Club 600

Awwwwww shit son!!!!

About the high times 2013 cannabis cup in Denver!!!! Aww lawd! Im really going to try and swing this one. Its been a childhood dream of my to attend and this may be the golden ticket!

The only real difference for this year’s event is that anyone 21 and older can attend and smoke. Previously, only qualified medical patients could sample the entries.

Now I just need to find out if you need a to be a resident of CO to partake!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! fingers fucking crossed.

Oh its on!

The ability for people now to come from out of state and enjoy a smoke without needing a (medical marijuana) card opens the floodgates for more attendees. We hope it will really blow up and be the start of something really big.

Go with 32gb, you can pick up a new geforce to next to nothing. But trust me you will be happy you went 32.

Want me to build you a computer doobs? lol that's what I went to school for, got my EET degree at DeVry ;)

I run ableton right now on 64bit already. I get shit before it's released ;) Actually I'm running windows 8 on one of my machines lol.

Appreciate the offer but, before my health failed, I ran my own in-home computer repair service for a number of years, so i think I still remember how to install cards into PCI slots.
I have no clue as to how many PC's I've built since the first one back in 1974 (I'm a 2nd generation computer technician).
That one, our third computer (he named computer #1 "Elf", computer #2 was "Smurf", and comuter #3 was a more robust version he named "Smurf II". My dad's nickname at his job back then was "Papa Smurf" since he was older, curmudgeonly & and no-nonsense), had an 8080 processor running at a whopping 2-mHz, and we had an amazing 16KB of RAM, and stored the OS and program data on audio cassettes (Everything had to be on it's own cassette and then manually loaded into memory). (*edit: my dad designed & built the computer from scratch)
And programs either had to be written from scratch, or you could buy a large book from various computer clubs with dozens of different programs in it that I would have to data enter every line of code by hand, and then record it to the cassettes for future use (god forbid you screw up one line of code, because then you had to trace it down manually to find it and fix it).
Back then, my dad was helping test out nodes for ARPANET, so he had a "super fast" 90-baud modem to link up with it that he borrowed from his job.
I remember the first day he got online with it to show me.
He said, "If they can ever get faster data transfer for this thing it's going to take over the world."
But before I commit to spending money, I'm pretty sure it's just the main hard drive that failed (I run three internal drives. One for the OS & archiving, one for the programs & archiving, and one for the page file & archiving).
The drive that had the OS on it failed, but I looked back at the receipts and the drive was about 6 years old, so that's about the best one can hope for.
I'm going to re-install Windows on the newest hard drive (a 1-TB Caviar Black that's about a month old), and replace the failed drive & the next oldest drive with two new 1-TB Caviar Black's.
I've got all my important stuff archived, so I'm not worried about losing anything, but I'm sure it's just old hard drives that are causing the problem.
Would love to build up a new system, but won't if I don't absolutely have to.
I'm running a Q9450 at 3.5-gHz, so I'm not lacking in processing power yet, since I don't game anymore, and I do a complete servicing of it once a year or more (clean out dust, new thermal paste for the CPU, etc).
I just use my computer for internet (e-mail, research, youtube, hulu, netflix, riu, T&A, etc), for recording & creating music, creating art (Corel Painter & Photoshop), playing DVD movies, and writing.
And Ableton has been 64-bit for a few months now (starting with v8.34), but v9 is written specifically for 64-bit, and is due out in March (provided the beta testing goes well).
Have been using Ableton Suite for almost a year, and love it.
Amazing program!
Maybe we'll collaborate on something some day (?).

Well, back to work over here.
Splitting my time between my desk modification project and reviving my computer, so lots to get done.
Will be popping in & out until finished.

*edit: in case anyone is wondering, through newegg, it would have cost me about $850 for the CPU, a good motherboard, 32-GB of fast RAM, a cheap graphics card (GTX650), a good CPU heatsink & fan, and the OEM version of Windows 7 64-bit.
I used to be somewhat of a computer guru, back when you actually had to know something to use/fix them. My brother and I eventually opened our own ISP/retail store in 1995. I've assembled over 600 computers and installed some form of OS somewhere in the range of 2000 times in my career :) When it became cheaper to buy a pre-built instead of building one is about the time I quit. I used to live and breath software and hardware. Nowadays its porn, RIU, gaming... the first two I can do on the ipad so I really only need the PC for the occasional D3 session or until some new game might tickle my interest. The bones of my Gateway desktop are like 7 years old now, I've upgraded what I could, when I could until my items were considered legacy and they moved on to the next best thing. I run Diablo great so I dont see a new one in the future quite yet.
Awwwwww shit son!!!!

