What is causing my leaves to look like this ?? pics posted


Well-Known Member
Yep, you are killing those with a combination of overwatering and overfeeding.

Even soil that doesnt come with nutrients added, still have natural nutrients in it. You can't go dig up a shovel of dirt in your backyard and not have something inside it.

In most cases you wont need anything but water until around 4 weeks in veg, even then you shouldn't need more than a very light dose of nutrients.

Do what others have said, next time you water them, flush it some. Run more water through it than it needs. Make sure you have plenty of drain holes so all that excess water will drain out.


thanks ppl really appreciate the help. Going further into this.....I transferred them from the 16 oz dixie cups into 2 gal pots 2 days ago. They are exactly two weeks from breaking the soil. I did that transplant before I made this post ..That being said I moistened soil before I transplanted then after I got the seedling into the new 2g pot I did a full water with 10% run off . Would me transplanting them and giving new soil and more amount of water since the pot is bigger than a small cup be good or should I still do a flush in these new 2 gallon pots once they dry out ??????


New Member
2 gallon pots are a whole nother monster. you dont want to soak the soil until the roots own the pot. for now, water with 8oz and wait till that dries up and continue this until you see that they are drinking 8oz really quickly. then up it to 12 or 16oz, you be the judge, its your plants you gotta take care of them.

h2o and co2 plus light energy convert into sugar energy, which is chemical energy for the plant to build itself. when its little, it doesn need a lot of other nutrients, which are the building blocks of proteins etc.

during bloom, they need the most nutes from the soil.

from now on i would only water with 8oz of water, wait till that dries out, and feed once a week if you want to.

are your nutes a concentrate (ex 2-2-2) or are they watered down (.01-.01-.01)

if they are watered down, you can feed twice a week


so your saying that even though they are in the bigger 2 gal pots they still dont need a lot of water yet cuz the roots are not still not fully established yet in order to cope with a lot of water that a 2 gal can hold ... so feed them as if they were still in the smaller 16 oz cups like with the 8 oz of water as you said until they suck that up and graudually up my watering as they grow 16 oz etc.... ???? do i understand you correctly ????? my nutes to my knowledge are concentrate they are Dutch Nutrient Formula 2 part gro and 2 part bloom ....gro part A is 2-0-2 and gro part b is 0-1-3.


Well-Known Member
2 gallon pots are a whole nother monster. you dont want to soak the soil until the roots own the pot. for now, water with 8oz and wait till that dries up and continue this until you see that they are drinking 8oz really quickly. then up it to 12 or 16oz, you be the judge, its your plants you gotta take care of them.

h2o and co2 plus light energy convert into sugar energy, which is chemical energy for the plant to build itself. when its little, it doesn need a lot of other nutrients, which are the building blocks of proteins etc.

during bloom, they need the most nutes from the soil.

from now on i would only water with 8oz of water, wait till that dries out, and feed once a week if you want to.

are your nutes a concentrate (ex 2-2-2) or are they watered down (.01-.01-.01)

if they are watered down, you can feed twice a week
For FUCK'S sake.
He is trying to get over a burn issue.
DON'T tell him to feed if he wants.


New Member
so your saying that even though they are in the bigger 2 gal pots they still dont need a lot of water yet cuz the roots are not still not fully established yet in order to cope with a lot of water that a 2 gal can hold ... so feed them as if they were still in the smaller 16 oz cups like with the 8 oz of water as you said until they suck that up and graudually up my watering as they grow 16 oz etc.... ???? do i understand you correctly ????? my nutes to my knowledge are concentrate they are Dutch Nutrient Formula 2 part gro and 2 part bloom ....gro part A is 2-0-2 and gro part b is 0-1-3.
correct but NO, dont feed yet. im saying, use straight water until they are vegging hard. after the plant is healthy and established, well talk about how to feed properly.

right now, focus on not drowning the roots.


