Looking for some BAD nutmeg side affects


Active Member
I have tried nutmeg a few times, only once starting to trip. I had really bad short term memory for a few months after and still have weird moments now and then, nothing physical or anything, just my short term memory. I would just like someone to confirm that nutmeg really screws you up. I wont be doing it ever again, it's not worth it to me. To whoever is or has thought about trying it, the trip is pretty good but DON'T do it. Seriously.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
edit- posting a link-http://www.drugs.com/npp/nutmeg.html Death. As few as two nutmegs can kill you.
I have tried nutmeg a few times, only once starting to trip. I had really bad short term memory for a few months after and still have weird moments now and then, nothing physical or anything, just my short term memory. I would just like someone to confirm that nutmeg really screws you up. I wont be doing it ever again, it's not worth it to me. To whoever is or has thought about trying it, the trip is pretty good but DON'T do it. Seriously.


Active Member
nutmeg is very bad for your liver, a lot worse than alcohol.
google it, find some info :peace:
I know a lot about it, I've read a LOT about it. I always read trip reports and do a lot of research before trying anything, everyone should. I just wanted to know if anyone had had the same shitty side affects. I tried it when I was 14-15 and was desperate to get stoned, couldn't get my hands on anything, not even the shittiest shwag. Poor me.


New Member
I did like 3 tablespoons of nutmeg one time and it didnt have much of an effect on me. I felt a little weird and a little high but that was about it, I got a little bit sick but it was hardly noticeable. I was in the same position as you, I couldnt get my hands on any weed and I was desperate to get high becuz being sober sucks lol.

You shouldnt worry about it though. I heard nutmeg is bad for you and your liver and a lot of it can be deadly. But as long as you never do it again then it shouldnt really have any bad effects on you at all. When I did it I felt a little weird for a few days but after that everything was cool again, just dont worry about it but dont do it again and you should be fine.

Oh, and to all the people that are thinking of trying it, just dont do it. It can be bad for you, and the high wasnt that good for me. If your out of weed and you need to get high, just man up and wait a while until you can get some weed or somthin safer and that doesnt taste shitty and suck lol.


Active Member
hows the trip? is it worth trying?
It's not worth trying unless your a real crackhead stoner. I didn't take quite enough so the effects were not much, I just got really spaced out and couldn't remember what I was watching on tv. It felt really good though, but still DON'T TRY IT!


Active Member
holdd up mayb im not up 2 par on drugs people stumble apon 2 get high but r u guys talkin about the same nutmeg my momz uses to make apple piee lol??


Active Member
holdd up mayb im not up 2 par on drugs people stumble apon 2 get high but r u guys talkin about the same nutmeg my momz uses to make apple piee lol??
Yes, NUTMEG, the baking spice. Nobody believes it when they first hear it, I didn't. It's not safe though. Just google "nutmeg psychedelic" or something and you should come up with a lot of results. Prisoners use it to get baked on when cuz they cant find anything else.


New Member
holdd up mayb im not up 2 par on drugs people stumble apon 2 get high but r u guys talkin about the same nutmeg my momz uses to make apple piee lol??
yeah, thats the right kind. I think ur supposed to use a certain kind of nutmeg but I think any will have those effects. I was thinking the same thing when I heard that lol, I drove over to my grandmas and grabbed a few little containers of it. But I was desperate as hell, I was completely out of money and I didnt have any weed or drink, bad times lol. That nutmeg sucked though, the 1st time I ate enough but it didnt work too good. I tried to eat some a second time but ended up spitting it all in the garbage and almost threw up, u have no idea how nasty that shit is until u eat a lot lol.


Well-Known Member
ive done nutmeg before it really fuks up ur memory for a while
and its really bad for ur kidney and liver
and ive read somewhere u can have a heartattack