Have u tried legal Buds?


Well-Known Member
Salvia?? there are many forms of this plant... only one that gets you trippin'.... the ones they sell at gardne shops dont get you trippin'


Well-Known Member
I hope he did have his gun, it would suck to get caught slippin and get smoked becuz u were high and didn't have a gun. I would have just loaded that mother fucker and pretended I was in a video game... Shooting at Super Mario and Luigi as they are coming at you with a car bomb... lol
No for real, thank god for everyone out there fighting for this country! Even tough I don't believe in being over there anymore, but I did before and I will back them to the end, it's not like it's their call either! Sorry, now back to the topic...


Well-Known Member
quote=raeman1990;863958]Salvia?? there are many forms of this plant... only one that gets you trippin'.... the ones they sell at gardne shops dont get you trippin'[/quote]
U just probably saved about twenty people some money!...lol
Where is the real stuff sold+??


Active Member
salvia isnt to much fun and doesnt last long (5-10 minuts) think oyur on another world adnc ant wait to get back . hurts your throuta nd gives you a head ache.

i got mine online the 20x one.


Active Member
I tried it a number of years ago and it was just horrible. Gave me a headache and tasted like I was smoking incense. Really really bad, a ripoff in my honest opinion:spew:


Well-Known Member
well to really get the "full salvia experience" you need to get a bong and about an 8th of it.......and hit it all in one massive toke, AND hold it in as long as you can. This is what I did my first time cause I'm thinkin "psh this won't do shit but maybe if I smoke the whole bag at once I might get a buzz.........Jesus christ was that the strangest trip of my llife.
Salvia kinda cuts your brain off from your body....I had an extraordinary trip on the shit and let me tell you IT PACKS A KICK. I would suggest doing this alone cause you basically go comatose for about 10-15 minutes and somebody trying to snap you out of it can REALLY fuck your head up. They pulled me out of my chair cause I was just staring off into space drooling and they got worried.


Well-Known Member
well to really get the "full salvia experience" you need to get a bong and about an 8th of it.......and hit it all in one massive toke, AND hold it in as long as you can. This is what I did my first time cause I'm thinkin "psh this won't do shit but maybe if I smoke the whole bag at once I might get a buzz.........Jesus christ was that the strangest trip of my llife.
Salvia kinda cuts your brain off from your body....I had an extraordinary trip on the shit and let me tell you IT PACKS A KICK. I would suggest doing this alone cause you basically go comatose for about 10-15 minutes and somebody trying to snap you out of it can REALLY fuck your head up. They pulled me out of my chair cause I was just staring off into space drooling and they got worried.
It takes me a very small amount to trip balls. I'm talking like .1 gram. However, my friend had attempted several similar doses, but he never tripped till he took the biggest bong rip he possibly could. This was 15x Standardized Extract. Craziest shit to ever happen to me!


Active Member
I've tried salvia x15 before, filled my pipe with it and hooted away, then 4 of my friends each done their own pipes, was the trippiest shit that ive felt. One of my mates kept talking really fast and would not stop. Then i joked that feds was coming and they all ran out of sight i was just laughing my head off. I then started running after them shouting 'they're coming' it was funny shit. They were literally scared, and these guys do not normally get scared of police. Dodgy shit.


Well-Known Member
I've tried salvia x15 before, filled my pipe with it and hooted away, then 4 of my friends each done their own pipes, was the trippiest shit that ive felt. One of my mates kept talking really fast and would not stop. Then i joked that feds was coming and they all ran out of sight i was just laughing my head off. I then started running after them shouting 'they're coming' it was funny shit. They were literally scared, and these guys do not normally get scared of police. Dodgy shit.
Hahahahha that is fucked up to the max........I remember waking up one morning at our party house when I was like 15, My half naked girlfriend is in bed with me and this chick walks in telling me a cop was there to arrest me. So I'm thinkin "yeah right"....she DRAGS my ass to the front door in my undies and low and behold there is a county Sheriff at the door waiting to arrest me for grand theft auto (WHICH I DID NOT EVEN DO) he hauls me off in someone else's cloths who I happened to find (a pair of shorts and some cowboy boots) after an hour at the station my alibi checks out and I go back only to find my woman STILL passed out completely unaware of me being gone.......fuckin shit.....

Oh yeah and anyone here gone mute from smoking Salvia....I swear I couldn't talk for like 5mins afterwards my first time....Whats up with that?!?!