Do not smoke marijuana in excess, It can cause cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome


Well-Known Member
I have been plagued by gi problems for the past couple years. I went to the er at least 5 times. The doctors ran every test in the book, and couldn't find anything wrong with me. It turns out i went to the er yesterday with the same problem. They ran every test, and couldn't find anything. The doctor then came in and asked me if i smoked marijuana. I told the doctor i smoke marijuana frequently. The doctor told me that in the states where marijuana is legalized for medical use, more people are getting diagnosed with cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, which is what i was diagnosed with. The symptoms are generally being sick in the morning such as throwing up and abdominal pain. The symptoms usually come in cycles. The theory is that chronic, heavy smokers build up a toxic level of cannabinoids. Has anyone heard of this?
The doctor also told me that cannabis is very beneficial, but people who have this should not smoke marijuana.
hmmm .. I have smoked Hash for +25 years 20 of them on daily base and most of the time up to 3 grams a day (on a bong) and never had any problems of that kind, but I have also seen people who smoked very little got all sorts of problems, most common is physiological, my believe is that if you got a "itch" smokeing can make it worse or provoke it, so to speak ..

dunno if that is the same with your problem tho, but if something do certain things to people one would think it was the same for everybody

only thing I notice over the years is that if I smoke right before I go to sleep, its harder to get up in the morning (snooze a lot more) and my memory is`t the best (that could also be ages related tho)

Write down everything you eat and, the next time you go to ER, you will have a trigger...
And it anit MJ...
Before you give up MJ.... Give up:
Everything Fried
Carbonation in any drink, Monster/Beer/Coke's
Drink 10-16 oz of water Before every meal...
I 100% guarantee you will live better, sleep better, and stop going to the ER....
Am I a doctor ?
No... but I stayed at a Holiday Inn last week...
In order for the GI tract to be in balance it requires both anaerobic bacteria and aerobic bacteria in ~ 8:1. I take PetFlora as I am a partner in the company. You can also take Kefir made from grass fed cattle or goat milk. I alternate every 2-4 weeks
Anyone with a script for 'antibiotics' remember, AB kills all the good and bad, your GI track will suffer every time you take them... The good bacteria, and the bad bacteria infection, will die... then you must replace and re-grow the good bacteria....
Hope you feel better...
Thanks for all the advice. I am honestly skeptical about my diagnosis. I will definitely look into all this useful advice though.
Thanks for all the advice. I am honestly skeptical about my diagnosis. I will definitely look into all this useful advice though.

WOW very generalised symptoms to get a definite diagnosis!

Would you like to share any other symptoms or is it just the ones you have read on the poor abstracts that some doctors have written. The abstracts are theories btw, nothing more. No study, just one doctor looking through records and making assumptions. Someone told me I shouldnt makes and arse out of you and me.

Here is another thread on this forums about cannabis hyperemesis. I have done ALOT of research on it and I have found NO evidence that the condition exists. Search the term and you will see I have posted on the 10 threads on the internet that this discussion has cropped up. Funnily enough all started with stories as vague as yours. I mean "plagued by GI problems" to me indicates you would have alot more wrong with you than "generally being sick in the morning such as throwing up and abdominal pain"

I am again appalled that people are repeating this BS cannabis hyperemesis. You are stating hardly any symptoms, I mean read the post again people, how generalised is it. A doctor comes in and tells you its marijuana! Give me a break. Please name your GI who has done this........they are getting their information from the internet.....not a thing I would like my own doctor doing tbh.

