Help please.Long stems replanted..worried about lighting schedule..very new to this


View attachment 2509742These were all planted at the same time in separate solo cups but they were growing only stems and falling over so I repotted them all up very close to the bottom leaves 13 days days ago an they look like this now. My lighting was 24 hours on but I switched to 20 and 4 five days ago. Should I stay on this light schedule or what should I change it to? I'm using t8 cfl 2 bulbs 4ft long 3 to 4 in above them all.Also im watering them once a day when i turn the lights on using 1 water bottle for all of that an ok watering cycle for their size? Are they ok multiple plants in one pot? The last pic is my setup for right now just figured I'd throw it in too. Thank you for any advice on any of my questions.



Well-Known Member
Get all of those into separate containers immediately, otherwise separating them later will be hell. Those T8 tubes (Not CFL's, those are the spiral ones.) Should get you by for a little while. As for light cycles for veg, 24/0, 20/4, or 18/6 light/dark cycles will work. When you water, don't go by days, go by how dry your soil is. Stick your finger in the soil on a smaller pot, and you can feel when it needs watered; for bigger ones, weight is normally what I go by.


Well-Known Member
They get long stems like that for a while. Nothing to worry about bro. Seedlings usually kick it hardcore the first couple of weeks. After that the stem will increase in diameter and the grapid seedling growth phase will slow down. It's just nature doing its thing.
as for the light cycle 18/6. There's no shortcuts, there's allways a trade off with everything.


Active Member
The seedling are stretching for the light! Lower your lught and they will stop stretching


Active Member
lowering the light will help but not with stretching. they should be reaching for the light though thats a good thing, means your getting adequate light intensity. if you had a red spectrum light like a hps they would stretch there inter-nodal gaps while vegging tho, but you have lots of blue. how big were they before you reburied? less than 8inches?


You should definitely re-pot each plant separately.. And I agree for lighting you should do 18/6 but 20/4 can also work..Whatever time you pick, just keep it consistent so you don't stress out the plant. Also, if you find that the stem is falling over, you can use a straw to keep it up.


New Member
lowering the light will help but not with stretching. they should be reaching for the light though thats a good thing, means your getting adequate light intensity. if you had a red spectrum light like a hps they would stretch there inter-nodal gaps while vegging tho, but you have lots of blue. how big were they before you reburied? less than 8inches?
lmao what the hell are you talking about?? lowering the light is the only way to prevent stretching.. yes they grow toward the light but stretching is a whole different thing.. when they dont get enough light they stretch like crazy trying to reach the light source...


Active Member
lmao what the hell are you talking about?? lowering the light is the only way to prevent stretching.. yes they grow toward the light but stretching is a whole different thing.. when they dont get enough light they stretch like crazy trying to reach the light source...
your talking internodal stretching right? well i'll take you at your word then, cuz ive never not had enough light for that to happen. nor have i seen it happen. ive only seen node gaps elongate because someone used a hps to veg. instead of mh, but hey im human to brother. i can be wrong :peace: nice cobra though


Active Member
prob 6in...any idea how long should i leave them in the vegg state before i go to 12 an 12?
thats up to your strain and height restrictions. id say at least veg till 12inches. the more you veg the more bud you'll have


Well-Known Member
If seedlings are falling over, it could also be from too much watering.

As for lowering light - stretching can happen when plans reach for the light. Florescent light drops off quickly. So, by moving the light as close to the plant as possible, you get the most intensity from the light possible in general terms.

However, a T8 is actually a poor choice for growing. Get CFL bulbs if you cannot get anything better, and make sure you get around 6500K for growth. You need better light. You need more light. And you need individual pots/cups/whatever.

Then start reading and watching videos.


Well-Known Member
There seedlings, they stretch like that in nature to get above all other plants they have to compete with. It's not like there 6 weeks old. Very true light does make them stretch, but consider the stage of early growth there in.


Thanks everyone for the advise. Got them in separate containers..anxious as hell lol. They seem to be doing good tho. When should I b able to tell if they are females? Also does this setup seem ok for 4 plants? Any suggestions appreciated..



New Member
very healthy plants. is that mircale grow organic soil though? be careful, that stuff stays wet forever.

your sprouts were barley stretched at all lol..ive seen a guy on grasscity who had a half foot stretched stem and it did incredible.

glad you seperated out though, so that doesnt matter anyway now. how many watts you got on that t8? t8s are stronger than the standard t5 fluor

also how tall do you want them? a foot? two feet? 3?


Sorry bout the upside down pics.. Still not very good with this iPad..that 3 pics is of the same plant but seems to be lookin purty good I think..still a newbie tho..lemme know what ya think.. Just so ya know.....Tigers don't change their stripes an a fish outta water can't survive yo.