Cherry Pie and Ken's GDP x Coco & LED


Well-Known Member
Well, shit. I might have to grow some Girl Scout Cookies. It's some of the prettiest bud I've seen and GDP, OG, and Durban make for some gorgeous crosses.

I'm sure you're gonna be really happy with that light. I always wondered why these lights were so damn expensive, but I guess I'll soon find out!
Do it! GSC is one of the prettiest, heaviest hitters in the area right now. But I hear the yield isnt anything to brag about. But you don't grow it for yield, you grow it for its quality.

Yeah, this will be my second full run with this light. Last time I had strawberry cough and atomic northern lights under it and was extremely happy with the quality and density it produced. superb light if low wattage is important. almost on the verge of adding in another to the tent.


Well-Known Member
PM me if you want a similar array of questions I asked CLW from A51 FranJan, and then some- super stoked.

Talking the superbowl? What a fucking joke... then let's have Beyonce keep singing for 20 minutes straight... what happened to a song. She be getting a phat azzzz.

Yea....with a ph...

EDIT:This is to that vvvvvv

have no idea how I got up here...


Well-Known Member
Puff sorry for the loss. If it's any consolation that was probably the 2nd worst officiated game since back in the Roman era when the great gladiator Highus Asfukus had an arrow stabbed in both eyes by Caligula for killing too many of his tigers during the 5th Circus for Aphrodite. Ouch!

Questions sir; how heavy is the Apache compared to other panels you've owned? Is it heavier than the XML? And does the body of the case get warm or even hot? And any info on Area51? I see that they've posted some info on their website about having a shipping center in Chicago by March. I'm glad things are working out for E wherever/whoever he is, but A51's holding up my 2013 plans :). Maybe I'll start some horrible rumors about their products and smoke some info out that way ;). Like I'll post something like this on ICM, "I hear they're going with a 510nm and white panel using custom 65,000K Artic White LEDs and it's completely plastic, except the heatsinks which are slabs of artificial diamonds. Plus they cost 10% more than the most expensive Blackdog does at any time on the planet and that they've have hired PF + Depak Chopra's shitzu to design their Merkaba panel line." ROFL.

PS Black Widow is some goood smoke Puff :eyesmoke:!
PPS And remember if Ravens fans from Baltimore bother you, just say "Jeffery Maier". Get's em every time ;).

Edit; Hey Scotch sorry for messing up the sequence there. Connection troubles.


Well-Known Member
PM me if you want a similar array of questions I asked CLW from A51 FranJan, and then some- super stoked.

Talking the superbowl? What a fucking joke... then let's have Beyonce keep singing for 20 minutes straight... what happened to a song. She be getting a phat azzzz.

Yea....with a ph...

EDIT:This is to that vvvvvv

have no idea how I got up here...
Sup, Scotch! It's the twilight zone up in here. The only superbowl I really care to talk about is next year's...

Puff sorry for the loss. If it's any consolation that was probably the 2nd worst officiated game since back in the Roman era when the great gladiator Highus Asfukus had an arrow stabbed in both eyes by Caligula for killing too many of his tigers during the 5th Circus for Aphrodite. Ouch!

Questions sir; how heavy is the Apache compared to other panels you've owned? Is it heavier than the XML? And does the body of the case get warm or even hot? And any info on Area51? I see that they've posted some info on their website about having a shipping center in Chicago by March. I'm glad things are working out for E wherever/whoever he is, but A51's holding up my 2013 plans :). Maybe I'll start some horrible rumors about their products and smoke some info out that way ;). Like I'll post something like this on ICM, "I hear they're going with a 510nm and white panel using custom 65,000K Artic White LEDs and it's completely plastic, except the heatsinks which are slabs of artificial diamonds. Plus they cost 10% more than the most expensive Blackdog does at any time on the planet and that they've have hired PF + Depak Chopra's shitzu to design their Merkaba panel line." ROFL.

PS Black Widow is some goood smoke Puff :eyesmoke:!
PPS And remember if Ravens fans from Baltimore bother you, just say "Jeffery Maier". Get's em every time ;).

Edit; Hey Scotch sorry for messing up the sequence there. Connection troubles.
Thanks, but I'm not beat up over it. Would have been nice to have #6 but it was a great game that came down to the wire. Questionable non-calls, questionable play-calls, and many mistakes and missed opportunities for us and we still almost pulled it off. Things are looking bright for the future so overall have a positive outlook on the game.

The apache is the heaviest panel I've owned. much heavier than the xml, bigger heatsink and more durable casing. overall a better design for sure. you can tell it's meant to last. the body of the case doesn't get warm. If you touch it, it feels room temp. If you hold you hand on it, maybe just maybe you will feel it warm up a bit. I heard last week that Fero will be getting them around march and start shipping. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

dude, you always kill me with the imagery. how do you come up with this shit? keep it coming, great stuff.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, but I'm not beat up over it. Would have been nice to have #6 but it was a great game that came down to the wire. Questionable non-calls, questionable play-calls, and many mistakes and missed opportunities for us and we still almost pulled it off. Things are looking bright for the future so overall have a positive outlook on the game.

