Purple OG dwc

So I thought I'd update since the last time I posted in this forum. With 1 failed dwc under my belt, I took everyones helpful advice, suggestions & tips and tried again, Jan 17th I got some new clones. Purple OG. I changed a few things to make the grow room a bit cooler, sterilized everything throughly, somethings twice even. No signs of gnats or spidermites *crosses fingers* I planted some garlic (dwc as well) pretty much a whole clove next to the plants, & it smells great. I have been slaving away at the water bottle deal, I'm looking and researching chillers, I know they help, and I'd like one, but tight budget. I have grown to really enjoy growing since these girls have taken off. At first I had some heat issues even with changing the location from in the shower from out of the shower in front of it. They almost died with heat stress and I got the carbon filter out of the room and it has drastically changed. They have started growing and looking great. Sadly I have a runt, I think it got more shocked and stressed than her sister but I can only hope that she will catch up (3 inches shorter but still growing) They were going to be in a 5 gal bucket each with a water indicator but the seal failed so theyre back in 3.5 gal buckets (feels so tiny for the roots, so hopefully it'll seal fully soon.

I am still using X-nutrients, still had about 75% of each bottle left from the last failed grow.) I also received free samples from Dyna-gro, I emailed about 7 companies and 1 sent me free samples. So I will be trying their product next.
I also started Cannazym & GH rapidstart (free sample from my hydro store) last Tuesday because my runts water was smelling a bit swampy, and it seems to help a bit.
I purchased a ppm meter, yes a cheap one, but with all the other things I need to update, it seems like it'll do the job for the most part. I replaced my GH ph liquid meter for an aquatic ph liquid meter and I like it much better, but I'd like to someday own a ph pen.

Well thanks for reading (if it wasnt tl;dr) if thats the case, I'll provide pictures! I got my Nikon d40x out of her case to play during this grow, I love how waxy the leaves look with this camera, anyone try liquid Einstein? (I think thats what its called)

And if anyone is interested, I started a grow journal, I have no life so I've been posting a lot lol


guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
would you be down to post a few pics of the garlic? i have a small organic garlic farm and have often thought about growing some in water culture just for fun but never have....your plants look good btw.

Good thing I roast those and then smash them to make sure they're dead.
are you talking about the garlic? The roots grow incredibly fast, don't need ph balance, or air stones, I use plain ol tap water! They look weird and you can stab them multiple times...weird lol

dyna gro sent me GROW & BLOOM, I didn't see a micro, is that not needed?

also, unrelated, Saul is a good character! Have you seen Mr. Show? If you haven't, def check it out
thats crazy!! not what i was expecting....have you grown it that way before? only sticks and tap water huh...you HAVE to throw up some updates of those once in awhile. you never give them nutrients?
Lol nothing but tap! And I have not grown that way at all! I never usually grow anything well, I had jasmine in my backyard until I was gone for the weekend and it was hitting over 100 degrees! I have some tulip bulbs and thinking about doing the same thing but in a vase lol but I will def keep it updated!


Well-Known Member
are you talking about the garlic? The roots grow incredibly fast, don't need ph balance, or air stones, I use plain ol tap water! They look weird and you can stab them multiple times...weird lol

dyna gro sent me GROW & BLOOM, I didn't see a micro, is that not needed?

also, unrelated, Saul is a good character! Have you seen Mr. Show? If you haven't, def check it out
I love Saul! Not sure what Mr. Show is though, have to interwebs it.

No micro with Dyna. Magpro should be used, or some other calmag type nutrient. But Dynagros base nutrients have enough MG and CA I just like the added safety of Magpro. Stuff is concentrated so a little goes a long way. 2-15-4 I think with 2%mg


Well-Known Member
Lol nothing but tap! And I have not grown that way at all! I never usually grow anything well, I had jasmine in my backyard until I was gone for the weekend and it was hitting over 100 degrees! I have some tulip bulbs and thinking about doing the same thing but in a vase lol but I will def keep it updated!
I kill shit all the time.

Well not so much anymore. Now I just torture the plants. I can never figure out what they like to eat so im either over or underfeeding. And over or underwatering.

I've never grown anything up until like 15 months ago. I jumped right into hydro though so its been a struggle. But fuck dirt. Shit came with bugs. Aint nobody got time for no bugs
I love Saul! Not sure what Mr. Show is though, have to interwebs it.

No micro with Dyna. Magpro should be used, or some other calmag type nutrient. But Dynagros base nutrients have enough MG and CA I just like the added safety of Magpro. Stuff is concentrated so a little goes a long way. 2-15-4 I think with 2%mg
lol I say interwebs as well lol

mr show is amazing, it's an old comedy show, veryyyyy funny! Do you know who tool is (the band?) well the singers other band, puscifer, on the first episode they were on it, like 96, before I even knew who they were lol...sorry totally unrelated. I think it came on HBO, my friend had the box set, and I think it's on iTunes as well. I totally recommend!! Get blazed & watch it with someone else, makes it more comical lol

I'm pretty new to the feeding thing as well, I tried soil once, spidermites took over so I never grew again. I'm currently unemployed and bored most of the time, and I hate forking out $50+ almost twice a month (hate being a budget stoner) so I thought I'd give a try in hydro, I didn't realize some things before and ruined my first crop, (heat & bugs...yes i get bugs with hydro as well) but I'm trying again...this time has gone way better! I posted about my first grow, that failed, so if you look I'm sure you'd find it, (from last month)

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
wow! Now THAT'S a garlic garden!!! Is the green shoots edible? I never grown garlic before lol I didn't even know they grew like that, lol
you could probably eat the leaves, i've never tried though....when they start to mature they grow a central shoot with a small bulb on the end called a scape. that part i have eaten alot of. hows the herb growing??
you could probably eat the leaves, i've never tried though....when they start to mature they grow a central shoot with a small bulb on the end called a scape. that part i have eaten alot of. hows the herb growing??
The funny thing is, I don't even like garlic, I'll probably be donating it to my mom, she likes it for the good nutrients it gives when eaten raw, to me....it's waaaaaay too strong of a flavor!

and the plants are doing well, day 21 today. Take a look at my journal, I updated it today with a cpl of pictures