Michigan Growers Tell Your Plans for This Year

Attack boy buds, go big or go home....what two types of guano? And you add lime? Looking for a good mix on some set em n forget em plots.
Attack boy buds, go big or go home....what two types of guano? And you add lime? Looking for a good mix on some set em n forget em plots.

i only use jamaican and mexican bat guano organic only no lime only if im planting around pines. dig hole then put some dirt in then take remaining dirt split in half take 1/2 cup jamaican bat guano mix in half the remaining soil put in hole then put 1/2 cup mexican bat guano mix in the remaining soil and put in hole then plant thats it. i put the jamaican in bottom and mexican on top

jamaican 1/10/0.2
mexican 10/2/1
Whats happening guys? Anyone getting things in order for the spring?
Next week im gonna buy 8 big bales of pro mix and haul it to my spot by sleigh. The bales weigh 65 pounds a piece so im taking advantage of the snow.
I ordered some delicious seeds critical sensi star today. I was planning on just doing the Iranian autos and Iranian g13s but I just have too much riding on this years harvest to trust it all to one breeder.
My first real grow was delicious seeds and I know they will do good for me. I found a couple logs on the critical sensi star that have me pretty excited.
I say this every year but I swear to god im buying a power trimmer this year
I'm eyeballing some of Sannie's and Eskobar's new gear. They have heri in fem now and lots of very attractive new crosses :D Some really heavy yielders coming from them now too, but perhaps also susceptible to mold if the environment is not controllable.
I have not seen any changes in the legality of outdoor growing. It still has to be in an enclosed locked facility to be considered legal. Comments?
They cleared it up and no roof is mentioned. They redefined the laws. And chicken wire with a locked gate out of view of neighbors is all you need.
I have not seen any changes in the legality of outdoor growing. It still has to be in an enclosed locked facility to be considered legal. Comments?

Do any of you goto Triple M Clinics for your script? If so, you'll need a new doctor, it appears. He was arrested today in a sting that was coordinated by a northern michigan narcotics team and the attorney general's office.
Do any of you goto Triple M Clinics for your script? If so, you'll need a new doctor, it appears. He was arrested today in a sting that was coordinated by a northern michigan narcotics team and the attorney general's office.

I saw that on the news. Looks like there throwing the book at him
The man is not happy with the law so he is going to spen what ever amount of time and money it takes to make it look bad ( Reifer Madness) all over again
I saw that on the news. Looks like there throwing the book at him

Schuette has a hard on for fighting the movement. I talked with the doc when I saw him 3 times. He's a good egg, he thought it should be legal without medical necessity, but he always gave me a through exam and I provided medical records. I don't know him well but I get the feeling he knew this would happen and I think he'll fight it to the end. I hope the best for him!
Took me all day yesterday but I got 10 bails of promix hauled out to my spot to add to the holes ive already got. It was a bitch but so much easier hauling it by sleigh instead of carrying them one at a time by hand in the spring.
I got some curious looks at the farm store buying a truck load of soil this time of year
Took me all day yesterday but I got 10 bails of promix hauled out to my spot to add to the holes ive already got. It was a bitch but so much easier hauling it by sleigh instead of carrying them one at a time by hand in the spring.
I got some curious looks at the farm store buying a truck load of soil this time of year

I bet james lol. Pro Mix is an interesting choice for your holes. Do you mix in organics for nutrients?
I bet james lol. Pro Mix is an interesting choice for your holes. Do you mix in organics for nutrients?

No. Last year I just used dyna gro nutes. This year im gonna use AN heavy harvest summer and fall blends. Its supposed to have everything they need in it so I dont really see any reason to add any organic stuff.
No. Last year I just used dyna gro nutes. This year im gonna use AN heavy harvest summer and fall blends. Its supposed to have everything they need in it so I dont really see any reason to add any organic stuff.

Ahhhh, yes, the granulated time release top dressed fertilizer. A friend of mine used that in his greenhouse last year with decent results. He filled his holes with roots organics soil too though. Best of luck! Pro-Mix is the shit for root development. You might consider at least mixing in some castings with it though.
Ahhhh, yes, the granulated time release top dressed fertilizer. A friend of mine used that in his greenhouse last year with decent results. He filled his holes with roots organics soil too though. Best of luck! Pro-Mix is the shit for root development. You might consider at least mixing in some castings with it though.

I probably will do some castings too if you think thats a good idea.
Im so damn motivated for this year. Its gonna be my best one yet