Need serious help with first time grow!!


Well-Known Member
You know there`s people in the real world that know about gardening that you can speak to but most of them atleast act like they don`t grow weed lol

You were not going to "buy" "soil" dude would you try to build a car with out "metal" ?? roots grow in soil or anywhere you can get correct conditions you can`t grow a plant without root`s or light or water and some basic N-P-K and other things but anyway

Get the root zone wrong and plant`s die why do you think most people germinate seeds in paper or cubes ? most seeds are very delicate fill your bath tub with a million African bush weed seeds and simply leave the window open and lights on and you might grow some weed

But do the following instead and you might get some good weed

Buy good seeds from a proven breeder of a strain you like or want to try

buy good lights and a timer

Find a good source of water

find out the way you want to contain your roots be it soil, hydro, aero, a dam fish tank , or even hand misting 24/7 by some kind of underground cave of morlocks

find a feed that will work with your choice of root zone growing area

Does your root zone need any air or chemicals ?

Will you need any testers or other equipment to maintain correct environment ? thermometer ? ph meter ? hydro meter ? ec meter ? work out what you need or have emergency money to buy such things

Will your grow area have enough air ? correct temps ? humidity ? do you need to control smell ?

One should consider everything and plan ahead when farming my friend did you plant this seed hoping to get high or simply to just watch a few leaves open and then die ????

Get your head in the game son if you want to smoke weed you have 3 options, buy it, grow it or pick it !!!! all of them require some effort and or money on your part nothing in life is free.............
I would not recommend for a new grower to buy seeds. Most people kill their first plants. It is all part of the trial and error process.


Well-Known Member
I agree with ninja, about to get into the s&m part of growing lol. I order from nirvana, have not had a package get nabbed by customs (got one this week with 40 fem seeds), always ships out in a timely manner, and I have heard of much higher prices at other places for fem seeds although some people are not fans of their genetics I have not had any complaints. Soil prob was just hot they look great now, do you pull your water right from the faucet? If so if you get a pur filter it gets rid of sediment and chlorination so you do not have to leave water out for a day.


Well-Known Member
when is the best time to start LST?
Ive never done it so im not quite sure, but i would thing at around three weeks or when it has three sets of leaves, maybe six inches. Youll have to check my opinions because im not sure 100%. If you want to see a small box done check luigis super mini plants journal. He does a small box with lst and they turned out nicely, youll probably get some tips. Hes a nice guy so hed answer your questions if you had any for him. LST is a great way to grow larger yielding plants in a small space. :):):)


Active Member
Here are some pictures of what they look like. The first photo is the one that is just growing like crazy and the other plant has just really been moving along very slow. But im patient so thats all good. View attachment 2502708View attachment 2502709View attachment 2502710View attachment 2502711View attachment 2502712View attachment 2502713View attachment 2502714
Holy crap! I was just ready the beginning and read the post slamming you for being new. I ran into jerks like that starting to grow too. I want to say from the first pic to now you are getting it down brotha. lol keep going looking great


Well-Known Member
Depends on what kind of LST you are talking about. I usually top/FIM at my 4th true node, not counting cotyledon or serrated leaves after that, and then bend/tie down soon after they recover from the cuts. I have not experimented with bending super early on so could not tell you how short it would stay but would be interesting to see a plant grown horizontally from first true leave on... I have not tried my hand at supercropping or SCROG since I am still relatively new (have not been doing it for even half a decade like most guys) and working out the kinks of other methods I have found to work.


Day 26
Here are a bunch of pictures of the two and i was going to put a video up but it ended up being to large of a file(will shorten and post). Began LST 2 days ago using two different methods. Let me know if there is anything you want to know. in a couple shots leaves look yellow but none are except original burnt leaves.



Well-Known Member
Good job bro :) they look really healthy. Thats good for your first time. I think you have the green thumb. Your soil doesnt have much pearlite so when you transplant make sure you pick some up from home depot for seven bucks and a good bag of dirt, but the lst work looks good. The only thing id do would be to get a lower string going around the base. One that pulls the other direction so you make a zig zag shape instead of just a lean. Thats just what ive seen done. Looks like youve been doing some reading because your off to a good start :):):)


Just a little update everyone, its day 40 ( week 1 of flowering ) and they are looking great. Still no signs of sex yet but when i see pre flowers ill be sure to post a picture.