The apache is the heaviest panel I've owned. much heavier than the xml, bigger heatsink and more durable casing. overall a better design for sure. you can tell it's meant to last. the body of the case doesn't get warm. If you touch it, it feels room temp. If you hold you hand on it, maybe just maybe you will feel it warm up a bit. I heard last week that Fero will be getting them around march and start shipping. I'm looking forward to checking it out.

dude, you always kill me with the imagery. how do you come up with this shit? keep it coming, great stuff.
Thanks Puff, yeah the Niners have a pretty great future ahead for them. Great, crazy-ass game I'm probably gonna watch again next rainy day.

I'm thinking of cleaning up the 5x60 and putting it on the market but my tent is going to collapse if I get something too heavy to replace it. Between my A300 and my massive air filter, Apache will probably get cancelled out this year just because of weight. I assumed the Apache was built like a brick shit-house and figured the cooling was extreme, which I love, but I'm pretty sure I passed the weight limit on my tent 10 pounds ago.

Overall this is probably good news for all the elderly retirees I've been mugging on the day they get their SS checks just in order to afford an Apache.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I think it weighs about 15 pounds. Im itching for another but id have to retire or sell the xml for the same reason. Pics coming tonight, everything is looking great!


Well-Known Member


Is a smooth second attempt TOO much to ask? This droopy bastard looked good for a couple days then last night was acting like this. I trimmed some tips, foliar fed it and increased humidity and it perked up before the night. Looked ok this morning. Fed all the girls and come home to this. Would say overwatering but it was doing the same thing last night. Could be, don't remember last time before tonight I fed them was. Could have been too much over last few days for this one. All the rest seem to be fine though. Check them out.

Group shots from different sides of the tent. I'm going to have to start training down the three big Cherry Pie so I can at least attempt to have somewhat of an even canopy when they get into bloom.

Cherry Pie. No complaints or issues. Even the new one is loving life. Like I said, some LST and/or supercropping are in their futures.
Big Three / All Four / Big vs Little / Cherry Pie 1-3 Top-down View of Big Three

KGDP 1-3. These little beauties are behaving much better than little Ms. Droopy I told you about earlier. Keeping my fingers crossed the bad attitude isn't contagious. Would hate to lose more. But on a good note, pics don't really show it, but they old surviving KGDP are finally showing some green on the new leaves. Growth is still small on them though.

Any tips/advice is appreciated. Again, my first time with these strains and any info would help. That's all for now folks, another update in a few days. Good night and good luck.


Well-Known Member
Haven't grown any of these strains so..............take with a grain of salt friend

Droppy bitch is fine IMO she's just taking a longer time adjusting(are you watering before lights out?), pretty hard to overwater cocco under HID but under leds I think it's possible so also watch that...

What's the deal with the yellow bitch? no improvement with higher N doses? dryout between water-feeding, tried that ??

They all look fine to me and it should be a great showing safe and happy growing puff


Well-Known Member
Haven't grown any of these strains so..............take with a grain of salt friend

Droppy bitch is fine IMO she's just taking a longer time adjusting(are you watering before lights out?), pretty hard to overwater cocco under HID but under leds I think it's possible so also watch that...

What's the deal with the yellow bitch? no improvement with higher N doses? dryout between water-feeding, tried that ??

They all look fine to me and it should be a great showing safe and happy growing puff
Thanks for the advice and kind words. Hope it's a good show, I'm a bit embarrassed to be honest. Have never had such bad luck with a strain. So I don't know if it will help, but I'm raising the humidity in the tent some, it was around 35-45% which is a little low for veg anyway. upping to ~60% and hope it helps the droopy one. seemed to be low humidity both times she was droopy. also not going to water again until she absolutely needs it. I did give her quite a few small drinks over the last few days directly over the rockwool and roots, including last night after she perked up some (mistake...damn i'm rusty...) and again this AM. Might have been too much. Nutrients are fine. the others are ok so that's not it. The Yellow one never really greened up like the second one did. Yeah it hasn't gotten worse but not much better for the one. Maybe didn't try drying out enough. I'll let her dry out and give just ph water again. If she doesn't have any green when I flip to bloom I'll probably end up scrapping her. no biggie, will probably need the extra room with how those cherry pies are doing!


Well-Known Member
embarrassed?.....have you seen my grows? my cheese bitch looks like the Christmas tree on the sidewalk down the street from me.
Their is no one right way too grow!!you always keep learning and hopefully getting free smoke.....anyone says otherwise is an deuche-no-it-all..

maybe you should link some of your awesome grows in your profile........stop being a drama Queen:-P


Well-Known Member

Just come on over and visit some of my threads, it'll make you feel like Zeus Lol

Screw it man, we're all here for the same reason- and we're ALL constantly learning, dont be ashamed of the kingdom you have created for yourself, no one is here to judge, all to support.

