Hahaha!! Your a crazy motha fucker bro!!

in a good way though!! "Belladonna" you say?? You know, outta all the strains that I've grown over the years, that one is one that I have yet to grow out!! It looks so PRETTY in the pictures!!
Did you know that the "actual" Belladonna plant seems to have appeared in the Middle Ages when young women used it to dilate their pupils. During the same period of time, it was commonly believed that this was the favorite plant of the devil. Even earlier, it had a reputation as an ingredient in the drinks presented at orgies where it was said to induce women to throw off their clothes and engage in uninhibited sex. It was also used in brews and ointments prepared by witches and warlocks. Witches did use an ointment containing belladonna and aconite on their skin in the belief it helped them to fly. It was also used to kill.
And it also has a lot of HISTORICAL MEDICINAL USES!!
Haha! So where the "actual" Belladonna causes "women" to throw off there clothes, & become "horney" that sounds like it would be somthing that would be of interest to you bro!!

I've read alittle on it, the (Marijuana) strain "Belladonna" and from what I've read on it, it sounds like a kick ass strain!! I've read that it has great yields and extremely powerful high that brings in the flavours and new textures with a touch of bitter chocolate and liquorice.
That its a Sativa/Indica cross & flowers around 60 days! Its said that Belladonna delivers a trippy high with peaks of hallucinogenic rushes.
So, it sounds like a strain that I will be interested myself!! Haha..
But will have to see on the "vote" and the majority wins!!

Let's try to get a few more people to vote, so we can get the show on the road!!
I will talk to ya soon bro!! Your friend, Dank..
PS.. the 1st picture is of the "actual" Belladonna plant/flower.
The next 2 are the Belladonna that we are interested in, haha!!