What is going on with my babies?


Active Member
I was taking good care them one night, they all looked healthy and fine, and then the next morning i go to look at them and they looks like this... Whats wrong with em?

This one has perked back up, its the other two im worried about.



Active Member
always do, usually 3-4 days inbetween each watering soil was fairly dry and was gonna water today, this happened yesterday, and 2 nights ago they were fine


Well-Known Member
Could be a mixture of Heat/Thirsty because if you notice the bottom sections in the most shade and the coolest area's arent as severly wilted.


Active Member
not sure not that cold? but im just wondering if they will be okay or if i should do anything, i gave them a bit of water in the pix the soil is moist

it was about 83 F today, but the a month back or 2 the temp was rastically changing from freezing at night and boiling at day, and they did have minor almost nothing problems, so i dont think being to cold or hot would do such a drastic thing like this to them


should i be keeping them in the sun or the shade for now?


Active Member
also the top of one is perking back up on the taller 2, and the other of them isnt perking up its just wilted over... not sure if thats any useful info just posting it 8P


Well-Known Member
Its a stumper.
You know what ya did the last few days or weeks so you will figure it out. Ya did something different. You know.


Active Member
only thing diff i did was not give them fert when i watered em, i added some new plants to the garden, other than that nothing... /sigh

well do u at least think theyll be ok?


Active Member
could it have been that they were root bound? cuz i took them out to look at them and the roots were all crazy on the bottom, and then a lil on the sides, some one told me to add some soils under and around them, so i did that, and they seemed to perk up, but the little guy perked up right away and the others didnt so idk whats up


Well-Known Member
They like to wilt from not enough water or too much water. I would let them dry out real good. like dry,dry Ya may think of something that ya did different.

They will perk up in a few days.


Well-Known Member
could it have been that they were root bound? cuz i took them out to look at them and the roots were all crazy on the bottom, and then a lil on the sides, some one told me to add some soils under and around them, so i did that, and they seemed to perk up, but the little guy perked up right away and the others didnt so idk whats up
How long ago was that? That is probably the different thing i was mentioning.


Well-Known Member
just soak it down with some water and she'll be fine the way it looks to me.....let us know how it goes/what the results are!


Well-Known Member
only thing diff i did was not give them fert when i watered em, i added some new plants to the garden, other than that nothing... /sigh

well do u at least think theyll be ok?

that is really for you to find out on this one, young growing one. :blsmoke:

maybe 3 to 4 days isn't enough water would be my last suggestion.
wait for the soil to be dry a couple inches down, then water again.

and if you're already doing something similar, it's a stump to me, and good luck.
