Spice ruined Weed for Me


Well-Known Member
I knew a few people who did spice because of that reason. They heard it from me how stupid the idea was > recently they lose their jobs anyways because they got hooked on the nodding buzz it produces so much that it made them steal for it(similar to crack).

I met them few days ago after a few months without even hearing from them...They kept asking to loan $50 for a couple days
I asked them why quit MJ just to pass a Pee Test > Just to lose your job for stealing from them for Spice. Crazy ideas people get!


New Member
It's just like smoking any other drug, but not researched. If you understood chemistry you'd understand how important it is to have a LOT of research on a chemical before releasing it, all these people do is add a slight bend and name it something new, very unhealthy.

If you realize you are a druggie and can't get high, stop for a while n start again, looking for a new high is only putting you in deeper, and even if you can control it, it's not hard to fuck up when you're open to new things.


Active Member
OOHHHH MYYYY GOODDDDDD, get the off his god damn dick ITS FAKE BAKE FOR FUCKS SAKE! There's no god damn way in hell spice is any worse for you than smoking weed, or eating shrooms, or droping acid, or whatever drugs you guys think is "better for you" for some weird reason?
You're very ignorant, aren't you? I've never seen someone lose the ability to speak and form sentences LONG TERM from smoking weed or eating mushrooms. Stop acting ridiculous and justifying the habits of others and possibly yourself.

Trippy Mayne

New Member
OOHHHH MYYYY GOODDDDDD, get the off his god damn dick ITS FAKE BAKE FOR FUCKS SAKE! There's no god damn way in hell spice is any worse for you than smoking weed, or eating shrooms, or droping acid, or whatever drugs you guys think is "better for you" for some weird reason?
This comment got me heated but I'm not even going to try to justify myself because you can't cure ignorance
So I just wanted to vent my experiences and occurrences every time I smoke herbal incense, because it seems like there is not enough information on the drug. So first I'll explain that I bought Mad Hatter Herbal Incense 10gm on a herbal incense website online, my father and I have been smoking it for about 2 months now. This is what I experience almost every time I smoke it. I look at it this way, 1 hit is like a 30 minute to an hour high on Kush. 2 - 3 hits will make you very high. Anymore than 3 or 4 hits and it is likely you will be falling in a trance, seeing noises and hearing everything you touch.

Your words fade away in your own mind. Everything you touch and feel becomes annoying like nails on a chalkboard. Your eyesight becomes just 2 dimensions and everything seems flat. It is hard to stay in the real world, and it seems like you are constantly trying to remember the things you are doing and you constantly are tying to think about if you are being normal or not. Music sounds amazing and masturbation feels extremely good and addicting. It may feel like you are constantly drooling. Smoking a cigarette and feeling the smoke on your throat feels awesome. Never smoke this and fall asleep, you may fall into a deep trip, with many different realities bouncing back and forth and fading in and out of your mind, and you may see solid colors and hear random words ringing in your mind. It may seem like you are in your own mind seeing your brainwaves shoot back and forth. It seems like no matter how hard you try to keep in the real word, that the real world doesn't even matter anymore, as it feels like you have become a part of the universe itself. Everything you do seems to take forever to accomplish. It feels like there is a jolting energy going back in forth in your eyes and body. Once you notice the effects wearing off, it pretty much completely wears off. For me, once I am on about my second inhale I am already feeling it. It kind of feels like your head is constantly shaking back and forth.

As for affects of my body, I have experienced:
-Shortness of Breath
-What seems like a fast heartbeat, may just be me focusing on it
-Munchies after about the 4th time smoking it
-Paranoia when in public, alone at home you are relaxed
-Shakiness and Nervousness
-Heavy Breathing
-Watery Eyes
-Deep Thoughts and Loss of touch from the real world
-Intense episodes of uncontrollable tripping with many inhales
-Relaxed, mellow, happy feeling with only a couple of inhales
-Extremely happy, smiling mood that you can't really stop.
About Smoking Spice, the new forms of herbal incensd that are currently available and lega - UPDATED

(For 99% of this article, including what you are currently reading, was written while high, so if something doesn't make much since, well either your not high also, or it just really doesn't make since. These are my experimentations, results, theories and studies. I am just trying to get some information out there about this drug.

So I just wanted to vent my experiences and occurrences every time I smoke herbal incense, because it seems like there is not enough information on the drug. So first I'll explain that I bought Mad Hatter Herbal Incense 10gm on a herbal incense website online, my father and I have been smoking it for about 2 months now. This is what I experience almost every time I smoke it. I look at it this way, 1 hit is like a 30 minute to an hour high on Kush. 2 - 3 hits will make you very high. Anymore than 3 or 4 hits and it is likely you will be falling in a trance, seeing noises and hearing everything you touch.

