Looking to laugh my ass off!


Well-Known Member
I think any strain that totally relaxes you with no edgyness will give you that effect. It really helps when you are in good company. With that being said, I hear Kosher Kush has this effect. My strains that produce total euphoria have been Emerald Triangle Lost Coast OG, Sannies Madshack, Pineapple express in small doses. I grew PE and hadnt been smoking for a few years, so it was a little strong and intense at first. But now that my tolerance has improved, all that has changed. Hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Big Bud xxl form ministry of cannabis.. One of the most energetic and happy highs i've had in a long time.


Active Member
Jimdandy good company does help foresure thank you and love your avatar lmao. Nick88 thank you will have to try it.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
just use the keyword "euphoric". there's tons of strains that have that kind of buzz. jillybean is considered one of the most euphoric ones, but it can be stony. i tendto think that if you REALLY want to laugh your ass off, you need a trippy strain. the two strains i've laughed hardest on were trippy, namely real 1980s columbian gold, and recently mildly stony but visual jack's cleaner 2. i just think the way trippier strains heighten reality adds to euphoria.

skunk #1, for example, is plenty euphoric, but not at all trippy, and rather stony. i don't recall ever laughing out loud on it the same way i have trippy strains that stimulate your mind enough that you find HUMOR in odd places. just being euphoric and happy isn't the same as laughing at stupid shit.

euphoric is a trait that should be in virtually every buzz as far as i'm concerned. that and psychoactivity is where almost all of the fun in blazing is to me.

if you want a really energetic and very euphoric high, 17 weeks plus kali mist is the most euphoric strain i've ever blazed, but just like stony euphoric ones, it's clearheaded and not at all psychoactive nature didn't make it that funny. you have to stimulate the mind for the funny shit. it's when your thinking is liberated to take all kinds of weird tangeants and little things seem more important or larger than life that shit gets fall out of your chair funny in my experience.

most strains on the street suck in the euphoria department and are even worse in the psychoactivity one to me. most stuff just makes you tired and stupid. i'll never like that effect.


Well-Known Member
I think your issue is with amber trichs hazyG, even an ampy sativa will usually lobotomize you and put you to bed if all ambered up. Trichs will continue to degrade to amber even in the jar, most street herbs have passed their prime so to speak which is why it's almost always turning brown.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
I think your issue is with amber trichs hazyG, even an ampy sativa will usually lobotomize you and put you to bed if all ambered up. Trichs will continue to degrade to amber even in the jar, most street herbs have passed their prime so to speak which is why it's almost always turning brown.
i agree that harvesting too late so that trichromes degrade is absolutely wrong, and yeah... too much columbian gold could turn stony and even after a month of that, you'd have to take a break from it, but my REAL issue is with indicas. i hated them the very first time i smoked them and didn't get any kind of high, just more and more tired. that people try and turn indica traits into "bag appeal" only annoys me more as i see stinky, dense, sticky giant nugs as signs of lower quality when good old fashioned fluffy peachfuzz buds that bag appeal tries to lie about and make sound undesirable are where the real highs are at.

these day though, i'm not 100% anti-stone as my current favorite strain, jack's cleaner 2 does have a fair amount of body weight to it, but it's countered by super fun euphoria, a touchy feely effect that's sensual, and true visuals which is why i started laughing my ass off once i realized that the imaginary invisible ripples of color emanating from where i just had to massage my arms, because it felt so good, was an actual old school trippy effect. i just laughed and laughed and laughed... and said WOW!

it would be really hard to fuck kali mist up into stoner bud though. if anything, that's a strain that needs some CBD or CBN to slow it down. it's too racy to even be able to sit still on. it's a tweaker strain. it's not a favorite buzz at all as it lacks the psychoactivity i thought all sativas had before trying it, but it's way better than one trick stony ponies for sure. i begged to score an eigth of it and stopped bidding at $120 as the market i was in was 100% afghani... not even blueberry, or skunk #1 etc.! just pure stone and more bag appeal mythology.

if people prefer getting stoned, good for them. i kind of get annoyed when stoners try to play the victim though when the entire game is tilted in their favor and most of us who'd rather get high get nada.

i'd suggest the OP try a range of euphoric strains to find out whatthey like best. on the clearheaded functional front, C99 is similat to kali mist, though nowhere near as speedy, and finishes in a respectable 55 days or less. for a clearheaded stony euphoric buzz, skunk #1, masterkush, blueberry & sour cream all have similar buzzes, but sour cream is way more delicious than even blueberry to me. jillybean is supposed to be extra stony and extra euphoric and many people's favorite that includes a yummy sounding creamsicle flavor. as mentioned, JC2 is a nice combination of stony and trippy, and after that, you could go for even more sativa dominant strains like high quality seeds' haze x skunk which is more potent and long lasting than columbian gold, and never more stony than lead eye if you harvest it before trichrome degredation. it's not the most trippy strain, but it's way better than generic hazes, and great for pain relief as i lost over 10 pounds on it in just a month of ignoring hunger pangs and keeping occupied with whatever.

there's a whole bunch of euphoric strains out there with different personalities to chose from. the ones that are at least functional with trippy effects are the funnest though. that's when you get those effects like watching a movie feels almost like you're in the action, or music sounds live. everything seems so much more significant so even when a co-worker simply asks "are you stoned?!" after work, you can't help but start laughing your ass off because "the secret's out... oh no! i'm in trouble now!"

