
Well-Known Member
yo wtf....where did you get that pipe clown? my friend has the SAME EXACT PIPE, colors and all, he got it i think about 5 years ago at all good music fest, it really looks like the SAME ONE....weird ive never seen 2 pipes that look alike not from the same maker
I got it at a music festival haha. What a small world


I got it at a music festival haha. What a small world
i bet you got it from the sameperson, i think i remember him selling coke to, maybe not though, but i bet its the same kid, thats cool.

is right by the top of the bowl brown lines? if so then its def the same pipe lol


Well-Known Member
i bet you got it from the sameperson, i think i remember him selling coke to, maybe not though, but i bet its the same kid, thats cool.

is right by the top of the bowl brown lines? if so then its def the same pipe lol
Yep it sure does lol.