LED DIY : Making of a "DJ SET "-style grow led light .

What are the dimensions for your new panel design, SDS? just wondering how much space you're putting those oslons into
What are the dimensions for your new panel design, SDS? just wondering how much space you're putting those oslons into

Dims ? Which ? Of heatsink ? of what ?

Heatsink size is 200 x 160 x 40 mm (16 x fins ) ....

Oh I'm really liking the small design ....

I want four of those ...
Only four I need !
They're going to be enough for me .....

Four of those ....
mostfavourite.jpgforsuremyfavourite.jpgopinions wanted ___spectra.jpgside vents.jpg........

With those 48 pieces of SSLs ....
And in a GD box .....
With high quality materials ....
And ....A remote .....
48V Power-supply
Plus :
1. PWM circuit for dimming (30% - 100%) 100% = 700mA
-Running from ~210mA up to ~700 mA ...
2. FAN circuit (adjustable 7 - 12V)..
....For those moments of silence ....

3. Fail-safe for Leds (Leds off if Fan fails)...
...Now can go camping at weekend ! ....Won't cost that much , if a fan decides to fail ! .

Need help here ....
opinions wanted ___.jpg
Should I :
a)leave the modules as is ..

b) take the outer modules further out to heatsink
(as borders are left a tad wider than the "gaps" between modules(40mm,center to center=>10mm gap between modules ) ...)

c)spread them more & evenly .

Does the fan have much influence on the modules as they sit inside this sort of enclosure? Would it be possible to use the heatsink for the drivers as well (since the fan is 100% on heatsink)?

This process has been wonderful to watch and informative, at that...
Does the fan have much influence on the modules as they sit inside this sort of enclosure? Would it be possible to use the heatsink for the drivers as well (since the fan is 100% on heatsink)?

This process has been wonderful to watch and informative, at that...

Well ..You bet the fan has a great influence there ....
It's plenty of complex thermodynamics to calculate to decide where & how to place the pcb on heatsink ...
Knowledge and tools I do not have ....
Just rough guessing ,trying to take into account as many variables as possible ..
And they are plenty ...
(Materials used thermal properties ,fan specs ,heatsink construction ,heat generated by leds ,ect ...)

I do not think that these tiny " bucks" need severe cooling ....
Otherwise ,it will have shown ...(metal "back" ,hole for attaching to heatsink,ect ...)...

Now ....
I haven't slept at all ....

Been smoking my new harvested led weed ...
PDamn,those purplish flowers ..
Weird ideas ,they bear .....

See,for yourshelves...

Protecting the leds ..
-No need for lenses ..(80 ° )...
So ....No-no ....

-Protective glass/polycarbonate ?
decrease in power .....

So ..
What about ...a ....border ..of plexiglas ?

Eh ?
See ...
Just ~3.5 mm thick is enough ....

glued with transparent epoxy/silicone ...

protective plexi 1.jpgprotective plexi 2.jpgprotective plexi 3.jpgprotective plexi 4.jpgprotective plexi open.jpg

Or it's just that my few-left-alive brain cells are shelf-burning by now ?
I do not think that these tiny " bucks" need severe cooling ....
each Buck-driver serves 12 Leds
at 700mA we have about 27W (10 white; 2 Red)
eff. of the buck-drv. is 97%
that´s less than 1W of Heat for each driver

ups.. each complete light has over 100W
my experience says we need less power and a wider spread for the leds on this heatsink
take a look at my idea and think about it
75W for each light ... 3 buck drv.
main power-supply 350W for 4 lights
better spread of light and heat

some other points in this design
we should place the buck-drv. near the XLR-connector to avoid to much wireing (put them on the same alu-profil)

best will be when only two wires goes from the heatsink-part to the fan-plate, makes assembling easier

also 6 to 8 holes in the Heatsink for the wires from the bucks to the PCB´s, matching between the fin´s and inline with solder-pads on the PCB
I do not think that these tiny " bucks" need severe cooling ....
each Buck-driver serves 12 Leds
at 700mA we have about 27W (10 white; 2 Red)
eff. of the buck-drv. is 97%
that´s less than 1W of Heat for each driver

So ,I assumed kinda correctly there ...

(Just seeing pics of them ,noticed that they lack any " cooling support " features ...
So by,free air induction ...And as Guod said ,<1 Watt of heat/ buck driver ! )

ups.. each complete light has over 100W
my experience says we need less power and a wider spread for the leds on this heatsink
take a look at my idea and think about it
75W for each light ... 3 buck drv.
main power-supply 350W for 4 lights
better spread of light and heat

View attachment 2505856

Yes,I agree and i like it very much ...
Bravo !
So ,pcb will have new dimensions ...About ?
Can not judge from the pic that much ...-And they do not look same size as the "petunia" ( 30 x 60 mm )
They seem larger ...

Way better ,that way ...
Yes,my brother ...
3 x 12 ...
Much better ..
Less heat stress for everything on the system ...
Better light power spread ,also ...

some other points in this design
we should place the buck-drv. near the XLR-connector to avoid to much wireing (put them on the same alu-profil)

best will be when only two wires goes from the heatsink-part to the fan-plate, makes assembling easier

also 6 to 8 holes in the Heatsink for the wires from the bucks to the PCB´s, matching between the fin´s and inline with solder-pads on the PCB

Well ,you are right ...
Truth is ,I just 've " thrown " the bucks inside the box ..
Leaving it to/ hoping that , you to/will design it better ! :-P ....
( All models are uploaded )
Yes ,that is needed ...3 drivers together ..Near the connector ...Neat and tidy ...
I tried many different places for the XLR plug ...
Only place seems to fit nice is at sides ...

