretty small and taking in water slowly, I was using tap water at first but then i bought some distilled water. I gave her that distilled water yesterday the trichs are mostly cloudy with a couple of amber ones so shes looking ok not as bad as I thought she would I pulled off all the dead leaves shes looking naked but still got a decent amnt of green leaves hope they stay green. Is distilled water ok or is tap ok? Distilled was a dollar a gallon and tap is freaking cheap I'd rather do tap if thats alright?


Also should I continue feeding with water till I harvest or add a little bit of nutrients then flush a week before ?


Well-Known Member
Damn it's probably burnt shes got about 2 weeks left should I continue just water from now on or add A LITTLE bit of nutes then flush again?
Thanks Guys!
If u only have 2 weeks left, then flush it and feed in phed water. NO Fertilizers or any sort of nute stuff..