When I lived in Groton Ct we would walk over to the Fort Griswold site above where the site actually stood and they had Canon Bunkers there.. looked very similar to this.. There must have been more then 10 of them there.. they were left there behind an odd fellows home.. a good 100+ acres of history left undisturbed... pretty sad.. would love to go back there today and metal detect!

definitely me this one.. anyone else?
When I lived in Groton Ct we would walk over to the Fort Griswold site above where the site actually stood and they had Canon Bunkers there.. looked very similar to this.. There must have been more then 10 of them there.. they were left there behind an odd fellows home.. a good 100+ acres of history left undisturbed... pretty sad.. would love to go back there today and metal detect!

This one is a fall out shelter. There is so much history on my land. It's been in my family since the 1800's.

About 10 miles from my land is where a battle took place.
dont it fucking suck going bald????? i feel ur pain.. thats why i wear hats... i blame my bitch ass father who was bald has hell by 24... i fucking hate that mother fucker.. thanks pops.. everything bad i am is his fault.

Haha yep it does but oh well fuck it, I rock it :D
Haha yep it does but oh well fuck it, I rock it :D

man i miss my hair.. i mean ts stil here but thinning... i used to shave the sides and keep it long on top.. slick that shit back with waaay too much gell. lolol my shit was like rock solid from all the gell.. bitches allways used to compliment me on my long lush shiney ass dark hair as they play with it... maaaaan...
I doubt it lol, we just have good taste in T shirts.

OH ok just making sure ;)

man i miss my hair.. i mean ts stil here but thinning... i used to shave the sides and keep it long on top.. slick that shit back with waaay too much gell. lolol my shit was like rock solid from all the gell.. bitches allways used to compliment me on my long lush shiney ass dark hair as they play with it... maaaaan...

Oh so you were that greasy mexican that we use to pick on at recess ;)
dont it fucking suck going bald????? i feel ur pain.. thats why i wear hats... i blame my bitch ass father who was bald has hell by 24... i fucking hate that mother fucker.. thanks pops.. everything bad i am is his fault.

I'm 52. I've been going bald forever, yet I'm still not there. I have thin (and thinning) shoulder length hair which I often wear in a thin ponytail at work. Maybe I'll do more caps, but I don't really care yet. Maybe if it gets to where it is comb-over thin (which I would never do). I think I last had a hair cut in 2004 or 2005. I think I pull it off best under a wide brim hat, but that's not an indoor hat nor a hat for nicer weather.
I've got a mass of hair. It takes over 2 hours to dry and it's not even that long. My Gran had a full head of hair at 91 so it is genetic.

I once heard that ur hair follicles are most weak when ur hungry which is why breakfast is so important. I've always ate my breakfast !! Just my 2 centimos ! :)