North Korea video shows US city under attack

lol wont save them. we'll just fire nasa back up and go up there and get them. or use our "star wars" program thats already up there and blast them out of the sky. speaking of "star wars" program we really dont have to worry, if they try launching something at us the world will just get a great display of the power of the united states. we will ALWAYS have the biggest, baddest shit i can promise you that. and if you guys arent aware of the "start wars" program you should look it up. and if you cant find anything on it i may have said too much ;)

I think he is referring to that monkey that was just sent in space as their leader.. but he is a but less hairy from what I heard..

Iran, welcome to the space stroll.. (it's no longer a space race.. everyone else gave up sending monkeys into space back ohhhhhh 40 years ago......
perhaps N. Korea doesn't have this phrase but, "you mess with the bull, you get the horns"
You wonder...are North Korea;

a) really retarded


b) hiding some secret alien weapons platform that could wipe out the US with one shot.

For some reason, my faith in the intelligence of humanity actually has me considering option b...perhaps I need to lower my expectations in humanity?
ya lower those expectations. and if anyone owns alien technology its the U.S.A.
I dunno, Russia is a HUGE, mostly barren landmass, by purely surface area alone Id expect they'd be more likely to have a UFO crash, no?

And the Russians would sell that shit to the Koreans, could be why Kim Jong Il was always so sure of himself.
lol you make a good point and at the moment am too high to respond making any sense. been sitting here with the vape leash in my mouth like a beer hat straw practiacally breathing through it :p

as arnold would say "ILL BE BACK!"
lol you make a good point and at the moment am too high to respond making any sense. been sitting here with the vape leash in my mouth like a beer hat straw practiacally breathing through it :p

as arnold would say "ILL BE BACK!"
Fuckin' ay man, smoke that shit.
I dunno, Russia is a HUGE, mostly barren landmass, by purely surface area alone Id expect they'd be more likely to have a UFO crash, no?

And the Russians would sell that shit to the Koreans, could be why Kim Jong Il was always so sure of himself.

this is true. im just thinking we have area 51 and all that which is well known for alien crashes and ufo sightings. maybe russia gets the same attention but keeps their mouths shut about it? who knows? we wont really know who has what till shit hits the fan. which is why i say i hope someone launches something over at us because we'll get a hell of a display of power one way or another. i have full faith that no one could successfully launch i ICBM or anything like that on us. i know just some of the protection we have against things like that and they say the things we see today that look "futuristic" and what not are things we had already developed 30 years ago. so imagine what we REALLY have that we dont know about yet? exciting stuff there. ;)
this is true. im just thinking we have area 51 and all that which is well known for alien crashes and ufo sightings. maybe russia gets the same attention but keeps their mouths shut about it? who knows? we wont really know who has what till shit hits the fan. which is why i say i hope someone launches something over at us because we'll get a hell of a display of power one way or another. i have full faith that no one could successfully launch i ICBM or anything like that on us. i know just some of the protection we have against things like that and they say the things we see today that look "futuristic" and what not are things we had already developed 30 years ago. so imagine what we REALLY have that we dont know about yet? exciting stuff there. ;)
No offense intended, but if you can't conclusively beat sand-people with AK47's then the chances of having some kind of shit-lasers is fairly minimum.
I wonder if they are planning to use the 1980's spaceship from Space Invaders(c) as depicted in this film


North Korea, which is poised to conduct a nuclear test any day now, has posted a video depicting a US city resembling New York engulfed in flames after an apparent missile attack.
The footage was uploaded on Saturday by the North's official website, Uriminzokkiri, which distributes news and propaganda from the state media.

The video is shot as a dream sequence, with a young man seeing himself on board a North Korean space shuttle launched into orbit by the same type of rocket Pyongyang successfully tested in December.

As the shuttle circles the globe - to the tune of We Are The World - the video zooms in on countries below, including a joyfully re-unified Korea.

In contrast, the focus then switches to a city - shrouded in the US flag - under apparent missile attack with its skyscrapers, including what appears to be the Empire State Building, either on fire
or in ruins.

"Somewhere in the United States, black clouds of smoke are billowing," runs the caption across the screen.

"It seems that the nest of wickedness is ablaze with the fire started by itself," it added.

The video ends with the young man concluding that his dream will "surely come true".

"Despite all kinds of attempts by imperialists to isolate and crush us... never will anyone be able to stop the people marching toward a final victory," it said.

The North is expected to conduct its nuclear test as a defiant response to UN sanctions imposed after its December rocket launch.

Vietnam II the sequel in 3D ! i can't wait
No offense intended, but if you can't conclusively beat sand-people with AK47's then the chances of having some kind of shit-lasers is fairly minimum.

lol can beat the sand people with AK's we do every day. i think we are just squatting on the land over there long enough to call it ours. lol honestly idk what we are doing over there in the sands but we could drop one bomb out there and blow ever sand man and his AK into more sand for their desert. as for the laser aspect idk what the specs are, probably a microwave emitter but i know we DO have a "laser" in space ready at any time to shoot down incoming missiles. if you water future weapons you can see smaller versions of the same idea they use as AA and also even smaller versions that can be attached to hummers, APCs, etc. that i believe use microwaves to destroy incoming missiles.
NOBODY actually wants afghanistan.

it's just a very strategic piece of dirt that gives the holder access to other much more important pieces of dirt.

the US doesnt NEED dirt. our shit travels by air. we dont want or need afghanistan. if they stop acting the fool and hosting international terrorist mohammedan hoedowns their shit will stop getting blowed up.

there aint no laser weapons in space. thats science fiction/conspiracy bullshit. the power requirements for a laser strong enough to shoot down a missle, and the tracking and targeting equipment to make it actually hit are prohibitive.
theres no technology available do do that shit on a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, much less a tiny solar powered satellite.

microwaves to destroy missles...

that technology can only defeat the "Weapons of Mass Deliciousness" stockpiled 90 miles off miami .
set your microwave ray for 30 seconds, or the cheese will get too hot and the bread will get rubbery.

NOBODY actually wants afghanistan.

it's just a very strategic piece of dirt that gives the holder access to other much more important pieces of dirt.

the US doesnt NEED dirt. our shit travels by air. we dont want or need afghanistan. if they stop acting the fool and hosting international terrorist mohammedan hoedowns their shit will stop getting blowed up.

there aint no laser weapons in space. thats science fiction/conspiracy bullshit. the power requirements for a laser strong enough to shoot down a missle, and the tracking and targeting equipment to make it actually hit are prohibitive.
theres no technology available do do that shit on a nuclear powered aircraft carrier, much less a tiny solar powered satellite.

microwaves to destroy missles...

that technology can only defeat the "Weapons of Mass Deliciousness" stockpiled 90 miles off miami .
set your microwave ray for 30 seconds, or the cheese will get too hot and the bread will get rubbery.

lol as ive said before my grandfather was one of the few main scientists to design that laser and i know probably more about it than i really should. i know its there and you can read up on it if you want. its no longer a classified secret. as for microwaves being used AGAIN you can watch videos about it and how they are using it from land on multiple platorms already. you think it would take a lot of energy to power something like that? imagine the solar energy that can be used from the sun in space!