Using energy from crystals and pyramids to increase plant success

no insulting please:D

Ok so why are people allowed to insult me?

hundreds of hours of research? lol well lets put it this way not all research if done equally especially if your prone to believing stupid shit like you seem to be

If you scroll back you will see probably a dozen more insults directed at me.. people calling me a retard etc.. If your a moderator.. should you not be moderating everyone equally?
Ok so why are people allowed to insult me?

If you scroll back you will see probably a dozen more insults directed at me.. people calling me a retard etc.. If your a moderator.. should you not be moderating everyone equally?
I do moderate everyone equally. thanks though if you think im centering you out believe me im not
So calling me a retard isnt an insult? Id like to see some of this equal treatment you speak of...
dude, i was talking to everyone when i said to be civil not just you..stop.oh and i read the entire thread not one person called you a retard.
So pulling 3lb per 1000W HPS on a consistant basis is just "luck".. well then I guess Im pretty lucky eh.. Ive been pulling 3lb per light for close to 15 years now consistantly.. Something tells me luck doesnt have much to do with it ;-)

Grow video, beginning to end of harvest.. with no cut-away and scale shots.. or it did not happen. (Unless it's a 20ft+ tall Afghani) That said, I completely entrapped you with my post, as my post mentions -nothing- of the magical crystals in the original post, simply quartz - I believe that'd be a check, and mate.. sir. :D For being a master grower who's done this for 15 years, you sure as hell are either A) incapable of reading or B) trolling (see: following the original clown with no background, hence why you jumped on the quartz like flies on a pile of shit.. and no one else did.)
Grow video, beginning to end of harvest.. with no cut-away and scale shots.. or it did not happen. (Unless it's a 20ft+ tall Afghani) That said, I completely entrapped you with my post, as my post mentions -nothing- of the magical crystals in the original post, simply quartz - I believe that'd be a check, and mate.. sir. :D For being a master grower who's done this for 15 years, you sure as hell are either A) incapable of reading or B) trolling (see: following the original clown with no background, hence why you jumped on the quartz like flies on a pile of shit.. and no one else did.)

What are you even talking about? You presented this information as if it was relevant to the discussion.. which it clearly is not? I simply pointed out that fact... How did you entrap me? All I did was show that your not making any sense.. just like you are right now.. Im not a scientist, I dont have a camera that I can run perpetually crop after crop after crop and I only have one flower room.. so to do an actual side by side experiment is impossible in my situation. I do however have my last 3 years experience growing the same strain in the same environment.. and although it is not fully documented.. I assure you that 3lb is a very achievable yeild on a constant basis for me.. With or without the use of crystals.. The main difference is the use in chemical pest and disease control. You can shoot me down all you want.. I will keep knowing what I know.. you can keep thinking what you think.. Either way.. Im ahead of the game.. so it really makes no difference to me wether you believe it or not. I have provided mathematical, physical evidence from several different sources that all lead up to crystals helping plants grow.. thus far.. not one of you has been able to provide the same in contrary. The burden of proof is now on you.. I have provided my factual mathematical physical evidence.. and it is staggeringly accurate.. down to hundreds of billionths of a percentage point.. well within the margin of error for any experiment. If you have proof these calculations are wrong.. please share it.. Or.. maybe you should try some crystals in your garden so your plants can look like this without the use of chemicals!


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Good stuff OP i've read through this post and its intresting. I've pondered getting some crystals for my room but haven't. Reading about some research done in japan using positive words and frozen water I conducted my own experiment. I named all my seedlings,one in particular after citrine a crystal with the power of abundance. As the seed sprouted it did't have any MJ characteristic. After its first set of baby leafs it continued to grow round circular leaves for two weeks untill the top yellowed and died, the bottom howerver continued to stay green. I was about to trash it but was talked out of it and kept it in the growroom despite fear of it herming. Somehow she topped her self and continues to thrive today 127 days from seed, she has two good size top colas equal in size and a few nuggs at the bottom, needless to say im impressed. Now i dont buy every bottle of "snake oil" I see but i do have an open mind and can make my own opinion seeing what the hoop la is. Im not done testing yet but I'll try to follow up when im done.
What are you even talking about? You presented this information as if it was relevant to the discussion.. which it clearly is not? I simply pointed out that fact... How did you entrap me? All I did was show that your not making any sense.. just like you are right now.. Im not a scientist, I dont have a camera that I can run perpetually crop after crop after crop and I only have one flower room.. so to do an actual side by side experiment is impossible in my situation. I do however have my last 3 years experience growing the same strain in the same environment.. and although it is not fully documented.. I assure you that 3lb is a very achievable yeild on a constant basis for me.. With or without the use of crystals.. The main difference is the use in chemical pest and disease control. You can shoot me down all you want.. I will keep knowing what I know.. you can keep thinking what you think.. Either way.. Im ahead of the game.. so it really makes no difference to me wether you believe it or not. I have provided mathematical, physical evidence from several different sources that all lead up to crystals helping plants grow.. thus far.. not one of you has been able to provide the same in contrary. The burden of proof is now on you.. I have provided my factual mathematical physical evidence.. and it is staggeringly accurate.. down to hundreds of billionths of a percentage point.. well within the margin of error for any experiment. If you have proof these calculations are wrong.. please share it.. Or.. maybe you should try some crystals in your garden so your plants can look like this without the use of chemicals!

