Where you at rep wise?

I usually wait a while before repping someone. I hate to rep someone then find out later they are a world class douchebag. I hate to see classless, idiots running around "beyond repute", when what they really need is a good shot to the throat.
I'll make it a point to rep & "like" newcomers - it always gives them at least 2 new green boxes & makes them feel welcome (I hope).

i try and do the same gwn.. i know how it feels not to feel like you fit in around here, so if i can make someone feel a bit better about themselves, i'm all for it.. :D
I usually wait a while before repping someone. I hate to rep someone then find out later they are a world class douchebag.

i've done that before clayton.. repp'ed someone, then either like a few days later, or even it's happened like their very next post i was like wtf did i just do, i hope no one thinks i agree with this person, lol.. too late at that point.. :(
i've done that before clayton.. repp'ed someone, then either like a few days later, or even it's happened like their very next post i was like wtf did i just do, i hope no one thinks i agree with this person, lol.. too late at that point.. :(

I sometimes run into the dilemma of agreeing with a post and wanting to like it but strongly disagree with the poster's signature.