Keep on keepin' on brother, that's my motto..


movie anyone?

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Looking Awsome Brother.If Those Two Nasty AZZ Biotches Dont Shape Up I Will Come Over And Piss On Them For Ya!!!!Hey Did You Get That TD-Silent 150??


Well-Known Member
These look great, mayne! I get so fkin jealous when I get to look at ya'lls frosty ass nugs. I'm almost certain my first harvest isn't going to be anything to write home about, so keep your head up cuz you grow some dank shit! It could be far worse, buddy. Far worse. Trust me...

I hope I can grow buds like this someday :hump:
View attachment 2516824

Campo Cultivator

Well-Known Member
Haven't grown any of these strains so..............take with a grain of salt friend

Droppy bitch is fine IMO she's just taking a longer time adjusting(are you watering before lights out?), pretty hard to overwater cocco under HID but under leds I think it's possible so also watch that...

What's the deal with the yellow bitch? no improvement with higher N doses? dryout between water-feeding, tried that ??

They all look fine to me and it should be a great showing safe and happy growing puff
I can confirm you can over water using coco when the plants are not established as I found to my cost to many a seedling and young plant :)

King Cobra

Active Member
Anyone can grow weed..its a weed its harder to kill than grow!! If you don't get a least an oz from a plant the your def doing something wrong..!


Well-Known Member
embarrassed?.....have you seen my grows? my cheese bitch looks like the Christmas tree on the sidewalk down the street from me.
Their is no one right way too grow!!you always keep learning and hopefully getting free smoke.....anyone says otherwise is an deuche-no-it-all..

maybe you should link some of your awesome grows in your profile........stop being a drama Queen:-P
Well, i feel a lot better now. Miss Droopy has picked up, but not to the degree of looking as good as the others. You know i've seen your grows, and they were beautiful sir. Don't be so hard on yourself. Absolutely, there is no one right way to grow! this round has been as much a learning experience as it has been getting rid of the rust. take a few months break and you forget almost everything! I should link up some of my grows in my sig because I feel like they are lost now in the RIU abyss, good idea. thanks for the encouragement, always appreciated!


Just come on over and visit some of my threads, it'll make you feel like Zeus Lol

Screw it man, we're all here for the same reason- and we're ALL constantly learning, dont be ashamed of the kingdom you have created for yourself, no one is here to judge, all to support.

Keep on keepin' on brother, that's my motto..


movie anyone?
Thanks, brother Scotch. I've been to your threads and you are understating your abilities. I'm not as ashamed of the issues some of the clones have experienced any more. I've saved a handful of them and that's something to say in/of itself. Appreciate the support my friend. Thanks for cheering me up. Keep on keepin' on is a great motto, what movie is that from again?

Looking Awsome Brother.If Those Two Nasty AZZ Biotches Dont Shape Up I Will Come Over And Piss On Them For Ya!!!!Hey Did You Get That TD-Silent 150??
Thanks, dawg. The two nasties are finally starting to shape up. Got some fresh green leaves up top now. Still debating if I'll keep them around or just make room for the other girls in the tent. Haven't dropped the coin on the TD-Silent yet...not sure what I've been waiting for...I keep thinking about it a couple times a week but have other shit that takes priority over it. Definitely on my list and will be the fan I go with.

Yes Very Nice...:weed:
Thank you and welcome to the show.

These look great, mayne! I get so fkin jealous when I get to look at ya'lls frosty ass nugs. I'm almost certain my first harvest isn't going to be anything to write home about, so keep your head up cuz you grow some dank shit! It could be far worse, buddy. Far worse. Trust me...

I hope I can grow buds like this someday :hump:
View attachment 2516824
AH, memories! Which thread of mine did you dig that one up from?Thanks for the kind words. I can't wait to get some frosty ass nugs on these girls. I'm sure your first harvest will be awesome, g, from the looks of it you've been a pro for years. appreciate the encouragement. you're right, could be far worse! Sorry about your asshole roommate did in your grow room, what a dick, he didn't even say anything!

I can confirm you can over water using coco when the plants are not established as I found to my cost to many a seedling and young plant :)
I agree, you have to be careful not to water too much after transplanting until the root zone expands and they get a good foundation going. then it gets tougher to overwater. i think it was a combination of overwater and maybe off-ph, but increasing the humidity also seemed to help.

Anyone can grow weed..its a weed its harder to kill than grow!! If you don't get a least an oz from a plant the your def doing something wrong..!
I always try to shoot for at least an oz, but sometimes when you do a sea of green method you get less than, and nothing was done wrong. so it depends on the size of the plant.


Well-Known Member
Quick Update: Started doing some training on the 2 biggest Cherry Pie. They were getting a little stretchy compared to the KGDP. Let's see what happens.
