Club 600


Well-Known Member
Its all the same for sure, greed is the only variable. The streets atleast you can handle your buiz but corporate, you dont know who's going to get the first knuclke sandwhich

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
It seems that most of the things I have learned have come from a painful experience.
Because I have so many strains, I have to keep them labeled, both growing and harvest. I had to pretty much start all over last summer due to a bad soil mix and one of the strains that I lost was DOG. I immediately sent off an email and received three beans. One didn''t make it and I planted another which was recently harvested. She was bushy and I didn't see the male balls until harvest. Some of the lower buds were loaded and had yielded about 100 seeds. I had the buds in an unlabeled pint jar and mistakenly gave them away...I thought it was some casey.
I saw the person that wound up with the DOG and he was truly impressed, but warned me of a potential made him hungry, and then he wanted to smoke again, which made him hungry, which led to another lock the refrigerator if your smoking DOG. Now I have to wait until the clone starts to take off before it can go into bloom......I would say that I'm now labeling everything, but I found a repotted clone without one last night....but the buds are now labeled.



Well-Known Member
Ain't it the same shit in the corporate world as the streets. Well same as in people trying to pull one on you. Difference I guess is there is physical ramifications for doing things against someone else... vs. lawyering up and suing someone, drafting bullshit contracts, blah blah.

It's good you got some old tricks to fall back on.
I heard some good news from a friend, and i just wanted to say congrats!!
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Well-Known Member
Man i sure hear ya cof starting over is never fun. And i know how hard it can be to manage all the wonderful varieries that one can seemingly never get to many of lol. Ive been there every year (outdoors) it seems haha. Yeah its just so much good clean fun it gets intoxicating.

One note on the dog. My first grow of the dog seeded out but all of those seeds turned out to be fem. So dont throw out ur dog beans please. All dog beans that i grew out from that seeded plant had no beans at all. Not 1 can you believe it lol. I wish i had a few left to play with haha.

209 Cali closet grower

Well-Known Member
It seems that most of the things I have learned have come from a painful experience.
Because I have so many strains, I have to keep them labeled, both growing and harvest. I had to pretty much start all over last summer due to a bad soil mix and one of the strains that I lost was DOG. I immediately sent off an email and received three beans. One didn''t make it and I planted another which was recently harvested. She was bushy and I didn't see the male balls until harvest. Some of the lower buds were loaded and had yielded about 100 seeds. I had the buds in an unlabeled pint jar and mistakenly gave them away...I thought it was some casey.
I saw the person that wound up with the DOG and he was truly impressed, but warned me of a potential made him hungry, and then he wanted to smoke again, which made him hungry, which led to another lock the refrigerator if your smoking DOG. Now I have to wait until the clone starts to take off before it can go into bloom......I would say that I'm now labeling everything, but I found a repotted clone without one last night....but the buds are now labeled.

Sowing 5 s1 Dogs today, and 4 bx1 Dogs too. Not sure on my Bx1 Dog(a) in flower. If it's a boy or girl yet. Still got one more bx1 Dog(b) to, to put in flower too.


Active Member
Thanks bro, it feels good to get back to doing what I love. If it wasn't for cannabis I probably would of killed some of my girls family lol.

Thanks man! Ya I had a lot of catching up to do today lol.

That is fucking insane vertical screen!
Can u put any cool tube like that or do u have to get certain bulbs to hang vert? Let's say u have a digital ballast setup with bulb combo hanging horizontal, can I just let a rope loose and let her hang vertical? The thing could be a million times more efficient that way. Besides that it looks awesome :).

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
One note on the dog. My first grow of the dog seeded out but all of those seeds turned out to be fem. So dont throw out ur dog beans please. All dog beans that i grew out from that seeded plant had no beans at all. Not 1 can you believe it lol. I wish i had a few left to play with haha.
they are tagged and bagged and in the refridgerator.....there are some with your name on them.



Well-Known Member
this is for you

Breaking news from fox,,, OMFG they make me sick.
"worms are causing global warming" gtf outa here! This network has openly "reported" false info (its called blatant lying), because they are too fking lazy to do real journalism. I dont take anything they say seriously, and for the most part I try to avoid mainstream media at all costs.... but thanks anyway lol
Im sure worms are acting the same in most wild place,,, people are farming more worms now due to the movement in organic gardening/farming. Did they stop to think maybe this is a side effect of global warming (if what they are saying is even true at all)? Probably not, they couldn't give two shits about being upstanding proud people,,, they just want their check and will obey at all costs.
How little and pathetic they must feel... I can only hope.


Well-Known Member
well gona try my last run off seeds today as im proper shit with them,

think im just gona fill the pots with soil this morning leave in heated prop with lid on and just a jug of water in there, then plant then this afternoon and just put couple spoons water of pots once seeds in them.....

fuck knows what im doing wrong if this dont work