Puffdatchronic's Cinderella 99 Journal

Kite High

Well-Known Member
very very very rarely is pH the problem in soil/soiless medium....My pH pen now is relegated to my hotub...haven't used it for plants in years


Well-Known Member
Well something ain't right.Going in at 6.2 out at 6.8 .. thats a 6 point difference just from running through the pot.it's probably because i use baking soda as ph up.. i never mentioned that ,kids don't try this at home ..it's just so cheap and readily available...beats going to the grow shop.I gotta bring my solution up from 5.4 before putting it in some way.. perhaps i'll get some proper ph up for next time


Active Member
very very very rarely is pH the problem in soil/soiless medium....My pH pen now is relegated to my hotub...haven't used it for plants in years
Kite, you are obviously more experienced at this than me, and I have read both opinions on this forum. Some say forget ph if you're soil and others say check it. Hydro requires ph in the 5's and soil between 6.2 and 6.5 or so. Somewhere in my reading here, I saw a post where you take the ph in and the ph out. The runoff ph is about halfway between ph in and the rootball ph. In this case, Puff's rootball ph would be 7.4, pretty high according to accepted theory. Wouldn't it be better to try to get the ph to an acceptable level? I ask because I want to learn and you have had a LOT of success growing. Tomorrow is day 11 for me and I want to get this as good as possible. Puff, I hope that it's OK that I posted a question on your thread. If not, let me know. Peace.


Well-Known Member
Hey GD ,NP man, post away this thread is not only my journey with c99 ,but also discussion about cannabis growing in general ,we can come together and learn new things.

I myself have never read that ph is not important in soil.In fact the only reason i even own a ph meter or learned about ph is because of my noob mistake of trying to use the wrong soil.I got a bag of compost from the garden centre and must have killed about 5 different strains ,none of them lived past the seedling stage ,excpet ice cream from paradise seeds ,which was a fighter ,it stalled and stalled then started growing and then just died all of a sudden aswell..it was a real fighter.But it died showing all the symptoms of nutrient lock out.I then bought a ph meter and measured the run off from the soil and it was 4..

so then i went and bought biobizz soil and have never looked back.since then i have always ph'd my water going in as well as with the nutes added the water goes to 5.4 so i bring it up to 6.5 with baking soda.Up until now it has worked fine , and actually if you look at my last pics ,you can't really say the plant looks unhealthy..but i identified some leaf probs developing and have now got that reading back .So the environment within that pot is not 6.5 anymore ,but higher ,which is not good.

I will stick with my own methods ,if kite could explain his theory/methods /applications as regards to soil ,that would be good.I have an open mind and will listen to his side of the story and research it further.Perhaps his nutrients don't make his feed as acidic ,perhaps he feeds ,then gives plain water in turns.. i feed every watering ,so i always assumed 5.4 enough times would eventually bring the soil below 6


Well-Known Member
Hey GD ,NP man, post away this thread is not only my journey with c99 ,but also discussion about cannabis growing in general ,we can come together and learn new things.

I myself have never read that ph is not important in soil.In fact the only reason i even own a ph meter or learned about ph is because of my noob mistake of trying to use the wrong soil.I got a bag of compost from the garden centre and must have killed about 5 different strains ,none of them lived past the seedling stage ,excpet ice cream from paradise seeds ,which was a fighter ,it stalled and stalled then started growing and then just died all of a sudden aswell..it was a real fighter.But it died showing all the symptoms of nutrient lock out.I then bought a ph meter and measured the run off from the soil and it was 4..

so then i went and bought biobizz soil and have never looked back.since then i have always ph'd my water going in as well as with the nutes added the water goes to 5.4 so i bring it up to 6.5 with baking soda.Up until now it has worked fine , and actually if you look at my last pics ,you can't really say the plant looks unhealthy..but i identified some leaf probs developing and have now got that reading back .So the environment within that pot is not 6.5 anymore ,but higher ,which is not good.

I will stick with my own methods ,if kite could explain his theory/methods /applications as regards to soil ,that would be good.I have an open mind and will listen to his side of the story and research it further and come to my own conclusion.
And this is why I follow your journal Puff. Not only are you growing the same strain but you are a logical person who likes to think for himself while being open to new things and suggestions yet you want to research for yourself. Well played sir.. As for the ph of soil I have always heard to check it. On my first grow I was having a problem with low ph in my soil until I added some garden lime and never had to check it again. Which pic were they saying was showing Iron def? I feel like my new growth is kinda light looking so I wanna compare. I ph my nutes to 6.5 but I have lime in my soil so Im not sure what the runoff is. Forgot to check last night.

Kite High

Well-Known Member
I use promix hp with powdered dolomite lime diatomaceous earth and Azomite added amendments. Using DG ferts with Protekt the pH is stable. Has been stable so long that the pH checking exercise was no longer required. I also use ro water and add cal mag supplements to the feed. pH is important but with the correct soil mix it is more often another factor and not pH. I am not chopping on it just found it is no longer a concern. Lime is your friend.
i also feed every watering but I also pretty much flush every time with plain water then followed immediately with the feed.


Well-Known Member
Hi dudes ,

mechanical ,Thanks man i appreciate that you see things that way.I don't have the photo saved on my pc anymore ,but the picture in question is here


If you look closely some of those leaves were beggining to have like a mottled appearance ,dark green with light patches .Some leaves on the plant were just plain dark green but it felt like "the dark" was being sucked out of some of these ones.I upped the N and it seemed to help.

