Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Wusup bro subbed PM me if ya get a chance the are looking awesome ... N thanks for the encouragement I'm sure ill get nutes dialed in soon and I'm order tat ppm meter soon ! Ill send ya a link of my 1st harvest later I had 3 mid grade bagseed in there before I started those dreams 12/12 from seed :) and free bean :) very generous of u sir !! Lol
Wusup bro subbed PM me if ya get a chance the are looking awesome ... N thanks for the encouragement I'm sure ill get nutes dialed in soon and I'm order tat ppm meter soon ! Ill send ya a link of my 1st harvest later I had 3 mid grade bagseed in there before I started those dreams 12/12 from seed :) and free bean :) very generous of u sir !! Lol

Hey bro! Good 2 have you here along 4 the grow!! Its going to pick up a lot here soon!! I would say here in the next 5 days!! Can't wait! I will be getting my income tax check here soon, & spending 800$ on a new grow room, & new strains to go with the 60+ I already have,lol! ;)

Hey! Here's ya a link for a good Ppm meter but it won't break the bank!! http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B002C0A7ZY/ref=mp_s_a_1?qid=1360254161&sr=8-29&pi=SL75

I have 1 just like it, & it works great!!! :mrgreen:
And your welcome big dog!! ;) I know it can get discourging at times!
You just gotta remember that well all have problems at time!!
But with help from other growers/friends, it'll all work out in the end!! ;)
Yeah, FREE beans for the sub up bro!! That applys to everyone that subs to this grow!!
I will be sending everyone a PM, so I can get the info to send them out, towards the end of
The grow! ;) I'm sure y'all will enjoy this 100% pure Sativa strain!! Infact, I know you will!!
It does really,really well outdoors!! Talking about a 8'foot tall plant or bigger!! Shit. You know
If I can get one pushing 6 and 1/2 feet indoors, what it could do outdoors!! I know, I've seen it do its thing!! Last year I had 2 or 3 out there, and I got close to 6lbs of them at the end of the season!! Some DANK too!!! :mrgreen: haha!!
*don't 4 get to pass it along too* I would like to spread my dads strain all over!! And I know he would be happy about it to if he where still around! ;) also, don't forget to send me your link once you finish up bro.. stay tuned bro.. I will pm you here in a few.. cool deal?..
They are all looking good man.Get your new pots ready, and DON'T listen to bmeat!
Haha!! ;) lmfao!! Shit bro, you better believe I won't be hearing won't the meat said!! Come on now bro, "a virus"!! Are you fucking kidding me!?? Anyways, yeah I just got through mixing up some of my soil mixture, and got all my tool out & sterilized, ready to do the "main lining" technique. Did you happen to check that out bro? It called the main lining thread. Its wicked as shit imo!! I was reading, that Subcool applys this, & he gets anywhere from 16 & on up main colas!! Holly shit!! Could you imagine!? 16 or more main colas!! Wow! I gotta try it! I will post up either a video, or pics, or both!! ;)
Yeah ill update my dreams n few days !! I have another n closet that's just getting first 3 leaf under 110w cfl begging for bit before going n tent
thats a great setup u got going :D plants looking amazing bro ..... u should name ur new cross 8ball bubba bomb
Haha!! Hey big dog. What's up? Its good to see have you here!! I would bro, name it that, but another new found friend already helped me come up with "8 Bomb".. ;) I liked the ring of it, & as did he.. I apperciate it though.. Hey, idk if you seen it or not, but I will be giving out FREE beans of both strains, the "Hubba Bubba "8 Bomb" to everyone that subs to this grow!! ;) just thought I would let you know.Another thing, I will be taking all of my 8 Ball clones & Hubba Bubba Bomb clones & do some "main lining" on them tonight, and also replanting them! I posted pictures of those up last night, there the little guys in the dixie cups! :mrgreen:I will be doing a video & posting it up tonight of doing this technique.If you've never herd of it, its where you take your cuttings, and or clones & do training on them, & topping, and all to porduce anywhere from 16 on up to 22 & even 30 main cloa's!!! ;) hell, you could even go higher then that! Whatever suits your fancy! Lol... So don't 4 get!! Stay tuned in.. ;)
I was gonna say I got 2 blue dream beans left if u might happen to want one I would gladly let ya get one when you are getting ready with yours lol :) if you have never grew it or want to try it let me know :))
I was gonna say I got 2 blue dream beans left if u might happen to want one I would gladly let ya get one when you are getting ready with yours lol :) if you have never grew it or want to try it let me know :))

Hey bro! Hell yeah that would be cool! I've never grew itt b4, but I've herd of it!!
Is it anything like blueberry? Anyway, I owe you one bean or two, if your subbed up to my grow. And then we could just do a trade on either the cross I just made or other strains I have. Which is about 60+! Just pm me & we can exchange info, if that's cool??
Yeah it's blueberry x haze !! N will do

