Unattended plants growing in the wild.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to share some pictures of plants growing outdoors that are not attended to. No ferts - no watering other than mother nature's rain, just growing like a weed - like they should! How dare the goverenment tell mother nature what she can & can't do - they will eventually pay dearly for their actions!



Well-Known Member
I'm not sure. I posted a thread in plant problems to see if there is an answer out there. These plant have no pesticides & nothing to keep animals away. I don't believe in that stuff.


Well-Known Member
The others seem to be fine, that's a much better site than my guerilla grow. How'd you get the soil there? Did you just carry around a big bag?


Active Member
im doin the same thing growing with no nutes and im not watering either nad its local dirt.....i hope it turns out ok


Well-Known Member
The site is actually right behind a big shopping center - great place to be sneaky! I used a combination of the soil already there & yes I did sneak back there with a bag of MG as well - don't ask me how I got away with it - I was just sly because there were actually people in the area when I did this. Some of the plants came from seeds that were just thrown in dirt. Nature will find a way!


New Member
your going t o have to go back there again unless you want heavily seeded weed.
If you don t go back there to get out all the males then you are growing exactly that, just weeds


Well-Known Member
Why is the last one missing leaves?
when a plant experiences "some" stress it signals hormones with in the plant the increase its resistence and strength. Which results in a healthier, more vigerous plant. stronger plant.

Then theres the whole natural selection thing going on out in the wild. I say lets mother nature do her sweet funky.

outside grower


Well-Known Member
your going t o have to go back there again unless you want heavily seeded weed.
If you don t go back there to get out all the males then you are growing exactly that, just weeds

take a heavily seeded female, plant some, remove any males and grow seedless bud?


Well-Known Member
I'm aware of that happening. My indoors operations are what I focus on for product - those plants are just to watch nature work & maybe just maybe nature will reward my good deeds. My hope is that there are some males & females so they can reproduce & perhaps start future generations!


New Member
take a heavily seeded female, plant some, remove any males and grow seedless bud?
yeah but like I said before, you would have to visit the site again In order to remove the males if you want the bud resulting from the grow to be sensimilla

Pollen can travel very far & linger in an area for quite some time to my knowledge.
pollen can travel for miles supposedly, seeding a couple plants would be fine, but If I were growing around you and my plants got seeded because you wanted to let a bagseed patch go wild, I would be pissed as hell.

What kind of insect could eat an entire leaf right off the stem clean like that???
just about any hungry bug in the world....It happens.


Active Member
does anyone know what to do if the stalks of my plants are not straight? They are growing outside in a flower pot, and I want to get them strait before I transplant them into my garden


Well-Known Member
here is mine shes out side im just letting her grow. i found her sprouted up in my yard and moved her to a better spot. shes been growin ever since.