hope you find exactly the kind of buzz you're looking for and please do share your experiences with whatever you go with.

i want to get back to CH9 jack as well as test their allegedly laugh your ass off jack 33 as the former had a mildly stony, but potent and euphoric buzz i wasn't expecting from a compact indica looking strain, though it was overshadowed by jack's cleaner 2 and stretchy sweet haze in my grow, but especially for yield, looked very promising, though there's a lot of controversy about CH9 hermies i didn't have any problems with, but will keep an eye out for when i test those 2 strains better. as euphoric as their jack was, their 33 is advertised for that quality making me hope it's even better. i'm willing to roll the dice a little on those as the beans are so cheap to begin with. that, and there are a lot of troll types with agendas to try and steer you away from "the good stuff" for whatever hidden reasons they have just as i try and steer people away from stoner bud, but i'm totally up front about my contempt for being stoned.

this topic comes up at least once a month too. try skimming through the archives for other threads on this subject for more strain suggestions.


Well-Known Member
I think your issue is with amber trichs hazyG, even an ampy sativa will usually lobotomize you and put you to bed if all ambered up. Trichs will continue to degrade to amber even in the jar, most street herbs have passed their prime so to speak which is why it's almost always turning brown.

Nah, he has never made it past 5 weeks in flower. Amber trichs are definitely not his problem. I think his biggest problem is that he smokes so much leaves and "bud trim" that when he actually does smoke a real bud, he actually gets high and it freaks him out.

He likes the placebo effect, not an actual buzz.


Well-Known Member
Nah, he has never made it past 5 weeks in flower. Amber trichs are definitely not his problem. I think his biggest problem is that he smokes so much leaves and "bud trim" that when he actually does smoke a real bud, he actually gets high and it freaks him out.

He likes the placebo effect, not an actual buzz.
I eared Tea was good for placebo (smell)

Pepe le skunk

Well-Known Member
Got a pack of Big Laughin from Dr Greenthumb a while back. Always wanted to try them. It is an indica that is supposed to cause fits of laughter. Don't think everyone has had luck with him but mine was smooth sailing a few years ago. Hopefully I find a keeper.


The pic of the Big Laughin certainly doesn't appear to be Indica dominant, but I guess the breeder knows his stock. It seems unusual that an Indica would produce that giggly high, but if you grow it out pepe, let us know.
The Mysticwolf

Redeye Bri

Well-Known Member
Super Lemon Haze cracks me up every time I smoke it. It alters perception and makes normal things hilarious. I laughed for about 10 minutes at a bear-shaped honey container just because I thought it looked funny.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
Nah, he has never made it past 5 weeks in flower. Amber trichs are definitely not his problem. I think his biggest problem is that he smokes so much leaves and "bud trim" that when he actually does smoke a real bud, he actually gets high and it freaks him out.
there you go flat out lying again and earning another bookmark that PROVES what a lying sack of shit you are as i've grown REAL bud in my last 3 fucking grows producing seeds from not only my original C99 male, but second generation crosses from my C99bx & super cali haze x C99 i call fruity booty with a joey weed C99 x A11 male as well as everthing else i budded last year. you keep lying that i never bud despite every time you do, my posting this pic of the last seed i've produced, with the top right "fruity cutie" offspring being f2s. funny, for the tenth fucking time i've posted this by now, how the fuck am i making all these seeds if i never bud?!

my babies.jpgFB.jpg

the second pic is fruity booty sprouting in the same cup her super cali haze mom got knocked up with her in, all the while using my shut the fuck up you lying pieces of shit trills signature gold backdrop as the pieces of shit first tried to say that without pics i'm making shit up, then started saying my pics weren't mine when i started PROVING their punk asses wrong, like now! you want PROOF i grow bud, there it fucking is, or you can listen to a lying sack of shit that can't prove a fucking thing that ever contradicts me. all it takes for stupid fucks to believe something is for another stupid fuck to just say something with an attitude. foxnews does that shit 24/7.

in the past, yes, i never used to bud because i couldn't resist getting high of leaflet trim which DOES get you fucking high... easy enough to fucking prove... grow some extra beans, and once they start their secondary branching, pull the new leaf growth and smoke it! the fucking idiot doesn't even know the difference between smoking new growth and fan leaves, and as part of their lies, equates the two as the same thing, as well as omitting the fact that once i reached the budding stage, i always breed my shit.

really... have you ever said one fucking thing that was 100% honest, or do you twist every fucking thing until it suits your crazed fucking stalk peeps across forums agenda?

i'll be the first to admit i have a chip on my shoulder and don't yield a micrometer to scum and will fight such bitches to the death before i do, but i don't fucking lie. there's the proof! a picture's worth 1,000 words, so there's 2,000 words worth of evidence.


Well-Known Member
Hey Hazey, will you come to FinShaggy's grow journal and start talking in there. I want to create a perfect storm by combining you guys' ideas. FuckTardy and CrazeyGapes together could revolutionize the Cannabis world.


Well-Known Member
Also, OP, any time you don't have any giggle bud around, do what I do and stalk the Finshaggy's and HazeyGrapes' of the site. More than enough laughs.

hazey grapes

Well-Known Member
yeah whatever trollfags. keep[ swallowing each others' loads and lying like the pieces of shit you are. you hate on anyone growing better gear than you. trying to hold the world back from getting high because you suck. you want to shut me up, say some shit to my face, and whoever isn't dead will get the last word.