About the high times 2013 cannabis cup in Denver!!!! Aww lawd! Im really going to try and swing this one. Its been a childhood dream of my to attend and this may be the golden ticket!

The only real difference for this year’s event is that anyone 21 and older can attend and smoke. Previously, only qualified medical patients could sample the entries.

Now I just need to find out if you need a to be a resident of CO to partake!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! fingers fucking crossed.

Oh its on!

The ability for people now to come from out of state and enjoy a smoke without needing a (medical marijuana) card opens the floodgates for more attendees. We hope it will really blow up and be the start of something really big.

Educated potheads are a blessing to all:

The science behind the cultivation of the strains is probably lost on most of the outrageously outraged over weed.

It's not really a science. People just take strains with characteristic they like and cross-breed them. Then once you get something you like, you have to interbreed them to stabilize it to a strain.
What's lost on dope-heads is that food producing plants are more important to mankind than pot. Genetically modified food, which involves real science, has helped prevent starvation in Africa and India.

I had to laugh when I read this yesterday and then share the chuckle, so I sent this little gem to BadKat, from the Cannabis World Summit, and here is the response to this post:

"Cannabis is one of the world's oldest domesticated plants, we developed modern irrigation as we know it today, on crops like cannabis. It grows and produces seeds rapidly, and aside from its ability to -CURE CANCER- and promote long, healthy and active lives in those who were previously handed medical death sentences, it is also considered to be one of the world's most nutritionally complete plants.
Being one of the first crops cultivated, being as nutritionally sound as it is, being able to produce the fibers for shelter and clothing, and producing the medicines it does, and where it is so easily cultivated in such a wide array of environments, it allowed modern civilization to advance as successfully as it did. We evolved, hand-in-hand, since the earliest-known documented historical records we have, with cannabis.
But I suppose tomatoes are just so much more important and more crucial to the historical success of mankind ;-)
There's more hunger in the US today than in recent years, so (and I'll be answering this in a moment) why hasn't GMO helped, and considering that it hasn't helped, just how much do you think it's really doing abroad?
Modified genes are -patented and owned- in ways that cost MUCH more money, and demand many more limitations, than traditional breeding practices. Even without the harm it's doing to our traditional farmers and breeders of fruits and vegetables, we're over-paying ludicrously for food which, as of now, has yet to be made any better than traditional food. We're told it is 'better', because we're already eating it, and we're paying out of our own pockets to fund their little experiments. We're paying a premium, for the privilege of consuming an unfinished project, and as if that wasn't bad enough, we're also the guinea pigs to see how we develop and age after the consumption of such food.
As for the destruction of our food economy, and the role GMO plays.... Monsanto has been suing our farmers for years over their own (Monsanto's) inability to control the spread of their genetics via pollen, and farmers inadvertently harvest seed crops which have been cross-pollinated by Mondanto's farms, they use the seeds the following season, Monsanto reviews genetic produce tests, and sues all the farmers they find to have gained access to 'their' genetics, putting them into bankruptcy.
So you just be sure to let us know when those GMO foods actually cure hunger and cease starvation in the world, or when they do anything besides; bankrupting our farms and disrupting our already failing food economy; besides raising prices at the grocery stores; and besides lining the pockets of a few corrupt CEOs. Once you get your facts straight, and you get your head dislodged from the clouds, we'll be more likely to take you seriously!" - BadKittySmiles
Was just checking the Scott's website, and you have to request (by phone or e-mail) a copy of the MSDS for Round-up products to see what in it.
That should be the first indication that the emperor is buck nekkid and hard as a rock.
That is one of the best ways Iv seen it laid down right there ^^^ ;-) damn!
So I should stop growing veggies and grow nothing but cannabis? OKAY!
Well, you still need enough to eat and for some composting material.
So just reverse your grow spaces that you have now:

All veggies in the grow boxes, all cannabis outdoors (except in winter, when you take it easy and enjoy the fruits of your labor, and do preventive & scheduled maintenance on your John Deere cannabis combine (model# JDC420) and other equipment to get them ready for Spring).

