Do I need to give seedlings cal mag?


Active Member
I use distilled water only so do I need to give seedlings (1 day - 1 week old) cal mag? I didnt last time and noticed they grew very slowly. Will giving it 1/4 - 1/2 strength on day 1 hurt it?


Well-Known Member
Hiya M8,

I am in my 5th week of flowering and I have used nothing but distilled water and AN nutes. I did not feed any nutes at all until the plants had 4+ full nodes of growth (about 3 weeks old from seed) and then, the first feedings were only 1/4 strength. I started noticing a bit of a cal-mag issue at about 2 weeks into flowering. I now add it to every other feeding and have noticed an epic change in the plants looks. I am sure a seedling that young is not having any cal mag issues this early on in its life. If you do add anything, do so with a very light touch, cause a seedling really is self sufficient for a few weeks on its own with just water.

Peace and Great Grows



Active Member
Hiya M8,

I am in my 5th week of flowering and I have used nothing but distilled water and AN nutes. I did not feed any nutes at all until the plants had 4+ full nodes of growth (about 3 weeks old from seed) and then, the first feedings were only 1/4 strength. I started noticing a bit of a cal-mag issue at about 2 weeks into flowering. I now add it to every other feeding and have noticed an epic change in the plants looks. I am sure a seedling that young is not having any cal mag issues this early on in its life. If you do add anything, do so with a very light touch, cause a seedling really is self sufficient for a few weeks on its own with just water.

Peace and Great Grows

Yeah but all nutrient companies dont include cal mag and I believe seedlings dont contain it either in there false leaves (theres plenty of calcium/magnesium in natural outdoor environment). My seedling DEFINITELY was growing slowly with no cal mag but im just wondering if 1/2 strength right away would burn it.