- I might got that wrong ... only two wires goes from the heatsink-part to the fan-plate,
Wires of powering the fan of course ..Isn't that right ?

-the last about the holes part ,I didn't quite understand it -Sorry-
and inline with solder-pads on the PCB...?

Ok ..yes wire holes of cables should be between fins ..Yes ..
They can be 6-8 holes ...or even one ? (bigger Dia.) ..? (cabling will look funny ...? ).
or three holes ?
Each pair of +/- wires for every pcb ,share same hole ....

Shouldn't the pcbs ,also be secured with ....
(Ok...have some patience with me now- )....
......just two-three tiny-tiny rivets ?

just to be more secured (not only adhered to thermoconductive sticker pad )..
And have some pressure applied against heatsink ...

What do you think about it ?

About the plexi protection ?
( Can be something of alum ,but extra drilling to heatsink ,needed,to be attached ..)
Guod ,indeed very ..attractive design ...

"Industrial " ...Kinda ..
Strong ...Efficient ...Simple ...

Say ..If not anodised ....
Would that have a great impact on cooling ?
I mean ..How big ,the difference will be , from the anodised version ?
(black anodising the whole unit is doable at special shops and with not so great cost -..at least here...- )

non anodised version.jpg
75 Watts at max ...

I wonder ...
(if we have also the option of fan speed adjustment ...7-12 V ..)
Which one ?

Strong but loud (at max power ...)
or a more moderate one ?

Guod ?

Of these ...
Which one would you have ?

fans ebm papst.jpg

My choice would have been the 4412 FNH ...

Yes ..55 dB ,is kinda much ...( ~30 dB has my S&P 160 air extractor )..

But ....225 m^3 / h is much ....
I'd go for that one ...

Thing is ...Can the speed of fan (7-12 V ) be automatically re-adjusted ,
analog to manual led dimming ....????

700mA current,manually set to leds => 12 V,automatically set to fan ....
210mA current,manually set to leds => 7 V,automatically set to fan ....


Please-please say "yes it can" ......
So ,pcb will have new dimensions ...About ?
Can not judge from the pic that much ...-And they do not look same size as the "petunia" ( 30 x 60 mm )
They seem larger ...

5 by 10cm-

I might got that wrong ... only two wires goes from the heatsink-part to the fan-plate,
Wires of powering the fan of course ..Isn't that right ?

-the last about the holes part ,I didn't quite understand it -Sorry-
and inline with solder-pads on the PCB...?

Shouldn't the pcbs ,also be secured with ....
(Ok...have some patience with me now- )....
......just two-three tiny-tiny rivets ?

commuication problems are normal in the first time
this is what i mean

single holes for each wire. the amount of wire has to short as possible on this side of the heatsink. looks nicer; less stress for wire-isolation
hole for the rivets depends on the final PCB-Layout. try to place them nearly as i show up.
So ,pcb will have new dimensions ...About ?
Can not judge from the pic that much ...-And they do not look same size as the "petunia" ( 30 x 60 mm )
They seem larger ...

5 by 10cm- I might got that wrong ... only two wires goes from the heatsink-part to the fan-plate,
Wires of powering the fan of course ..Isn't that right ?

-the last about the holes part ,I didn't quite understand it -Sorry-
and inline with solder-pads on the PCB...?

Shouldn't the pcbs ,also be secured with ....
(Ok...have some patience with me now- )....
......just two-three tiny-tiny rivets ?

commuication problems are normal in the first time
this is what i mean
View attachment 2505890

single holes for each wire. the amount of wire has to short as possible on this side of the heatsink. looks nicer; less stress for wire-isolation
hole for the rivets depends on the final PCB-Layout. try to place them nearly as i show up.

Yes ...Yes ...

Rivets are placed ,very good there in your design ....
6 small rivets/screws ...

As for the wires ...
There has to be ,another way ....
(I do not like the idea of "showing wires" that much ...)

What is the min Dia .( approx with & without insulation included) ,
wires from drives to leds ,should have ?

I'm having something rather radical in mind ....
But i need to know min Dia of those wires ...
My choice would have been the 4412 FNH ...

Yes ..55 dB ,is kinda much

way to much!!

more this way
4412 FGL
4412 FGML

an option with higher voltage, we have 48V
4414 FL
4414 FM
i will check what we need

Thing is ...Can the speed of fan (7-12 V ) be automatically re-adjusted ,
analog to manual led dimming ....????

not easy, but i have this on my list
What is the min Dia .( approx with & without insulation included) ,
wires from drives to leds ,should have ?

0.5 mm²
max. diameter with isolation 2.2 mm
Are you aware that the 2nd gen EVO design has been modified so that the engine is attached to a round heat sink? The whole thing is modular. Easy to replace the engine. I will look for a pic

Not the best pics. Scroll down to see modulatiry


some of the best BS i read in the last time

Power: 50W
Lighting area: 120 squaremeter 5 M high
will be hard to find a room for that beast

LED Lamp 50w Grow light penetrator
126 leds Led 0.5W
NW :: 6.8KG
a good penetrator it if falls down, maybe

2. Built-in ventilation fans with a easy removable feature so that when a mechanical problem happens with the fans.
4, The low heat emission eliminates the need for ducting and heat exhaust fans .

replacement instruction shows a total other lamp.
" ....a good penetrator it if falls down, maybe..................

I've just pissed my pants again,from laughing my @$$ off !!
Mua-ha-ha-ha-ha ..
Pet ...

Evos do not exist anymore ...
Old sad hi-story ....
routing the wire over the Heatsink(Fin-side) is not the best idea. collecting dust, conflicts with the fan on assembling and so on.