Need help with cfl lighting. Please help

It's first grow. Gonna be growing 5 plants in my closet. I'm having a hard time thinking of an easy way to adjust the lights. I'm thinking about hanging a few of my clamp lights that have splitters on them from string from the pole you hang your shirts from. What do you think? Anyone ever try this out?

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
It's first grow. Gonna be growing 5 plants in my closet. I'm having a hard time thinking of an easy way to adjust the lights. I'm thinking about hanging a few of my clamp lights that have splitters on them from string from the pole you hang your shirts from. What do you think? Anyone ever try this out?
How big is your closet?


Well-Known Member
Easiest way would be to mount all your lights to one thing, board, plywood. When you move your board frame or plywood all your lights move since there mounted to it. Move (1) thing instead if several things.


Well-Known Member
I have a shelf above my plant that I use clamp lights on, and bathroom vanity fixtures on the sides, so you basically end up with the idea from Topfuel.


Active Member
move the hangar pole in the closet to the highest possible position. That way if you need more room to keep raising your lights you dont have to reach over your plants to move anything. I killed to of my plants early on by dropping a fluorescent bulb on them. Use extension cords with plug in light sockets. Just screw in the bulb to the socket, plug it into the power supply, and now you have 3 cfls per extension cord, or 6 if you use Y splitters. Just raise the cfls as you need them to be raised by raising the extension cord. Use the hangar pole in the closet to wrap your cords around. Thats what i do, and its simple, but effective.