Appreciate the offer but, before my health failed, I ran my own in-home computer repair service for a number of years, so i think I still remember how to install cards into PCI slots.

Maybe we'll collaborate on something some day (?).

Well, back to work over here.
Splitting my time between my desk modification project and reviving my computer, so lots to get done.
Will be popping in & out until finished.

*edit: in case anyone is wondering, through newegg, it would have cost me about $850 for the CPU, a good motherboard, 32-GB of fast RAM, a cheap graphics card (GTX650), a good CPU heatsink & fan, and the OEM version of Windows 7 64-bit.

Sorry didn't wanna re-quote all that lol. But hell ya would love to collaborate someday :D
Awwwwww shit son!!!!

About the high times 2013 cannabis cup in Denver!!!! Aww lawd! Im really going to try and swing this one. Its been a childhood dream of my to attend and this may be the golden ticket!

The only real difference for this year’s event is that anyone 21 and older can attend and smoke. Previously, only qualified medical patients could sample the entries.

Now I just need to find out if you need a to be a resident of CO to partake!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! fingers fucking crossed.

Oh its on!

The ability for people now to come from out of state and enjoy a smoke without needing a (medical marijuana) card opens the floodgates for more attendees. We hope it will really blow up and be the start of something really big.

Me and my girl are going! Best believe that!
Well, you still need enough to eat and for some composting material.
So just reverse your grow spaces that you have now:

All veggies in the grow boxes, all cannabis outdoors (except in winter, when you take it easy and enjoy the fruits of your labor, and do preventive & scheduled maintenance on your John Deere cannabis combine (model# JDC420) and other equipment to get them ready for Spring).


That is a much better idea! lol
JDC420 I love it!

Well fuck, if all you guys are going I gotta go too. CO bound! I'll finally get to put some miles on the new car!!!
Uhh the pressure is on!
Hey Whodat! that is a very nice sleek set up you have. Im a bit confused though , wondering if you can explain it to me.
I always thought the filter ..(.which i assume is the large unit between the grow boxes... with the fan and ducting going out into the 2 light hood) should be inside the grow boxes to suck in the smell and pull the smell outside the room. Will the smell be contained within that small box you built ? and capping off the other outlets.? i have never seen anything like this before. i like your use of space and symmetry.
Sorry didn't wanna re-quote all that lol. But hell ya would love to collaborate someday :D

Heh, it's funny (to me), but I get all "Dewey Cox"-like whenever I think about working on my computer.
Didn't mean to ramble so long.

After I get everything Re-situated (The Situation's smarter cousin from Philly) I'm going to be getting back to work on music stuff and finish up a bunch of things that were left half-finished due to circumstances of the last half of 2012.

One of them is a Club 600 theme song.
Hey Whodat! that is a very nice sleek set up you have. Im a bit confused though , wondering if you can explain it to me.
I always thought the filter ..(.which i assume is the large unit between the grow boxes... with the fan and ducting going out into the 2 light hood) should be inside the grow boxes to suck in the smell and pull the smell outside the room. Will the smell be contained within that small box you built ? and capping off the other outlets.? i have never seen anything like this before. i like your use of space and symmetry.
You can suck, or blow when it comes to filters... Or space balls. I may consider moving my filter out of my room once I add an AC unit, its the easiest way I can see to plumb the lights and AC exhaust together. Or I need a 2 hose portable. OR I'll just mount a wall unit. The beauty of keeping my veg cab in the room is that I can put an AC behind it and the wife won't really see it... Cuz I'm not telling her when I buy it of course! She doesn't look too far into the room, although she does look deep into the electric bill!

Just to share with anyone who's curious. My grow costs $63 a month (.18 per kwh, 5th tier) in full operation. That's 4 fans, 600 watt light on 12 hours a day and a 130 watt led on 18 hours a day. Random tidbit :)
So, who will be the first breeder to breed & grow cannabis that's gone plaid?

Plaid Kush
Sour Plaid
Plaid Dog (or Scottie Dog)

Plaid Cheese might be called Cheese Cloth...