Well-Known Member
Good job bro :) they look really healthy. Thats good for your first time. I think you have the green thumb. Your soil doesnt have much pearlite so when you transplant make sure you pick some up from home depot for seven bucks and a good bag of dirt, but the lst work looks good. The only thing id do would be to get a lower string going around the base. One that pulls the other direction so you make a zig zag shape instead of just a lean. Thats just what ive seen done. Looks like youve been doing some reading because your off to a good start :):):)
NinjaB - like how you worked with this newb for several days. Guys like you make RIU great. Already rep+ earlier so maybe some of the other followers can bump you.


Well-Known Member
NinjaB - like how you worked with this newb for several days. Guys like you make RIU great. Already rep+ earlier so maybe some of the other followers can bump you.
Are you kidding lol thats the best part of RIU for me. Helping people out, solving problems, and learning as you go with them. I kinda look at it as a race to find the best answer before all the other guys playing RIU beat you to the punch, its kinda like bingo to me :):):)


(sorry theres no picture buuuut) Not sure if it means anything but my tops are starting to get a little lighter in color. More of a yellowish color than green but not like a nutrient burn type of yellow( ya know ha ) . I was curious if that is normal during flowering or if its some kind of deficiency of some sort. i Noticed just about all of my tops are doing it and i just wasn't sure if it was a sign that flowers were going to be popping up soon or something. The tops also seem to be getting a little thicker and bushy if that makes sense.


Heres what they are looking like.

Just started seeing pre-flowers on both girls!
Running out of space fast ever since i switched to flower so i went through and did a little defoliating.
i really hope they stop stretching soon because space is QUICKLY running short(any suggestions, besides get a new grow room/box). id rather not have to take a section of them.

Would have shown pictures of pre-flowers but they were just so small and thin the camera couldnt really pick them up.

before defoliating
After defoliating

Before defoliating
Topping has made a great recover.



Well-Known Member
I just smoked one but it kinda looks like you took off all your bud sites, did you do that? Oh no....lmao Man, that plant lookd like it was going to be pretty good. Well how long has it been in flower for?


Well-Known Member
Hey bud.

Newbie here who spent a grand getting a set up going. Been spending 4-6 ours a day getting my stuff right. Sometimes these guys are crpytic. You'll get used to it. First off, most problems can be answered by googling your'll pull this site with answers, as well as many others. try it.

I can tell you what your problem is. Same thing that happened to me when I tried to use MG or some bark-based soil. It'll start your seed, then about a week into'll burn it all to shit. Leaves start turning yellow, brown..Ive seen it all with my first bag seed plants.

Go get yourself some Jiffy seed starting mix for 4 bucks at walmart. Ive phed's hitting right about 6.8..mix 1/4 perlite in there, from walmart as well. Mix up a small batch, and then RINSE it and let it dry. The run will be a high 7, but the next time it'll be 6.5. I rinse AL my soil and let it dry now. Perlite too. They have the prlite at walmart, has a little nitrogen, but not much. I started with MG, and organic, and unless your water is a'll burn the shit out of your plants coming out. Hands on experience speaking from last week. I rehabed my NG plant, and he's doing great now since I replanted there is hope.

Your set-up...You need a small 18 inch florescent or 2 from walmart for 9 bucks a piece, shining right on top, bout 1-2 inches away..I just duct taped them to the top of the box(my box was exact to hit the plastic ends to rest on), but cutting holes diaand 2 -3 desk lamps with 100 watt bulbs_the kind that have bendy necks..7 bucks walmart) One will cover each plant, and the flouro tubes from top will keep them growing straight up. TRy to make sure your lights are coming from the top, not the sides.

STart in a 12-14 oz cup..not those big ass planters at first, more nutrients in more soil..more burn...start small..a Dixie cup will keep them in their first 2 weeks of life( I tore many open at each stage to check root development( know whats going on under the dirt).