Your words fade away in your own mind. Everything you touch and feel becomes annoying like nails on a chalkboard. Your eyesight becomes just 2 dimensions and everything seems flat. It is hard to stay in the real world, and it seems like you are constantly trying to remember the things you are doing and you constantly are tying to think about if you are being normal or not. Music sounds amazing and masturbation feels extremely good and addicting. It may feel like you are constantly drooling. Smoking a cigarette and feeling the smoke on your throat feels awesome. Never smoke this and fall asleep, you may fall into a deep trip, with many different realities bouncing back and forth and fading in and out of your mind, and you may see solid colors and hear random words ringing in your mind. It may seem like you are in your own mind seeing your brainwaves shoot back and forth. It seems like no matter how hard you try to keep in the real word, that the real world doesn't even matter anymore, as it feels like you have become a part of the universe itself. Everything you do seems to take forever to accomplish. It feels like there is a jolting energy going back in forth in your eyes and body. Once you notice the effects wearing off, it pretty much completely wears off. For me, once I am on about my second inhale I am already feeling it. It kind of feels like your head is constantly shaking back and forth.

As for affects of my body, I have experienced:

-Shortness of Breath

-What seems like a fast heartbeat, may just be me focusing on it

-Munchies after about the 4th time smoking it

-Paranoia when in public, alone at home you are relaxed

-Shakiness and Nervousness

-Heavy Breathing

-Watery Eyes

-Deep Thoughts and Loss of touch from the real world

-Intense episodes of uncontrollable tripping with many inhales

-Relaxed, mellow, happy feeling with only a couple of inhales

-Extremely happy, smiling mood that you can't really stop.

Unexperienced smokers may feel like their throat is being constricted and their body is very jolty, hyper and shaky. It may feel like you are going to fall into a coma or something, but this most likely won't happen and you will come out of it pretty quickly. Everything you normally do you are doing, nothing really changes from say as like you waking up on the ground somewhere other than your bed would not happen. It just seems hard to realize that you are doing everything as you normally would though. It seems like you are inside your own personality questioning your reason behind each and every move. If you're not high or have never been high this might seem hard to understand.

For me every time I get high on this stuff is a little bit different, but every time there is also much of the same feelings and affects, such as deep, moral and immoral, thoughts, vivid paranoia and a very jolty feeling like you are constantly shaking and twitching, and many others.

Let's just say this stuff is like kush on crack. The mildest form of LSD on pot, and the wonderful feeling of sex combined with the feeling of listening to an amazing song with the best of sound/headphones.


*Do not smoke this stuff in public, you could risk giving into the paranoia you are feeling pretty easily and have a breakdown.

*Yes, like pot, this drug does almost seem to make you a better driver, but please, PLEASE do not drive a car while high, as it is nowhere near proven to do so.

*Never smoke and go right to sleep.

*Do not close your eyes for anymore than 3 seconds.

*Try to control your breathing rate and your shakiness.

*Never, ever take anymore than 5 hits in less than a 10 minute time period, it is unknown how many drops of chemicals you are inhaling in every hit, 1 hit could kill you, you should take this stuff very seriously. It is like wielding a loaded gun.

*Try to keep yourself active and moving, keeping your body and muscles in one place could cause you to lapse into a trance.

*It is almost a truth serum, so try to keep in mind what you are saying id you have any secrets to hide.

*I would suggest to stay hydrated, as it may cause your throat to possibly swell or get dry, this is just a theory, but it sounds reasonable. Just be careful and don't choke yourself to death trying to hydrate.

*Do not wield anything dangerous in your hands, say a lighter or a pair of scissors, there's no way of comprehending what could possibly, accidentally happening in such a state of mind where your mind forgets it's even still inside your body.

DO NOT LET YOURSELF GET ADDICTED, this is a very addictive drug, it's withdrawal symptoms can be as severe, if not worse than heroin and meth, only make one joint a week max, make sure it is somewhere not readily available to your, such as kept locked up in a safe in your room. This drug is just like pot in many ways, but not in all ways. It can be highly addictive, although I have not personally felt addicted at all to this drug, even though I thought I was beginning to be when I first started experimenting with it, so it may not be addictive to everyone, I know that for a fact because I am a very easily addictive person, I have been smoking cigarettes for 4 years as well as numerous other things I'm addicted to (disincluding other drugs, never done any others).

*Be careful what you smoke it out of, a bowl can be much more providing than a joint.

So other than one time of pretty heavy paranoia and just wanting to get home and into bed feeling, every high and every time has been pretty good, fun and worth it. But pot lovers beware... After smoking this drug pot will hardly feel like anything, it the feeling of getting pinched to the feeling of getting shot. Pot will never feel as good or affect you in the same way again, and it won't feel worth it like it feels like this drug is worth it.


Well-Known Member
this stuff is so bad, on top of getting a really shitty contact high from it before it smells even worse. i felt derealized for weeks. i was reading a thread on bluelight once about a group of people who said their lives were completely ruined from this shit forever. why would anyone pick this trash over weed or any other real drugs


Well-Known Member
I bought 10 grams of jwh-018 before it was outlawed. Its dangerous, it can kill you and its the devil.

If you are smoking it, you seriously need to stop before it stops you.

Switch to something safer like crack.