Gun Laws - Change Is Coming

Snyder just vetoed the new CCW law he was going to sign.

Fear wins another one.

I said I was done with this thread, but I just can't help myself. :-)

Are you referring to the proposed law that would have allowed people with a ccw to carry guns in to bars, schools, sporting venues, etc?

If so, can you tell me why it would be a good idea to allow people to take a gun to Ford Field, or a bar? I don't know about you, but after putting back a few beers and watching the Lions get their asses handed to them, I wouldn't want a gun anywhere near me.
One very credible safety reason is this brother. These gun free zones full of law abiding citizens are exactly what these psychopath cowards prey on. I refuse to discus current events here, so let me take an off example we know much more about today. In November 2009 a psychopathic killer found a gun free zone on a military base in Fort Hood, Texas where he murdered 13 defenseless warriors. These same clowns proposing gun laws here charged that coward with "Work Place Violence". I just cannot make this shit up and strongly suggest all look for solutions elsewhere than the circus presiding in Washington DC.

We will never identify these psychopathic cowards until they act out. At that point there is no other true option than to kill them and kill them quickly period.
A "gun free" zone on a military base is kind of an oxymoron. I agree that that is silly.

But a bar? Ford Field? Alcohol doesn't mix well with certain things like driving a car and performing open heart surgery ..... and I would argue the same could be said for carrying a gun. I can think of more than one occasion for myself where alcohol was involved, and I got in to a physical confrontation with someone. In hind sight, I'm very thankful I didn't have a gun.
No doubt about it, alcohol is a wild card here that I have no answers to. In nature animals do not prey on their equals as a means of survival. I believe even in the wild alcohol would blur that instinct for survival ...
so long as you have a cpl you are currently allowed to open carry in certain designated pistol free zones with some still off limits. while i believe you are now allowed to carry into bars it is still illegal to consume alcohol while carrying. again, comes down to responsible gun owners
Can I suggest law makers proposing these gun laws wear this T shirt while debating:


Oh but wait, heavily armed individuals are within feet of every law maker ...

Maybe our media personalities could wear it, or no, studios are also armed fortresses.

Ok, maybe they could at least post signs in "Gun Free Zones" so that everyone is aware:


Hmmm, something just doesn't seem right here.
I cannot help but think as I hear all of these talking heads quote gun statistics, not one number, consideration is not even given to exactly how many lives guns have saved :-(

I said I was done with this thread, but I just can't help myself. :-)

Are you referring to the proposed law that would have allowed people with a ccw to carry guns in to bars, schools, sporting venues, etc?

If so, can you tell me why it would be a good idea to allow people to take a gun to Ford Field, or a bar? I don't know about you, but after putting back a few beers and watching the Lions get their asses handed to them, I wouldn't want a gun anywhere near me.
yes I was. If you refuse to see where one sane person with a weapon could have trumped one nutcase then ????

My local school is 20-30 minutes from an response from LEO. What damage could be done in that amount of time with a club?
yes I was. If you refuse to see where one sane person with a weapon could have trumped one nutcase then ????

My local school is 20-30 minutes from an response from LEO. What damage could be done in that amount of time with a club?

I'm referring more to bars, and other places that serve alcohol. You think it's a good idea to have a bar full of cats with guns on their hips? Or a Lions game with a stadium full of people packing?
Details, details. And this whole airport security thing... What bullshit. If they simply required all passengers to have guns, what terrorist would board the plane? If a passenger stupidly left their three Glocks in the car, or maybe mistakenly put them in their checked bag, no prob. The friendly skies will provide them for you, as they come buy with the booze cart. Clearly there would have to be a fee charged, though. The good news is you can upgrade to a 15 round clip by trading in 100 miles from your frequent flyer program.

This shit is too easy. What other issues you got?

lol i hope you're just joking around otherwise you're kind of psycho.
I'm referring more to bars, and other places that serve alcohol. You think it's a good idea to have a bar full of cats with guns on their hips? Or a Lions game with a stadium full of people packing?
I'm guessing you have never looked into the actual law? Any alcohol in your system voids a CPL. so surrounded by sober guntoters who have been thru a federal background check dont scare me much.
Ok if we must. So more laws would help how?

In this case, more laws would be bad. As it stands, people can't bring guns in to bars, and in to a Lions game, and I think it should stay that way. Alcohol and guns don't mix well, and I will never be convinced otherwise.

Your argument is that they aren't allowed to drink while carrying because they could lose their cpl. I'm saying that people aren't allowed to drink and drive either, but they do it all the time anyway, so why am I supposed to believe that there won't be jackasses getting drunk at the bar with a gun on their hip???
Actually I was never fond of local Afghan/Pakistan soldiers habitual hashish use while in the field. All of that shit in that valley will knock your ass back :shock:

"The beauty of the second amendment is that it will not be needed until they try to take it away" : Thomas Jefferson
Its to late to try and take all of the guns away from every bad guy,its time our schools had protection from the bad guys,gun free zones are magnets for all the nuts with guns!
i was so sad to give up my guns to not be in pain. some days i regret it, then i remember the giant full melt hash hit im bout to destroy bongsmilie. hopefully if enough of us complain to our governors, someday soon we can carry again and be treated like normal law abiding citizens. untill then, lets cloud this mitten up!