Anyway, I have spoken enough on the other thread and the others ones on the internet to go through it all again. Funny, all of you original posters of these threads should get together for a chat. You hang around long enough to tell your vague story and then disappear never to be seen again. There is about 8-10 of you in the whole of the internet who post that exact same story.....very generalised symptoms of a proposed illness. Why so generalised? You have had every test, what tests? Who paid for it? Why did it take your doctor 2 years to come up with this diagnosis? Like I said, I have found about 8-10 other people like you, why dont you post on them threads instead of repeating a copy and paste text to get attention? Sorry everyone else reading this but its getting really annoying.....if these people have cannabis hyperemesis, why dont they post more details? aaarrrghhhghghg lol

If you have been given the diagnosis, before starting a thread you MUST have searched in google and found other people who have posted the same generalisation that you have of a theorised illness. Why have you not posted on those threads aswell? Why have you not tried to contact other people who have posted their own story? For example if I had crohns disease I personally wouldnt start a thread on here saying "anyone else have crohns disease"......I would head to another forum of people already posting about crohns...I figure that would be a better place to share information. Unless ofcourse I had a hidden motive ;)

Rant over :)
OK, I have calmed down lol

I have just stalked ya and looked through your past posts.....benefit of the doubt given due to the pictures of your plants. Sounds like youve gone through abit though and no mention of your stomach problems. Hey ho, you dont have to tell everyone your life.

So, your doctor diagnosed you then? You live in the US? What are your symptoms like in comparison to Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome? Our own CVS doctors have even made a statement due to the confusion being made in hospitals at the moment. You see a few abstracts have stated cyclic vomiting as a symptom of cannabis hyperemesis meaning that patients who actually suffer with the actual illness Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome (such as myself) which is certainly not caused by cannabis use, are being poorly treated and dismissed without treatment. Its appalling and that is my reason for being here, to find people with CHS and see what the difference in symptoms are. Sorry for outburst but I really want people to be more specific because it is the vagueness of everything that is causing the problems!

cheers :)
I've been sick. Literally. The other forums didn't answer my questions. Every morning i wake up i get the puking feeling then within 20 minutes, i occupy the bathroom all day. I try drinking water, but it just gets worse. I'm just looking for advice man. I agree with you about the internet part of it. The doctor that diagnosed me only saw one case of this. she did say she went to a conference on it though. It is definitely possible i don't have this. I'm hoping i don't. I just realized, the bud i buy crackles when i buy it. After a couple days it doesn't crackle. Is there a chemical that can be sprayed on weed that mimics the symptoms of this?
I had an endoscopy, x-rays, ct scan, and even an ultrasound. You are right. I am going to start posting on other forums about this. Thanks for the advice though. Try to be nicer next time.
get your GI tract back in balance before blaming cannabis...
try drinking pro-biotic kefir products (like "Evolve"), which will
help immensely. also, stay away from synthetic sugars of all kinds,
especially aspartame which breaks down in your gut into toxic byproducts.
if you're a low cal tonic drinker, try cutting back as much as you can.

finally, a good colon cleanse might help, as it rids your gut of years of accumulated

good luck
funny im kind of the opposite...

Ill wake up with a upset stomach some mornings... after I reach for a bag or 2 of stomach feels much better

I am the same way... been sick in the am..had a good 7 months of wake up and within mins getting sick and dry heaving... just outta the blue ( I never eat breakfast more then an edible or so) but about 1 year ago.. I went from about 290lb down to 200lb in less then about 7 months.. dr's did not say a damn thing about it.. (was on narco's at the time.. felt as if this was the main reason..) gave them up about 6+ mo's ago
now at about 240-250lbs

I still wake up with pain in my sternum which stops slowly once I sit in the tub for about 30+ mins then I get up and feel better

I would bet on a goog day I use about 5-7g's worth (usually in edibles) bad days I am sure are over 10-12gs easy.
My doctor is an asshole. I've been smoking at least 5 days now and i have no bad symptoms. Weed helps me hands down without a doubt. They really had me thinking marijuana caused my problems. After reading all these posts i researched it heavily. I conclude the doctors are dumbasses because Ibs runs in my family for one. They never tried treating it , so what does that tell you? I also noticed i might be lactose intolerant. I mentioned all of this in my first couple er visits. The doctors of today really do kind of suck. So now i backtracked to those problems. I cut out all dairy, and i feel better. It's sad i can't rely on medical professionals for help.