need your opinion on my plant


Active Member
Great tips guys. I will not water for 5 days, as suggested by sacpirate. I will put a few of the others in bigger pots, too.
I will keep this thread active, and I would really appreciate feedback along the way. I will keep posting pictures as well.
Any other things I should be doing? is 24/4 CFL fine, or should I incorporate a little rest of 4 to 6 hours...?


New Member
two diesel x dutch indica plants, pots much smaller..itll be fine though they will still be big.

the tall phenotype is giving me a problem..gonna be tying her down it looks like. theyre going through their stretch right now



Active Member
Bmeat, thanks for your help, please do not hijack this thread.

Noob grower1: 18/6 vs 24/7: I might go 24/7 for another week, to let the plants settle since too much transition might not be good, just like too much change for us guys is bad, too!


Active Member
anyone else knows if I should start adding 2ml of pH Perfect Sensi grow A + B (4 ml total) and 2ml of B-52 to every watering? I try to have the pots dry out, so in these bigger pots that should take 4 to 5 days, and as suggested by Sacpriate I will start going by weight.

See pictures of the final setup. As semi public servant, I should go to bed soon, otherwise I will be too awake to get my afternoon and after-lunch nap-time as scheduled.



Active Member
one more question: should I start adding 2ml of pH Perfect Sensi grow A + B (4 ml total) and 2ml of B-52 to every watering? I try to have the pots dry out, so in these bigger pots that should take 4 to 5 days.
as rule of thumb i always pic up the pot by hand after transplant to get a general idea of dry weight again after initially drenching. dont go by days go by weight. not knowledgeable on sensi products sorry im a GH guy


New Member
im sure the feed is plants loved their first feed..gonna give them a decent amount now that theyre in bloom..did no nutes in veg besides making soil.

my girls are finally going through puberty now the fun begins, you notice growth every night in good conditions.


Active Member
as rule of thumb i always pic up the pot by hand after transplant to get a general idea of dry weight again after initially drenching. dont go by days go by weight. not knowledgeable on sensi products sorry im a GH guy
Thanks Sacpirate, good advice, as I do the same with my bonsai trees.


New Member
yeah man..fix up conditions. i dont mean to be an asshole like a lot of people on here, but its needed

my plants are that big at 4 weeks under 12/12 lighting from seed

your plants can be amazing, just give them a better enviornment! somethings just a little too off!!

those bigish pots stay wet FOREVER! try to water a lot less till the roots take up the whole pot.


Active Member

24 hours later, here is how both plants look after transplanting to bigger pots, and after giving it a dosage of pH Perfect Sensigrow A+B (1.25ml each) and B-52 (2ml).

How do they look?

I will let them go for another 3 to 4 days to see how the soil dries out. And when the soil is dry, I will water again, but increase the sensi grow A+B strength to 50% of the recommended dosage of 4ml/liter.

Thanks again for your help.



New Member
i think you got vigorous growth coming. the main shoots are standing up rather tall.

let the soil dry out now