Weak stems? No circulation? Drooping leaves


I have a plant that has drooping leaves.

The stems are purple, they start out green but than turn purple. Temperature and humidity are good

lights on 73-75 degrees
humidity 45-50

lights off 63-68 degrees
Humidity 50-54

Its lighted with 2 fluorescent R40 reflector lamps 23watts (2 plants in my little grow room.

PH level in the soil is 6.6 and I've read that's normal

Im using hyponex by scotts the potting soil one

Its on a 18/6 schedule

It has no circulation (fan) I used to have one on them but it got them to cold.

I water every 3 days or whenever I feel an inch of soil and it is dry. I don't add anything to the water just pure spring water from walmart lol

I have no idea what type of strain it is, a friend gave them to me and I used them.

the plant next to it seems to be fine (its younger than the drooping one)

Growth on the bigger doesn't seem to stop though, it grows everyday but droopy

Please help me someone!

this is my first grow.


Well-Known Member
how do the tips of the leaves look? Are they pointing up or down? And do you notice any problems with new leaves that are growing out? Usually when I see purple I think low temperatures or pH related nutrient lockout.


Well-Known Member
Yeah This Could be tons of things. Firstly pics are a must.

Secondly u need to understand that 2 plants side by side , started at the same time, Doesnt mean that they will both eat at the same rate.

Normly drooping leaves is Water stress, Ethier From over watering or underwatering. If your using soil its best to Feed when the top soil is Crusty and dry

But understand that the root system will grow to the bottem of the pot, so if the bottem is still very damp and the top is dry , and u water it then you will Be adding to much water to the bottem. I Norm only feed my plants every other day when they Get Big enough to switch into flowering(Keep in mind thats for "My plants and setup")

The purpling of the leaves could be strain related Of Due to the cold temps. I dont know enough on the subject to give u a definitive answer.


Well-Known Member
I forget where I heard it, but I heard/read that if you get a fan going at maybe medium blowing on the plant to replicate the wind outside, it will greatly strengthen the stem. I have a humidifier that blows humidity pretty strongly and it has increased my girls stems width quite a lot.


Pics would help, fan is a must, but won't cause colored stems.
How do you post pics on here? I'm doing everything through mobile.

how do the tips of the leaves look? Are they pointing up or down? And do you notice any problems with new leaves that are growing out? Usually when I see purple I think low temperatures or pH related nutrient lockout.
There pointing down like sad leaves lol and the new ones seem to grow up than tend to go down... And at the beginning of my grow temperature was a problem than I added a fan and a heater and it fixed it and kept it stable.

Yeah This Could be tons of things. Firstly pics are a must.

Secondly u need to understand that 2 plants side by side , started at the same time, Doesnt mean that they will both eat at the same rate.

Normly drooping leaves is Water stress, Ethier From over watering or underwatering. If your using soil its best to Feed when the top soil is Crusty and dry

But understand that the root system will grow to the bottem of the pot, so if the bottem is still very damp and the top is dry , and u water it then you will Be adding to much water to the bottem. I Norm only feed my plants every other day when they Get Big enough to switch into flowering(Keep in mind thats for "My plants and setup")

Yeah I noticed the bigger one tends to want to get feed more. And I water like how you do when the top of the soil is dry.

The purpling of the leaves could be strain related Of Due to the cold temps. I dont know enough on the subject to give u a definitive answer.
Yeah I noticed the bigger one tends to want to get feed more. And I water like how you do when the top of the soil is dry.

and the leaves stay green just the stems turn purple.

I forget where I heard it, but I heard/read that if you get a fan going at maybe medium blowing on the plant to replicate the wind outside, it will greatly strengthen the stem. I have a humidifier that blows humidity pretty strongly and it has increased my girls stems width quite a lot.
Yeah I've heard the same thing about using a fan to strengthen the stems.


I would also like to add that the 2nd set of leaves that first came out, came out deformed.

I read somewhere to pinch deformed leaves sooooo that's what I did yesterday lol I know that causes a lot of stress.... Did I do the right thing?

The top leaves seem to be going up though.