First time grow - frosty buds


Active Member
Like danster Said thats hot, also check your PH in the soil, next time the soil drys out water the roots till you get run off, put something under the pot tocollect enough run off to checj the ppms and the ph. PPM shouldn't be over 800 if they are you are feeding to much, your PH should be 6.0 to 7.0 if it gets lower could mean over feeding is dropping the PH. Anyhow get your saw out and cut 2 more holes oppiste side of the fan holes, heat rises so put both PC fans at the top of your box sucking air out the top, the bottom should be left open to allow hot air to rise up to be exhausted by the fans. This is called the chimney effectCheck the temperature at the top bud should not go any higher than 85 f, Ideal is around 75 like Dankster mentioned, if you want to dial it in do it quick your buds should be putting on weight at week 5, use unsulfered molasses in the soil.

Thats definately way more Sativa than the White Widow, almost looks full on if it wasn't for the hint of skunky smell, you have a very sativa dominent hybrid, see if you can get your light temps down to 3000 Kelvin this will be ideal for the Sativa.

wow! thanks for all the knowledge.

I'll try to get some more exhaust fans going on up there. I know I fucked up with the miracle gro soil but now I have coco for my future grows. I'll check the water runoff as well. I flushed when I saw the leaves like that... but I'll check again next light period.

the molasses will swell the buds right?

yeah thinking it was w.w. was only a recent idea, previously thought of it as a sativa dominant strain. I'm excited to see what the cross between this and that indica male turn out to be.

probably a bomb hybrid.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
Right on bro!! "Sativa Dragon". :clap: wasn't to sure about the plant in question being a "White Widow". it really didn't look like any that I have grew out! But as you know there's a few dif breeders that have the Widow! Anyways, I'm sure it'll turn out just as good!!
I forgot to consider the fact that some breeders have different phenos of the same strain, I got locked into a groove where I was just doing the same strains over and over. The first grow I ever did was after a trip to Holland I stopped in Amsterdam, at the Cannabis museum asked them what the best strain they had was that was back in 2003 they said whit widow, they werent kidding and it is still on the top shelf today. As far as picking one off an trying it use dicipline. I know it's hard not to when you don't have any stash. Thing is you should really cure it for a few weeks before you even smoke it, trust me it's alot easier when you have some stash. So prepare for your next grow if you havent already. looks like you have a great Sativa Dominent there.



Active Member
I forgot to consider the fact that some breeders have different phenos of the same strain, I got locked into a groove where I was just doing the same strains over and over. The first grow I ever did was after a trip to Holland I stopped in Amsterdam, at the Cannabis museum asked them what the best strain they had was that was back in 2003 they said whit widow, they werent kidding and it is still on the top shelf today. As far as picking one off an trying it use dicipline. I know it's hard not to when you don't have any stash. Thing is you should really cure it for a few weeks before you even smoke it, trust me it's alot easier when you have some stash. So prepare for your next grow if you havent already. looks like you have a great Sativa Dominent there.

true, this could be a different pheno than you guys are used to. who knows, we'll see how it smokes.

only problem at this point... she's not getting any better. i checked the runoff PH (it was yellow/brown coming off) and i got under 6. as i said before i fucked up with the soil, so i'll need a good DIY pH up because i'm sure the soil pH is around 4 or 5 :/ my car is in the auto shop so i'm kind of stranded in the house, no grow store trips today.

the plant is starting to look deficient, and it is most likely nutrient lockout because i have been feeding. if anything it looks to me like Cal Mag?? take a look, please :leaf::sad:



Well-Known Member
There is a very good chance that it is heat stress, i fucked up my first grow pretty bad but blamed everything except heat stress. after doing more research and figuring out a better nute plan i started another grow and within a month they looked just like my first grow so i finally admitted to myself that it was the heat, pulled out my 400 w hps and switched to florescents and holy shit have they ever taken off now! The floros might not give as much light but its still better than dead plants


Active Member
There is a very good chance that it is heat stress, i fucked up my first grow pretty bad but blamed everything except heat stress. after doing more research and figuring out a better nute plan i started another grow and within a month they looked just like my first grow so i finally admitted to myself that it was the heat, pulled out my 400 w hps and switched to florescents and holy shit have they ever taken off now! The floros might not give as much light but its still better than dead plants
to compensate for the high temperatures i added another fan in the top right, and put a fan blowing on the plant. that makes for one intake and 2 exhaust, plus a "wind"

thinking about removing the intake and turning it to exhaust as well. as long as air is pushing out it will pull more in however it can...



Active Member
removed the intake, made it a 3rd exhaust. threw my soil pH tester in there and it reads 6.5 now but slowly dropping. these conditions were wonderful for the first 30 days of flowering. it's only now that the plant is showing signs of being unhealthy.



