Help diagnose my seedlings.Lots of pics.

These are 3 weeks old from when the germinated seeds popped above soil. Started in solo cups using an organic mix. Transplanted in week 2 to the current pots. For transplant i mixed the very muddy peaty organic soil with 35% perilte 15% vermiculite. Watering is every 3 days. 400 watt MH lamp at least 2 feet above them. Water ph was 8 when i started. For the last week water ph has been adjusted to 6.5-7 range. PH runoff is also 6-7 range.

The yellowing/twisted leaves is very disconcerting and from what ive read they appear to be stunted for how old they are. Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks.

First grow. 4x2 grow tent.



Well-Known Member
put them under some cfl's, they look too small to be under that intensity. plus the humidity is low and it should be warmer for seedlings. try 50-80 rh and 81f under 2 cfl's.
Watering every 3 days. I moved the light up another 2 feet so its 4-41/2 feet above the seedlings now. Ive tried getting the humidity up with a small personal humidifier and a pan of water which helped but its still low i know.


New Member
i think your watering schedule is the problem. i had terrible growth rates when i was over watering. they dont need ANY food until they are a month old in organic earth.
Ok its been 6 days since i last watered. The soil is still damp about 1 inch under the crusted topsoil. The seedlings don't look any better. Half of them have started sprouting their 3rd set of leaves, but all the new growth is yellow like the rest of them not green. Its been over 3 weeks since they sprouted. Should i try 1/4 strength nutes on the next watering? From the reading ive done new growth is the best indicator when trying to clear up problems. Thanks for the help.


New Member
i dont get it..your organic soil should have more than enough nutes to support your babies (which need 0 additional nutes besides their two round feed leaves)

try and make sure you ph is in the range of 6-7.

i guess the next step after that is to give the nutes a whirl.
PH at the last watering was in the 6-7 range like you suggested. Runoff PH was also at an acceptable level. Its wierd because i have 1 seedling(The last pic) that is greener than the rest and is growing slightly faster acting normal, ect. The rest have that yellow tinge to the leaves. The one with the biggest leaves they look wrinkled(1st pic). And 1 of em has a twisted leaf(4th pic).

I was using tap water for the first 2 weeks(PH eight), but have since switched to bottled for the last 2 waterings(PH adjusted to 6-7)


New Member
i really dont know man..youll figure it out though. i wouldnt rely on the moisture meter, they dont always work well.

give em a tiny bit of food next time, and see what happens. im at a loss..sorry

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
Ok its been 6 days since i last watered. The soil is still damp about 1 inch under the crusted topsoil. The seedlings don't look any better. Half of them have started sprouting their 3rd set of leaves, but all the new growth is yellow like the rest of them not green. Its been over 3 weeks since they sprouted. Should i try 1/4 strength nutes on the next watering? From the reading ive done new growth is the best indicator when trying to clear up problems. Thanks for the help.
The soil is still wet. let it dry some more. The majority of root growth will start about 3-4 inches and expand from there. The soil around your roots are still wet.

If you do use nutes, go with an organic liquid feed at 1/4 strength.

How big are your pots? If they are gallon size, I would wait 2-3 more days before even THINKING about water/nuting.

Do you have drain holes in your pots?

Do you have a saucer under your pots?

Is the pot sitting in water?


New Member
The soil is still wet. let it dry some more. The majority of root growth will start about 3-4 inches and expand from there. The soil around your roots are still wet.

If you do use nutes, go with an organic liquid feed at 1/4 strength.

How big are your pots? If they are gallon size, I would wait 2-3 more days before even THINKING about water/nuting.

Do you have drain holes in your pots?

Do you have a saucer under your pots?

Is the pot sitting in water?
good questions. if the pot is sitting a saucer/water, remove it.

i said from the start looks like a watering issue, but you said you wait long to water. i guess just wait longer. dont drench the soil, theyre babies! for babies, i water with 1-2oz of water around the stalk, not over it, so i can water frequently, get more wet/dry cycles in, and work my way up as they drink more.
I transplanted from solo cups into 8 inch pots when the roots started poking out the drain holes i made. I did it a bit too early as some of the root balls fell apart as they went into the new hole. I tried to be as gentle as possible. Made a hole in the new soil the same shape as the solo cup and gently put them in. Light pressure to make the roots contact the dirt and a light watering. Lots of drain holes in each pot. No standing water in my tent the floor is dry. No saucers.
There seems to be a lack of info online regarding proper watering for seedlings. I had been drenching the pots at each watering every 3 days. Im talking like quarter of a 2.5 liter jug for each pot. I was using up 2 jugs of water for 6 pots. Most of it went out the drain holes and evaporated on the tent floor within 24 hours. Thanks for the advice.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
why no saucers? how do you catch the over flow when you water?

Yeah that sounds like a gallon pot. You shouldnt need to water for another 3 days still. Your roots havent even reached the edge of the pot yet, so in 3 day stick your finger in 2 inches on the side.

When the soil feels moist like bread, it is safe to water. If it feels damp, wait another day.
Just let the overflow go onto the grow tent floor. It has a waterproof lining. All the excess water evaporates within a day with the 400 watt lamp going. Also helps my humidity issues temporarily.


New Member
I transplanted from solo cups into 8 inch pots when the roots started poking out the drain holes i made. I did it a bit too early as some of the root balls fell apart as they went into the new hole. I tried to be as gentle as possible. Made a hole in the new soil the same shape as the solo cup and gently put them in. Light pressure to make the roots contact the dirt and a light watering. Lots of drain holes in each pot. No standing water in my tent the floor is dry. No saucers.
theres your problem! just give the roots time to heal! wish you told us this from the start! i catch water in a towel, so it evaporates quicker.


New Member
when i destroyed my roots it took forever for my plant to catch back up. every day i would see the bottem leaves yellow out to be used as a backup source of energy. lasted for like three weeks.

having wet soil doesnt help the problem either. you want soil that is dry, with moisture just in between.