Thanks for all the advice. I am honestly skeptical about my diagnosis. I will definitely look into all this useful advice though.
WOW very generalised symptoms to get a definite diagnosis!
Would you like to share any other symptoms or is it just the ones you have read on the poor abstracts that some doctors have written. The abstracts are theories btw, nothing more. No study, just one doctor looking through records and making assumptions. Someone told me I shouldnt makes and arse out of you and me.
Here is another thread on this forums about cannabis hyperemesis. I have done ALOT of research on it and I have found NO evidence that the condition exists. Search the term and you will see I have posted on the 10 threads on the internet that this discussion has cropped up. Funnily enough all started with stories as vague as yours. I mean "plagued by GI problems" to me indicates you would have alot more wrong with you than "
generally being sick in the morning such as throwing up and abdominal pain"
I am again appalled that people are repeating this BS cannabis hyperemesis. You are stating hardly any symptoms, I mean read the post again people, how generalised is it. A doctor comes in and tells you its marijuana! Give me a break. Please name your GI who has done this........they are getting their information from the internet.....not a thing I would like my own doctor doing tbh.
Anyway, I have spoken enough on the other thread and the others ones on the internet to go through it all again. Funny, all of you original posters of these threads should get together for a chat. You hang around long enough to tell your vague story and then disappear never to be seen again. There is about 8-10 of you in the whole of the internet who post that exact same story.....very generalised symptoms of a proposed illness. Why so generalised? You have had every test, what tests? Who paid for it? Why did it take your doctor 2 years to come up with this diagnosis? Like I said, I have found about 8-10 other people like you, why dont you post on them threads instead of repeating a copy and paste text to get attention? Sorry everyone else reading this but its getting really annoying.....if these people have cannabis hyperemesis, why dont they post more details? aaarrrghhhghghg lol
If you have been given the diagnosis, before starting a thread you MUST have searched in google and found other people who have posted the same generalisation that you have of a theorised illness. Why have you not posted on those threads aswell? Why have you not tried to contact other people who have posted their own story? For example if I had crohns disease I personally wouldnt start a thread on here saying "anyone else have crohns disease"......I would head to another forum of people already posting about crohns...I figure that would be a better place to share information. Unless ofcourse I had a hidden motive
Rant over