Well-Known Member
removed the intake, made it a 3rd exhaust. threw my soil pH tester in there and it reads 6.5 now but slowly dropping. these conditions were wonderful for the first 30 days of flowering. it's only now that the plant is showing signs of being unhealthy.

:o Damn bro! I hate to see that your baby is sickly looking!! ;( Hopefully we can get it to feeling better. So, did you get the temp under control? What's is it staying at now??

Conditions of high humidity, cold and a low transpiration rates may result in calcium deficiency. Salinity buildup might also cause calcium deficiency because it decreases the water uptake by the plant.

Since calcium mobility in plants is limited, calcium deficiency will appear in younger leaves (die back or burns) and in fruits (blossom end rot, bitter pit), because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth.

Calcium deficiency is usually caused due to low calcium availability or due to water stress which results in low transpiration rates.

However, some of the major signs of a calcium deficiency are in the leaves which will display dead spots, crinkling, spotting, or small brown spots. Another sign of a cannabis calcium deficiency is new leaves will appear small and distorted with
curled tips The insides of the plant and well as the flowers/buds may show signs of decay.

If the pH of your root zone is off, then your cannabis cannot properly absorb calcium through its roots so the first step is to ensure that you have the correct pH for your growth medium. Learn more about pH and cannabis. Different strains of cannabis tend to have different nutrient problems, but calcium,

magnesium, and iron deficiencies often appear together!
After supplementing with Cal-Mag and correcting the pH, you should expect to see new healthy new growth! Dolomite Lime can be used to fix a calmag deficiency.

*I've talked to tomato growers who use a crushed up tums watered into the soil to cure blossom end rot (Calcium Deficiency). (* But idk if I would do this personaly!!)

Or you could take some oyster shells or sea shells..wash em..grab a hammer and crush that stuff as fine as you can..toss it in a gal jug of water and shake like crazy..this will break down some calcium right away making it water soluble. that will give it a faster working cal dose.

**But I would just take 1/4 to 1/8th tsp of "Epsom Salts" to a gln of "phd" water!! Damn I hope you atleast have this around the house bro!! Hell if not, couldn't you just get a friend to run to the hydro store and just pick up a small bottole of "cal-mag"??? That would be your best bet!! ;) I sure hope you can get her fixed bro!!


Active Member
:o Damn bro! I hate to see that your baby is sickly looking!! ;( Hopefully we can get it to feeling better. So, did you get the temp under control? What's is it staying at now??

Conditions of high humidity, cold and a low transpiration rates may result in calcium deficiency. Salinity buildup might also cause calcium deficiency because it decreases the water uptake by the plant.

Since calcium mobility in plants is limited, calcium deficiency will appear in younger leaves (die back or burns) and in fruits (blossom end rot, bitter pit), because they have a very low transpiration rate. Therefore, it is necessary to have a constant supply of calcium for continued growth.

Calcium deficiency is usually caused due to low calcium availability or due to water stress which results in low transpiration rates.

However, some of the major signs of a calcium deficiency are in the leaves which will display dead spots, crinkling, spotting, or small brown spots. Another sign of a cannabis calcium deficiency is new leaves will appear small and distorted with
curled tips The insides of the plant and well as the flowers/buds may show signs of decay.

If the pH of your root zone is off, then your cannabis cannot properly absorb calcium through its roots so the first step is to ensure that you have the correct pH for your growth medium. Learn more about pH and cannabis. Different strains of cannabis tend to have different nutrient problems, but calcium,

magnesium, and iron deficiencies often appear together!
After supplementing with Cal-Mag and correcting the pH, you should expect to see new healthy new growth! Dolomite Lime can be used to fix a calmag deficiency.

*I've talked to tomato growers who use a crushed up tums watered into the soil to cure blossom end rot (Calcium Deficiency). (* But idk if I would do this personaly!!)

Or you could take some oyster shells or sea shells..wash em..grab a hammer and crush that stuff as fine as you can..toss it in a gal jug of water and shake like crazy..this will break down some calcium right away making it water soluble. that will give it a faster working cal dose.

**But I would just take 1/4 to 1/8th tsp of "Epsom Salts" to a gln of "phd" water!! Damn I hope you atleast have this around the house bro!! Hell if not, couldn't you just get a friend to run to the hydro store and just pick up a small bottole of "cal-mag"??? That would be your best bet!! ;) I sure hope you can get her fixed bro!!
thanks this is lots of good info. the temp is under 80 now more like 76-78. the soil pH test reads at an even 6 but i'm sure that's not 100% accurate, i mistakenly transplanted into sphagnum peat moss -_-

tomorrow i will try to work on a remedy for the plant with epsom salt, hopefully i get to that before working all weekend.

today i got an OZ bag of some Chem Reaper with about 15 good dark brown/black seeds in it. im really impressed, i haven't gotten seeds in a bag like that in forever.

i'll probably end up posting a journal of one of those at some point later in life haha. :leaf::leaf: