nice man this is skunk x haze x durban poison ? correct ? how does it smell and hows the high ??
Durban poison x Skunk/Haze correctly. The high is cerebral without euphoria or paranioa. Heart beat continues the same pace. At least for me old stoner. No body high at all. It hits your eye lids and brain. Strong rush in head but floating type of high. Deep thinking. Interested in anything available when high on this. Movie, games, being out, reading... At night sleep is excellent, dreamy a lot, hard to wake up in the morning.
During the grow it smells lemony a bit when touched. Sticky as glue. Room odour nothing more than usual. When dried and cured it forms into hardy buds, brownish mainly, smells like Africa

. It is not too skunky. Anyway, my favorite strain out there. Growing it for several seasons and will always grow.