Kite thanks for letting us in on that..

maybe i need to ditch the baking soda and get some lime for next time..


Well-Known Member
Ya lime is deff your friend and get some Earth Juice for your nute solution. Its a crystallized organic ph up&down. I would use it even if I wasn't organic cause its so much easier than the liquid kind.

Adam & Cola

Well-Known Member
Puff I think your plant is looking awesome. I hope mine looks half as good as yours 13 days into flower.

Kite mentioned he uses DG (Dyna-Grow) nutes. My current grow of "C99" is my first attempt at using DG nutes. So take this as you may... But with all the note taking i've done I can say that if you want to raise your P.H. use there product called Pro-Tekt. Plus it will be a hell of a lot more beneficial to your plant than baking soda. I would never suggest a product unless i've used it myself. I now have a 97% full bottle of AN PH. Up.. that i'm probably never going to use again.. knowing that Pro-Tekt will raise the P.H. for me and be more benificial "I'm Sold". And in the foggy bay area of Cali it only cost $14.95 from my hydro store. so you should be too

NO, I am not a Dyna Grow Rep. lmfao

Yep I can honestly say that I have no smell coming from my plant on day uuuuummm!!! 43 is it, of veg.. Unless i'm trying to manipulate the stems and branches in the scrog. Even then I wouldn't say it smells like MJ.

DAMN IT!!! i want to flip her to 12/12.. you guys are killing me being in Flower.. ughhh!!!


Well-Known Member
Haha tbh , i think anyone who says a strain like C99 ..jack herer x shiva ...is not strong, is just an ultra pot snob who has been spolied for choice with og kushes and chems.. Yeah maybe those strains are the elite as far as potency goes ,but as chesus and kite can testify c99 is some quality marijuana whatever angle you look at it from.

Adam thanks for the recommendation ,i will be looking into that for my next grow.. hey ,and still no smell off mine yet either 15 days into flower..how big is yours now? surely can't be long before you can flip.. mine is up to 32 inches now.. just want it to stop growing up and start packing on bud now..

btw guys those "Balls " are just calyx's for sure ,theres white hairs coming out of them now.I guess i'll know for next time that this strain may throw out weird looking calyxs.It wasn't just me who thought it looked hermieish ,so stoked now that i know she's not .


Active Member
Haha tbh , i think anyone who says a strain like C99 ..jack herer x shiva ...is not strong, is just an ultra pot snob who has been spolied for choice with og kushes and chems.. Yeah maybe those strains are the elite as far as potency goes ,but as chesus and kite can testify c99 is some quality marijuana whatever angle you look at it from.

Adam thanks for the recommendation ,i will be looking into that for my next grow.. hey ,and still no smell off mine yet either 15 days into flower..how big is yours now? surely can't be long before you can flip.. mine is up to 32 inches now.. just want it to stop growing up and start packing on bud now..

btw guys those "Balls " are just calyx's for sure ,theres white hairs coming out of them now.I guess i'll know for next time that this strain may throw out weird looking calyxs.It wasn't just me who thought it looked hermieish ,so stoked now that i know she's not .
That is great news!!! pistils are always the best thing to become visible on cannabis! Nope, it was not just you cause those looked like possible ball sacks (I have not seen calyxes like that on my 2 C'99 plants... though they did throw some interesting looking calyxes out). Hey also to the other current and past C'99 growers... is it just me or are those pistils (not all of them) fat? My BBGum also has some nice size pistils... so maybe there is a difference, which I am sure that there is, between seedbank seeds and bag seeds. Out of my 2 C'99 one of them took longer to germinate. (the BBGums germinated the same time frame as the 'faster' germinated C'99). It is marked on my plant tags as I am curious to see its weight against the other. She also had the iron deficiency a little worse than the other girl. I am seeing how genetics really make a difference... and here I thought a plant was a plant, was a plant. I can't wait in about a couple of months when we all come back here and give our smoke report! My girl stopped at 36 inches, but I did veg her for 45 days.


Well-Known Member
Haha tbh , i think anyone who says a strain like C99 ..jack herer x shiva ...is not strong, is just an ultra pot snob who has been spolied for choice with og kushes and chems.. Yeah maybe those strains are the elite as far as potency goes ,but as chesus and kite can testify c99 is some quality marijuana whatever angle you look at it from.

Adam thanks for the recommendation ,i will be looking into that for my next grow.. hey ,and still no smell off mine yet either 15 days into flower..how big is yours now? surely can't be long before you can flip.. mine is up to 32 inches now.. just want it to stop growing up and start packing on bud now..

btw guys those "Balls " are just calyx's for sure ,theres white hairs coming out of them now.I guess i'll know for next time that this strain may throw out weird looking calyxs.It wasn't just me who thought it looked hermieish ,so stoked now that i know she's not .
Its a guy I know that gets stoned everyday
My guess is he likes couchlock


Well-Known Member
gotta say i love couchlock to ,but i also love that floaty euphoric sativa high to..

LG thats what i thought to .I was of the opinion that even bag seed had to be some known genetics to start with.. even if it was poorly grown ,there was potential there.


Active Member
Hey PuffDat, just a quick stop to see what's happening. I'm glad that you have figured out the hermie situation, and I agree some of the pistils are huge. I have to keep going back into your thread to remind myself that you were once where I'm at now . :lol: Progress everyday and it's been fun to watch.

Kite: I see what you are saying; no need to check ph because you know that it's right from experience. I hope to get there one day, nothing like experience to make a grow the very best.