First grow, something goes wrong


Active Member
hi, this is my first cultivation and i don't wanna fail. but, i think something goes wrong with my plants.

i have 4 plants. (started april 1st)

i use a closet, that has 4 square root base area and 5 feet height.

for lightening, i put 8 energy saver bulbs (25-30W). they've 1" distance from top of the plants.

i've one fan (4 inches).

i water them everyday.

now the tallest one is 6-7 inches. the others are 4-5... i expected them growing faster. i don't know what kind of seeds were they. do you think there is a problem?

also when should i start the flowering state?

3 of them are in small flowerpots, do i have to change them immediately?

here are some pictures:



Well-Known Member
I'm learning on the fly myself, but here's what I KNOW.
First- the tinfoil has got to go. I had it it my closet and was told thats it will burn my plants. (it reflects more heat than light) Use mylar or just paint the walls white.
second- they are growing a little slow, but they do look ok. Mine are bigger and were born on 4/20. They want more light! Each of those four plants should have at least 3 of those bulbs. And if you can get the higher wattage ones. At least 42 watts. You're going to need more lights when they get bigger anyway. Basically as much light as you can afford to throw at them. Every watt helps!
Third- you don't want to water them every day. Let them get dry then soak them good.
I think those pots are still big enough so there good for now.
Also, you need to read about nutients. You're going to want to start feeding them. Like myself, you are a good month or more before keep growin!!
Here's my grow...
Hope that helps ya. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Just a few suggestions, take them if you like.
1st- get rid of foil and paint insude of cab flat white,
2nd get more light!! either more cfls or a 250 watt HID either HPS or MH they will both work.
3rd- relax a bit , it's a weed and it takes a lot of mistreatment to actually kill it!
Good luck!!


Well-Known Member
they're looking good to me, btw if you wouldn't mind can i see a pic of what your lights are hanging from i planned on doing something similar to go with my HPS lighting


Well-Known Member
Yeah take down the foil, it does nothing of benifit. You need ALOT more light. if you bought ~10 more CFLs (make sure its 6500k spectrum), or 5 T5 HO lights you could scrape by, but you really need more light. For my one plant I have 2 T5 HO, 2 T12 full spectrums, and 4 26w 6500k CFls, and I could use alot more!

It IS your first time, so just use it as a learning experiance. See what does and what doesn't work for you, then impliment what does work for you next time around. Don't plan on having 8 ounces, just shoot for one. That way you will be extatic when you do get more.

Good Luck, keep us updated.

(PS the GrowFAQ would have told you not to use aluminum foil, and that you would need more light. Check it out, its really cool.)


Active Member
i guess as you told, i should read the faq first. thank for your suggestions, i'll try them all but i can't afford more bill. so do you recommend me throwing all energy saver lamps and putting only one 240W HP Sodium Lamp?

thank you all so much


Well-Known Member
Just a few suggestions, take them if you like.
1st- get rid of foil and paint insude of cab flat white,
2nd get more light!! either more cfls or a 250 watt HID either HPS or MH they will both work.
3rd- relax a bit , it's a weed and it takes a lot of mistreatment to actually kill it!
Good luck!!
What he said.....The one thing is . The more complicated YOU make it the more complicated it will be. Don't try to be Pablo Escabar on your 1st grow......start slow pothopper....get a system....if you have a couple of plants...experiment
a bit..
It's easier to learn hands on, on the fly. Read FAQ at top of page, then ask as you take baby steps. The pot itself will grow itself....if you get too fancy too quick you'll get bit. Good luck,, Happy growing..


Well-Known Member
Well just want to say to Twisty and BlessAmerica and anybody else who pitched into this thread. Thanks for the encouragement and the expertise. Not sure why I never thought of regular old coathangers to hang them cfls. Yall are just a bunch of smarty pantses. Sure there be a nice place in heaven reserved for them who try's to help like yall have done..sniff sniff...thanks.

Big Wheel


Well-Known Member
I would also suggest along with all of the other recommendations that you get some cheap reflectors on the lights, you will be using the light a lot more efficiently if you have it pointed down onto the plants.


Active Member
so do you think replacing cfls with one 240W HPSL is a good idea?

thanks for all messages again. supportive behaviour is amazing here...


Well-Known Member
I dont know if anyone else noticed it but you do not need to water them every day. Get a meter or do the finger test


Well-Known Member

If I had the extra money I would invest the extra $50 or so on the new ballast and starter that can accomidate a kit to switch MH to HPS. I have also seen in "Maximum Yeild: Indoor Gardening Magazine" new HID lights that claim to put out both MH and HPS. It is called the "Hortilux" ( I know nothing about this product but it makes alot of claims. Good luck.

PS If I could go back in time I would have bought a HID system. I've spent ~$131 on flouro lighting..... You can buy a cheap ballast for $150.


Active Member

If I had the extra money I would invest the extra $50 or so on the new ballast and starter that can accomidate a kit to switch MH to HPS. I have also seen in "Maximum Yeild: Indoor Gardening Magazine" new HID lights that claim to put out both MH and HPS. It is called the "Hortilux" ( I know nothing about this product but it makes alot of claims. Good luck.

PS If I could go back in time I would have bought a HID system. I've spent ~$131 on flouro lighting..... You can buy a cheap ballast for $150.
I will search for that multi-type lamps. i hope they are common and can be found in general purpose lightening stores. thanks!


Active Member
how do you expect to grow with toy lights? you could leave them under those lights until the 2nd com1ng of christ and they still won,t work. when growing indoors, you are cheating mother nature, those little bulbs give you no chance. Go out and get at least a 600w HPS and you will see the difference immediately


Well-Known Member
so do you think replacing cfls with one 240W HPSL is a good idea?

thanks for all messages again. supportive behaviour is amazing here...
Shoot any time you have the $ and place use the more powerful light's..MH or HPS. It's the difference between making beer or Rum.. Both buzz, one is stronger....And the water thing..I don't use a meter but go by when the soil starts to pull away from the sides of the pots.............