more mindless babble.
the story does not cite "news of the world" it MENTIONS "news of the world" and that rag's involvement in the sting, you pathetic dolt. it is from THE GUARDIAN.
i do not "consume information" i read and listen. YOU obviously "consume" every lie, half truth and fabrication that supports your ridiculous notions and your retarded worldview, but thats your problem not mine.
you may "consume" all the dogshit you wish. it's still just dogshit.
Yeah just like you're always on about muslims... But I love rattling your cage about the jews... You get so uppity even though with all your talk you won't go and fight for Israel or your own country...
yes you did, dont you remember?Did i mention CIA along with the FBI?
pssst... look right here:Where did I support nano-thermite theories?
and NO It Does Not.*Nano-Thermite. It exists.
why dont you count, and tell me?More lies like all your bullshit assertions. How many times today have different posters call you out for lying or misrepresenting statements that have been made? Skewing your bullshit to suit your rhetoric.
And Americans are great people. Especially the ones I know. You however, give the US a filthy image you lazy ignorant piece of shit.
Sitting around waiting to inherant a farm is not what hard working decent Americans do. Wanting the rest of the country to pay your way for obamacare is not what decent Americans do. Short changing the American people by sending money to a country that provides the US with NOTHING is not what American needs. People like you are the reason your country is in decline...
is kynes gonna inherit a farm?
if that's the case, i humbly submit my resume as a farmhand. i'm good with chickens and ducks, have no problem dealing with animal shit, can handle most repairs on structures and machinery, and am a natural greenthumb.
i require some winter hibernation period, however.
just let me know.
gubmint took my family farm with the death tax back in the 80's bro. im still butthurt over it.
Much like the dogshit you got left with while waiting for that silver spoon?
you must be one of the 6 or 7 people that has actually happened to, even though you'd swear it happens thousands of times a day when you listen to these estate tax haters, a tax championed by your hero teddy.
so now you are only a ZOG conspirator nutcase in an ironic sense. how cute.
who even knows what your definitions of words mean - you need way more schooling
yes you did, dont you remember?
Yeah I did state either / or... Back to defintions and the very clear need for more schooling
pssst... look right here:
and NO It Does Not.
the patents exist look them up yourself - I did not state they were used to bring down buildings
why dont you count, and tell me?
CBF so a guess would be at least 4-5
your uninformed opinions on the virtues of obamacare are irrelevant. i have discussed this issue at length with people who have fully functional brains, and there is still no agreement on any side as to what it may or may not be, but everyone agrees that right now, its just driving up rates, and driving down employment. i realize complex ideas like Future Promises, and Present Realities are too confusing for you, so ill let this one sit for a while. those who it will actually effect will have to decide who is right, and youre still irrelevant.
Keep whinging about the price but it's probably the closest you'll get to real universal healthcare
sending money to israel is YOUR buggaboo, but it's not YOUR money, you just hate the cats we send it to. too bad. cry your little eyes out, it doesnt matter. your opinion is irrelevant.
If you're claiming you've been fucked by your own "gubmint", do you not think the money could be better spent on Americans? You've got current & proposed cut backs across the board - and that's from your "gubmints" own webpage, but you don't see how a decrease in foreign aid could benefit many at home - go figure...
preparing oneself for a life in agriculture with the confirmed expectation that your grandfather's farm will pass to you, is not sitting around waiting for an inheritance you silly twat. i worked that farm whenever i wasnt in school. i was expected to run that farm for the family, not for myself, and only a shabby, selfish, self-absorbed, mindless twit like yourself would consider a family losing the family farm to the death tax is a cause for celebration. but then, youre still irrelevant.
Estate tax aye... So the gubmint tekk err jerrb? I got a feeling there's another side to that story you're not letting on about...
no witty rejoinder to support your claim that the cited Guardian story "quotes" the rag "news of the world" ?
nah, i didnt think so.
im sure it's there someplace, you just cant post it, cuz it's like secret and shit.
like the microwave anti-missile guns, and the troof about nano-thermate.
gotta keep that OPSEC up. i know how you "special forces" guys love your acronyms.
members of the foreign service know quite well that they will be targets of assasinations, kidnappings, terrorism etc etc etc... thats why they get the big bucks.
members of the military are well aware of the possibility of getting shot. even on an army base in texas.
your point is as elusive as your grammar.
if somebody plots to attack the us government through embassies, US military installations, US warships, or other places where dudes in military uniforms with guns can shoot back, thats not what i would call terrorism. thats war.
if somebody plots to send a retarded kid to the smithsonian museum with a nail bomb in his backpack, thast terrorism, and if his plot gets busted that guy deserves to get got.
IF that guy is running his plot in baltimore maryland he will get busted by the FBI, go to a regular federal jail, get regular federal prison food and receive a regular federal trial. BHO has already determined that.
IF that guy is running his plot in london or paris or berlin, or any place where the civil authorites can nab him, awesome. they can catch him and we can extradite him to guantanamo for some watersports.
IF that guy is in east bumfuckistan surrounded by a personal army of hajis, and hidden in a network of caves, well... thats when a 2 ton FAE bomb becomes "optimal" for his retirement from terrorist service.
IF you want to be a terrorist plotter, come to america, run your plot HERE and when you get caught youll get handcuffed for trial rather than blown up by a missile. seems simple enough...
no, i dont trust barry seotoro to make the judgements "on the fly", theres a whole bunch of people who are QUALIFIED to make the judgement between barry and the flipper buttons. those cats have a pretty good track record of choosing targets, with surprisingly few serious fuckups.
the al awalaki and son missiles were not special circumstances, they were very ordinary targets. they just happened to have US passports.
theres a bitch in peru who also had a US passport, but when she joined the shining path and helped them case the peruvian congress for a military assault, she still wound up serving 15 years in the slammer. even with her magic cloak of protection from us citizenship.
a us passport is not a get out of jail free card.
personally i would have not cared a bit if the al awalaki boys were captured by the yemeni secret police and spent the remainder of their days hooked up genitals first, to a car battery. taking a missile seems to have been the easy way out.
So I guees you shoulda checked that you don't trust Obama, like I said there is an option for everyone in my poll.
What do you say we take all that "what if" you just puffed up and make it about an hour and a half. Throw in Tom Hanks with some da vinci code bull shit and Ray Lewis since we are in baltimore. We can call it Da Vinci's Jihad. I smell a blockbuster!!!!!!!!!!
Unless they have a new weapon for this, (certainly possible) a drone kill is a hell fire missile strike.
It is 100 libs and delivers 20lbs of high explosive, thermometric, or fragmentation destruction.
Or the Reaper can carry weight. MK82, laser guided iron bombs. 200 m kill zone, (LD 50)
Let's chase down poor Johnny Ringo, to his house. Woops, wrong house. Oh well.. Good kill, IAC.
I thought we didn't want the war on our soil. What happened to posse comatadus? A trial by peers?
I've been calling him Sky Killer and I can't believe the left will fall for this. Execute AMERICANS in America without trial?
With a 200 m kill zone? In America?
Wait, with any due respect, are seriously saying you support this?
In the USA? Abroad, I am in favor. Not here.
obama hasnt droned any americans in america, youre arguing a highly unlikely supposition