Well-Known Member
so your saying that even though they are in the bigger 2 gal pots they still dont need a lot of water yet cuz the roots are not still not fully established yet in order to cope with a lot of water that a 2 gal can hold ... so feed them as if they were still in the smaller 16 oz cups like with the 8 oz of water as you said until they suck that up and graudually up my watering as they grow 16 oz etc.... ???? do i understand you correctly ????? my nutes to my knowledge are concentrate they are Dutch Nutrient Formula 2 part gro and 2 part bloom ....gro part A is 2-0-2 and gro part b is 0-1-3.
Now that you have put them in larger pots, it's going to be more difficult, because you still have the same soil that burned them, and you were going to flush, but right now, you don't want saturated soil for another week or so, until it gets established in the new pot.
I'm out of this one.
It seems you are actually entertaining the idea of listening to the meat who so far has grown ONE plant which yielded jack shit and I am tired of going around and trying to prevent his fucked up advice from being used, as I'm sure lots of other people are.
BTW, here's a pic of his plant.
This one he did not kill with glue.View attachment 2523841


New Member
i wasnt going to let him feed anymore, trust me.


and that plant was the only one that got glue. it didnt die from it. i tried to glue the head back on but it didnt work. i had it taped together with breathable tape at first, but i was drunk and angry and decided it wasnt good enough and glued it..which killed the head immediately.

she has been through a lot.


ok so just keep watering in small amounts not soaking the whole 2gal pot so just enough for the seedling to handle like the 8 oz as i was doing before when they were in the dixie cups and once well established roots have formed and the plant is strong into the veg cycle then start thinking about nutes???? so should I flush now that they are in the 2 gallon pots or just do small watering as mentioned and let the roots establish ???


Well-Known Member
i wasnt going to let him feed anymore, trust me.


and that plant was the only one that got glue. it didnt die from it. i tried to glue the head back on but it didnt work. i had it taped together with breathable tape at first, but i was drunk and angry and decided it wasnt good enough and glued it..which killed the head immediately.

she has been through a lot.
seriously man, you need to be banned from posting advice, you just told him to feed when ever he wants when this is caused by over feeding. I love how you go around posting advice on growing when you fucking glued a plant together how many grows have you even done, 2 or somthing, man you need more hands on experience before going around posting shyte, I dont care if you read up on any of this shit remember this is the internet people lie, and tbh you cannot give out advice properly unless you have hands on experience like i said. LMAO at you're plant, did it even give you a buzz?


Well-Known Member
ok so just keep watering in small amounts not soaking the whole 2gal pot so just enough for the seedling to handle like the 8 oz as i was doing before when they were in the dixie cups and once well established roots have formed and the plant is strong into the veg cycle then start thinking about nutes???? so should I flush now that they are in the 2 gallon pots or just do small watering as mentioned and let the roots establish ???
Just let the roots establish them selves, and only use ph'd water no more nutes, once the plant is back green and healthy and growing start the nutes again but go gentle like 1/4strength then once you have fed a couple of 1/4 strength you can up it slowley. And if you listen to bmeat again i swear im going to phone the hippies an tell them you are mistreating mother nature like bmeat did, then you will have 100 hippies chaining themselves to you're plants not letting you near em how does that sound...


ok so just keep watering in small amounts not soaking the whole 2gal pot so just enough for the seedling to handle like the 8 oz as i was doing before when they were in the dixie cups and once well established roots have formed and the plant is strong into the veg cycle then start thinking about nutes???? so should I flush now that they are in the 2 gallon pots or just do small watering as mentioned and let the roots establish ???


lol aight man thanks bro that really helps me and lays it down. no more advice from b meat. I am gonna keep at it and hopefully my babies recover


one last question ... Should I water the whole 2 gallon pot. I mean completely saturate all soil till 10-20% run off from holes at bottom ???? or should I just water enough around the seedling till its root system is more established throughout the bigger pot and gradually increase amounts of water as the plants grows????


Well-Known Member
i wasnt going to let him feed anymore, trust me.


and that plant was the only one that got glue. it didnt die from it. i tried to glue the head back on but it didnt work. i had it taped together with breathable tape at first, but i was drunk and angry and decided it wasnt good enough and glued it..which killed the head immediately.

she has been through a lot.
LOL stop shes been through a lot for no real reason.
all past veg staged have been stunted due to chemical ferts and
overwatering and root rot. one of the girls gave up one night.
the other one stuck out the abuse, and the product is what you see above
lol. a burnt up flowering nub. i wish i knew what family it was from.
they were two random bagseed that i found.
she used to be ok right after the flush and i smartened up,
but i ended up decapitating it :/ can anyone tell the family its from?
def sativa, yeah? i told you i was so drunk and angry that night that
i couldnt get it with tape, so i glued it and it died REAL quick from
that posion lol. shoulda just stuck it in the ground..stupid. oh well,
not a permanent scar in life.
this is my basil. its nicer


one last question ... Should I water the whole 2 gallon pot. I mean completely saturate all soil till 10-20% run off from holes at bottom ???? or should I just water enough around the seedling till its root system is more established throughout the bigger pot and gradually increase amounts of water as the plants grows????