PLEASE HELP me find this strain fellas! "Blueberry Yum Yum"


Well-Known Member
Hey guys! Please help me locate this strain!! If anyone has ever seen it at a seedbank, or knows someone that has it, please message me or somthing!! I gotta have this strain for my collection!! I absolutely LOVE blue & purple strains!! But I have to say, this one takes the cake!! Its name is "Blueberry Yum Yum"!! Strain Name: Blueberry Yum Yum, & here is the information on it:

Grade: A+

Type: I’m sure it’s a hybrid because it is an Indica, but has Sativa traits.

Looks: The most beautiful plant I have ever seen. They literally resemble blueberries with buds resembling blueberries and a fruity flavor when smoked. The blue and purple buds spread across in a beautiful stream, giving this plant some elegance.

Smell: Divine, the fruitiest smell of any other plant I ever had. You might think you will be rolling up blueberry muffins rather that cannabis.

Taste: Savor this taste because it is unforgettable. You get that sweet berry inhale, with a soft smoke that smells like blueberry heaven.

Effects: A good dosage of this will keep you feeling great through the rest of the day. It leaves you full of energy and enhances the senses. One may start appreciating everything like T.V., music, imagination, and laughter. This plant was made to have a fun time. Great for the day time, and the outdoors, but one can relax indoors and still have the same plentiful experience no problem.

Potency: Very High. Light-weights be careful, do not let the plant’s voluptuous blue side fool you. This plant can be immense. Too much can leave you paranoid for a good hour. A good 3-4 hits will have you through the day.

I am going to post a picture of it, so you can see what I am talking about!! Imo I honestly believe its the most beautiful plant/flower I've ever seen!! :mrgreen:

** Please try to help me locate ** my mother had tried this strain, & she loved it, as did I. !! And we found out that my mother has cancer, & I would really,really love to be able to grow her favorite flower for her 1 last time!! :(
It will/would be really apperciated!! Thanks guys!! Your friend, Dank..

Good Strain For: Mood enhancer, appetite, cramps/pms,etc'


  • NSplant-578x433-1.jpg
    49.7 KB · Views: 147 this is Blueberry yum yum...the blue only comes out in lower temps or main colas
OMG!! Thanks so MUCH bro!! 4 real! It means a lot. I had seacrhed for it a few times & couldn't find it, that or was over looking it completely!!! And thanks bro, "about my mom"! ;) I am trying my best to help her & make her as "happy" as I can!! I really think the Dr. Was milking her insurrance honestly!! Because he would do tests/blood work,psa levels & shit, over & over! He would say at 1st, no, she don't have cancer. Then he would say she did! And this went on for atleast a good month!! And by the time he went ahead a 100% gauranteed that she did infact have it, she was in stage 3!! And as you know if you know anything about cancer, there's only 4 stages!! :( So yeah, its been rough on us all!! Exspecially when its like my sister has only been coming around since she know that our mother is sick, & infact dying!! She is already trying to see what she can get!! Money/insurance & shit!! I could care less about all that!! I wouldn't trade anything in this world for my mother!!! And it just kills me that my sister is acting like that!! I really haven't had the heart to tell mom what she's doing!!..

Anyways, I really do apperciate the help in finding that strain!! And I know that mom will enjoy it aswell bro!! ;) Your friend, Dank.
OMG!! Thanks so MUCH bro!! 4 real! It means a lot. I had seacrhed for it a few times & couldn't find it, that or was over looking it completely!!! And thanks bro, "about my mom"! ;) I am trying my best to help her & make her as "happy" as I can!! I really think the Dr. Was milking her insurrance honestly!! Because he would do tests/blood work,psa levels & shit, over & over! He would say at 1st, no, she don't have cancer. Then he would say she did! And this went on for atleast a good month!! And by the time he went ahead a 100% gauranteed that she did infact have it, she was in stage 3!! And as you know if you know anything about cancer, there's only 4 stages!! :( So yeah, its been rough on us all!! Exspecially when its like my sister has only been coming around since she know that our mother is sick, & infact dying!! She is already trying to see what she can get!! Money/insurance & shit!! I could care less about all that!! I wouldn't trade anything in this world for my mother!!! And it just kills me that my sister is acting like that!! I really haven't had the heart to tell mom what she's doing!!..

Anyways, I really do apperciate the help in finding that strain!! And I know that mom will enjoy it aswell bro!! ;) Your friend, Dank.

Lol no prob bro, glad i could help...and you should tell your mom the truth, if she trusts you and you trust her their should be no secrets...just say somethin to her over a blunt, drop it smooth. Like hey moms i just want you to know ______ (sisters name) is after your money...i just wanted you to know what i know.

Yeah all those repeat tests were bonus money...they knew it the first time.What kind? if you don't mind me asking. Their is a fruit that cures certain types of cancer but big medical companies won't allow it into the U.S. its highly sought after by cancer patients...i think its guabana or somethin like that
Yeah I've been really thinking about telling mom! Because I really don't want all this problems that I know will rare its head when somthing does happen to mom!! So kill the beast before it arises, so to speak!! I just didn't want to break her heart is all.. But she does have the right to know! We found out she has thyroid cancer! ::( she has her good days & bad, like us all I recon! I honestly had NO clue that there 2as a "fruit" that could heal/cure cancer!! ;) that's awesome!!! In my book. ;) thanks 4 the help on finding the yum yum,lol.. Your friend, Dank.

Lol no prob bro, glad i could help...and you should tell your mom the truth, if she trusts you and you trust her their should be no secrets...just say somethin to her over a blunt, drop it smooth. Like hey moms i just want you to know ______ (sisters name) is after your money...i just wanted you to know what i know.

Yeah all those repeat tests were bonus money...they knew it the first time.What kind? if you don't mind me asking. Their is a fruit that cures certain types of cancer but big medical companies won't allow it into the U.S. its highly sought after by cancer patients...i think its guabana or somethin like that
best price on dj b;ueberry is sea of seeds plus 11% discount and shit load of freebies..

Thanks bro! I have tried & tried to find this strain!! I didn't know about the name being "blueberry" insted of blueberry yum yum! I was always under the impression that that's what it was called,insted of just blueberry! ;)
Thanks again bro, Your friend, Dank.
Sag did have DJ Short's Blueberry, however the dude got raided years ago and all his original stock was seized. And considering DJ Short was unhappy with the guy to begin with, I doubt he ever got those specific genetics back. It's possible he bought seed stock and worked it out again, but it won't be the original Blueberry.
Sag did have DJ Short's Blueberry, however the dude got raided years ago and all his original stock was seized. And considering DJ Short was unhappy with the guy to begin with, I doubt he ever got those specific genetics back. It's possible he bought seed stock and worked it out again, but it won't be the original Blueberry.

Thats what i thought...just didn't want to give the wrong info lol
Thats what i thought...just didn't want to give the wrong info lol

Its all good. I found um at the single seed centre.. :mrgreen: And in the description it does state that its the "original" genetics from back in 1970'. Idk really. But I don't see how they could state that, and it not be true. But who knows.. but its all good. ;) I got a few! Thanks though...
Yeah boy!! That smoke looks the bomb too!! ;) yeah, I was looking 4 the "blueberry yum yum" cause that's about the only tree my mom will toke on!! Its nuts really! But she always complains about my other strains!! Like my 8 Ball Kush, she says that its 2 spicy! And the others its always somthing, bless her heart!! :) that's why I was needing to get/find the "blueberry yum yum" until another friend above told me that it was just plain "blueberry" from Dj. Shorts.. But hell yeah bro, that's sum fine looking tree you got there!! :mrgreen: