Rare dankness/rd genetics

Alright, I want to apologize for getting so pissed. I've cooled down a bit, but I still don't appreciate people claiming to know me outside of here and claim I'm someone I'm not. And I won't tolerate it. I don't plan on causing anyone any harm, but if I get threatened again and see whoever threatened me outside of here, then I'll have no choice but to do something about it.
Well my ass was at tsd.
kept refreshing my screen till they were loaded.
Grabbed a Lee Roy and Blue OX.
Got halfway through checkout, some fucking tweeker ripped off my LeeRoy, right out of my cart.
I started cussing real loud.
At that point I picked up my Blue OX and was running for the car.
Before I could get all my cc number enters, my Blue OX was ripped off.
I have a new laptop and I wanted to smash the fuck out of it.
I don't even need the seeds. roflmao.
It's taken me till this morning before I could talk about it.
I did roll back through a purchase a Tangerine Kush for Belle.

So I'm Star Killer for Attitude (4 in cubes)
Tangerine Kush for the seed depot.

Harvesting Vale'Vale' & DayDream Haze next week.
I think it was tweakers...
One was wearing a hood.
It was like that one Christmas Eve when I had to box two different mothers over a stuffed animal.
It's like they usually aren't that strong, but on Christmas Eve I had to hit that one 4-5 times before she would let it go.
RD#1 male is Ghost OG x Chem (pollen gifted by a local friend) BX'd to Ghost Og then a Male was used to X2 to the TK cut. There is also a RD#2, RD#3 males as well that further bx the to each of the orig 2 moms. The RD#1 male brings a shit ton of resin adn Chem growth with a nice splash of the OG flavor and smell everyone wants. the #2/3 just intensify it. GhostOG x Ghost OG x TK x TK x Chem for those keepin score...

How does rd 2 compare to rd 1?

what are the differences between the to.?
If it's OK with Mrs. Rare Dankness, I would like to clear up some of the misonceptions and downright lies about me in some previous posts. There is the truth, and two sides of the story. I'm only here to clear the truth about me and the genetics used, not dive into a he said, she said, about the fallout.