how marijuana should be legalised: taxing of grow related electricity


Well-Known Member
screw plant counts etc. not that I live in a legal state, and not that this would really mean it would be *easier* on the grower for it to be this way, but this is how it should be done:

A state has provisions for SOME type of legalized marijuana production. now, how the gov (state, or local, etc, would take a lot of discussion to really decide) SHOULD go about making their cut, and making sure everyone is going about their business SAFELY, is create x amount of licensed "grow room electricians (as many are necessary, this could mean as many as 10 to 20 k new jobs). This electricians install a new meter in or around the grow space, limited to a set amperage (which hell, could be as many as 100 amps). this electricity is HIGHLY taxed. instead of .11 cents a kwh, i'm talking like, 2 bucks a kwh (or more, depending on how things go you know). this money can be divied between whichever govt agency is in charge of regulating this, and the electricity suppliers, and ideally directly reinvested into renewable energy sources.

With this kind of power restriction, and the new costs associated with it, you will have a wide variance in production numbers, obviously with the noobs not making any money, and the pros getting by alright. that being said, no one who is following the law should die in an electrical fire due to grow op mistakes, and everyone is on an even playing field power wise, which is the real limiting factor in yeild once you've achieved G status and dialed your strains in. This will also force growers to explore new routes in efficiency, as all of their cooling systems, water pumps, lights, etc will be limited, and whoever can push the envelope the most, will be the most successful. with the advent of LED tech (yeah yeah I know, hps or bust, but by the the time this legislature got passed LEDs may even be a thing of the past), people could really come up with some interesting solutions.

I guess thats all I got for now. I've thought this up at least 40 sep times, whilts toking on some of my own herb, and I really think this is the fair way to do it: thoughts? bongsmilie
This sounds like a recipe to kill indoor grows. Five bucks a kWh?? Don't you see something very wrong with not only consenting to but actually proposing such an egregious act of submission to the Center? History is full of tales of Governments that (when the clutch came) wouldn't honor a good honest bribe. Oh, but they kept the money. cn
This sounds like a recipe to kill indoor grows. Five bucks a kWh?? Don't you see something very wrong with not only consenting to but actually proposing such an egregious act of submission to the Center? History is full of tales of Governments that (when the clutch came) wouldn't honor a good honest bribe. Oh, but they kept the money. cn

obviously it would take a large group of people to decide on THE number, and a large amount of research data. which I dont have. the 5 dollar a KWH number is one I literally threw out there, as an example. dont take any figures stated above as set in stone, this a GENERAL sketch of an idea. in the toke n talk section, not the black briefcase. that should tell you something

and yes. this will KILL a lot of indoor grows, regardless of the number. but if this is really going to be about doing the stuff we love, and helping people, the ones who are really IN it, will find a way.
I think everyone should grow it in their back yards/ patios next to their tomatoes.

very true, and for personal use, I think that goes without saying. for production for retail or even wholesale intended for medical use, I think indoor is necessary.
This sounds like a recipe to kill indoor grows. Five bucks a kWh?? Don't you see something very wrong with not only consenting to but actually proposing such an egregious act of submission to the Center? History is full of tales of Governments that (when the clutch came) wouldn't honor a good honest bribe. Oh, but they kept the money. cn

You'll also need to buy an electricity stamp. :eyesmoke:
You'll also need to buy an electricity stamp. :eyesmoke:

aye, we aint talking about no stamps, and I'm just as much an outlaw as anyone here on the forum. however, if it went Legal this is my idea of the most fair way to do it. I'm not saying if you grow weed indoors you should be taxed to oblivion, but there HAS to be a good way for the gov't to make money off the situation if they are going to allow us to do it. If there's no incentive for the governing body to decriminalize and authorize, they'll take that tax out of us with blood, jailtime, and shattered families, as they do everyday right now. properly set up, it would allow the grower to make money safely.
aye, we aint talking about no stamps, and I'm just as much an outlaw as anyone here on the forum. however, if it went Legal this is my idea of the most fair way to do it. I'm not saying if you grow weed indoors you should be taxed to oblivion, but there HAS to be a good way for the gov't to make money off the situation if they are going to allow us to do it. If there's no incentive for the governing body to decriminalize and authorize, they'll take that tax out of us with blood, jailtime, and shattered families, as they do everyday right now. properly set up, it would allow the grower to make money safely.

The main point everybody's trying to make is that history has shown us that the government never keeps their side of the bargain. If only it were a perfect world...
I'd rather they try and fail to let me legally grow, then break down my door, shoot my dog and take all my worldly possessions.
If it was a perfect world I think the easiest and most efficient thing to do is make people get something akin to a liquor license. In doing so they would create more jobs in establishing this new department.
How bout it is only legal to grow and possess your own and no taxes needed. No need to change any system and spend any money.

what about people who legitimatly use it for medical uses, and cannot grow their own? Asking a stage 4 cancer patient to spend 3 hours a day in a garden lifting pots and water and mixing god knows what nutes is a cruel way to with hold pain management meds.
I'd rather they try and fail to let me legally grow, then break down my door, shoot my dog and take all my worldly possessions.

There can never be a guarantee that they won't. I suggest you never relinquish that image of doors, dogs and guns, because that is government with the clothes removed. No matter how benign and flowery its rhetoric. Jmo. cn
There can never be a guarantee that they won't. I suggest you never relinquish that image of doors, dogs and guns, because that is government with the clothes removed. No matter how benign and flowery its rhetoric. Jmo. cn

I know I know. but for those of you who are legal, how does it feel not to be persucuted by your local law enforce? pretty damn good I'd suppose. I dont ask for them to guaranteeing that they wont do that, but it would be nice, very nice, if it wasnt currently guaranteed that they WILL
I know I know. but for those of you who are legal, how does it feel not to be persucuted by your local law enforce? pretty damn good I'd suppose. I dont ask for them to guaranteeing that they wont do that, but it would be nice, very nice, if it wasnt currently guaranteed that they WILL

tha law might not fuck with you today,but what about tomorrow?