Oh hell yeah bro!! I'm am so glad you did mention this then!! I don't know if you read that thread I wrote about it or bot, but we had just recently found out my mother has cancer! :( and the "Blueberry yum yum" I had been searching 4 it everywhere! And found out that it was just plain "Blueberrry"! The reason why I was searching my ass off 4 it is because that is bout the only strain that my mother likes & will toke on! Lol.
So I wanted to grow it for her 1 last time!! Just trying to make her happy bro.. ;)
"NijaBowler" hey bro! I received an email from ya bro, but 4 some reason it didn't show up on the thread here!! Some crazy shit! Anyways, I was gifted free of charge a bran new 800 watt Budzilla! All for just doing a "grow journal"!! :mrgreen:
A man after my own heart I love all the strains I also have the 8 Ball Kush and Spacebomb. Do you like your 800 watt LED light. I'm thinking about getting a new light, I have the Extreme Flower 180's from Advanced LED. They do really well with a couple of extra small CFL's in the corners I get 1-2 ounces per plant sometimes more. Everything is looking great couldn't burn through the thread fast enough so i could post a reply. Just crossed my Spacebomb with Easy Rider hoping to shorten her up a little bit. I was wondering if you could also answer my newbie question of what "Subbed" means. I understand its to follow a thread but is it because of Subcool?
A man after my own heart I love all the strains I also have the 8 Ball Kush and Spacebomb. Do you like your 800 watt LED light. I'm thinking about getting a new light, I have the Extreme Flower 180's from Advanced LED. They do really well with a couple of extra small CFL's in the corners I get 1-2 ounces per plant sometimes more. Everything is looking great couldn't burn through the thread fast enough so i could post a reply. Just crossed my Spacebomb with Easy Rider hoping to shorten her up a little bit. I was wondering if you could also answer my newbie question of what "Subbed" means. I understand its to follow a thread but is it because of Subcool?

Haha! My brother!! Sorry I didn't see your reply. I am watching "RUSH" with Jason Patric. Its a awesome movie my friend! Anyways, "sub" you where asking me about is "subbing" to my grow thread. That's what I was talking about bro. ;) I was saying whoever subs to my grow thread here I would send them my Hubba Bubba Bomb, or this new cross I just did which is the Hubba Bubba Bomb x 8 Ball.. :mrgreen: the Hubba Bubba is 100 % pure Sativa my dad gave me back in the early 80's, and I crossed her back in middle part of the 80's with herself to get enough beans to keep her around 4 awhile! ;) I can't believe I have found another grower that also is growing the "8 Ball Kush" ha! How do you like her? She has a unique taste doesn't she?.. ;) and a really good stone!! How tall do you normally let yours run? They sure get BUSHEY, don't they!!? How much weight do you get off yours? I can't wait till summer gets her to put a few clones of her outdoors! That & the new cross of 8 Bomb! ;)
I really like the 800watt LED system! I still can't believe they gifted it to me!! ;) what's this 180 system you spoke of?
I would say you have some interesting strains! As do myself. I just got all of TGA Subcools strains! And placed a order the other day to get all the "Blue" & Purple strains to add to my 60+ strain collection!! I couldn't get the one I was really wanting! They where sold out! And the other seedbank I use didn't have it!!! Have a new found friend going to trade a few of the beans with me he has, for a few of my strains. I sure hope he is 4 real about it!! I just got in those "Purple Voodoo" & Skunk #1's from another bro I meet on here! I traded him a few "Spacebomb" beans 2 for everyone of my Spacebombs!! ;) which was a good deal, considering the TGA strains isn't cheap as you know!! Can't wait till that damn income tax $ hits my card! Lol. ;) its goin be on brother!! Going to move thde grow to a new outdoor building & deck it out, add 4 t5's to each (4) corners for the side branching(lower) growth, hoping to get bigger buds down there on the bottoms!! ;) I have just setup my HPS along side of the LED system, have a few CFL'S running aswell, with a few "blue spectrum" CFL'S! Hoping the mixed spectrum of the LED & HPS will produce some nice top main cola's!! Hell it should, you would tthink!! ?? Well bro, hit me back!!

Hey! Don't 4 get to "sub" up to the grow, so I can send ya out a few of these new crosses, and the pure Sativa!! :mrgreen:..

Your friend, Dank..
I'm subbed twice. LOL

Haha! Well then, you'll get "two" beans bro! ;) naw, I was going to send everyone that's is subbed atleast two of both strains!! :mrgreen:
That way they could have 1 indoors & 1 outdoors aswell! So they can see for themselfs just "how big" the Hubba Bubba Bomb can get! ;) she is a BEAST outdoors!! Where taliking bout a TREE, not a plant!!! ;) no shit!! And I can't wait 2 see just what the new cross looks like/taste like!! Should be really good! A pure sativa x a Kush!! Humm... :??: I wonder. Lol.. ;)
Subbed up but I'm in the uk :roll:
8-ball sounds interesting. I scrog and only grow kushes in mini-grows now.
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