You completely missed where I was going with that. My point was that if quartz was not something you would use (due to massive pH flux) and you had -any- of your own research done and knew this.. you would have specified that you in no way would have used quartz. That's the focus of my last statement, I do not discredit any other types of crystals that may work - I was simply illustrating that you're running blindly on the information of others, and it's seemingly successful. That said, what specific 'crystal'(s) are you using? I can not attempt to discredit every possible mineral/crystalline structure/geode that exists, simply not feasible.

Edit: I will, for the sake of argument, entertain the concept of any crystal you name until such time as I can prove it works / disprove it - out of fairness in this discussion.
You completely missed where I was going with that. My point was that if quartz was not something you would use (due to massive pH flux) and you had -any- of your own research done and knew this.. you would have specified that you in no way would have used quartz. That's the focus of my last statement, I do not discredit any other types of crystals that may work - I was simply illustrating that you're running blindly on the information of others, and it's seemingly successful. That said, what specific 'crystal'(s) are you using? I can not attempt to discredit every possible mineral/crystalline structure/geode that exists, simply not feasible.

Edit: I will, for the sake of argument, entertain the concept of any crystal you name until such time as I can prove it works / disprove it - out of fairness in this discussion.

I have already stated that I use 2 quartz chards in each pot, formed in a energy grid with a Malachite Quartz as the master crystal. Your info on quartz effecting ph is not relevant to this discussion as the research states the quartz must be heated to 70 degress CELCIUS.. Thats 158F!!!! So.. in order for my quartz crystals to have an effect on my Ph.. I would need to maintain a constant temperature of 158F in my grow room... which CLEARLY is not the case! That is why your theory holds not merrit, makes no sense.. and has no bearing on this conversation! I have not made any suggestions as to what crystals will work better than others.. I have simply stated the crystals I use, and then backed up my theory with mathematical physical evidence stating that all crystals emit energy that can be absorbed by other things in proximity to it. Still waiting for someone to proove the math wrong...
Good stuff OP i've read through this post and its intresting. I've pondered getting some crystals for my room but haven't. Reading about some research done in japan using positive words and frozen water I conducted my own experiment. I named all my seedlings,one in particular after citrine a crystal with the power of abundance. As the seed sprouted it did't have any MJ characteristic. After its first set of baby leafs it continued to grow round circular leaves for two weeks untill the top yellowed and died, the bottom howerver continued to stay green. I was about to trash it but was talked out of it and kept it in the growroom despite fear of it herming. Somehow she topped her self and continues to thrive today 127 days from seed, she has two good size top colas equal in size and a few nuggs at the bottom, needless to say im impressed. Now i dont buy every bottle of "snake oil" I see but i do have an open mind and can make my own opinion seeing what the hoop la is. Im not done testing yet but I'll try to follow up when im done.

Ahh yes.. Dr. Emoto.. Brilliant man! Discovered many things about water that have been puzzles for centuries! I keep a Rose Quartz the size of a softball in my res SOLEY based on Emoto's research... Happy water = Happy plants :-)

The simple fact of the matter is that the scientific community is moving at record speed. The same amount of knowledge that used to take years.. even DECADES to accumulate.. is now being done on a DAILY basis! Here are some amazing breakthroughs that were brought about JUST LAST WEEK!!!
- Tractor beam:
- Temperature of the universe:
- DNA storage:
- Dung beetles:
- Proto-bird:
- Quadruple helix DNA:

All of this stuff has now been proven to be facutal.. Did you know tractor beams actually exist? Anyone who hasnt seen this article would swear up and down that your crazy if you believe in such sci-fi nonsense.. And such is the nature of using crystals to help your plants.. Just because you havnt taken the time to research the factual information behind it.. DOES NOT mean it doesnt work!

It really doesnt surprise me that most of you dont believe in this stuff, The scientific community doesnt even want to believe it... Think of it this way.. If you were a well renowned physicist who has spent their life working on Relativistic theory.. then all of a sudden all of this proof starts popping up stating your lifes work is WRONG... how inclined would you be to try and supress the information? People with power will generally do whatever it takes in order to maintain that power.. including discrediting factual scientific information. I have yet to see any rebuttal that holds merit against the mathematical caluculations I have provided, These are true numbers and have not yet been disputed neither by the people of this site.. nor the scientific community. You can try to discredit my sources all you want.. Backrounds and credentials are meaningless in the face of mathematical proof... The density of a Proton is calculated to be the SAME as the Mass of the Universe.. This is a mathematical truth that can be cross referenced and back checked against EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE.. everything lines up from the largest macrocosmic scale.. right down to the smallest sub-atomic level.. This is mathematical proof that all things are connected, and if all things are connected.. then crystals DEFINATELY effect your plants!

Class Dismissed ;-) lol
Ahh yes.. Dr. Emoto.. Brilliant man! Discovered many things about water that have been puzzles for centuries! I keep a Rose Quartz the size of a softball in my res SOLEY based on Emoto's research... Happy water = Happy plants :-)

The simple fact of the matter is that the scientific community is moving at record speed. The same amount of knowledge that used to take years.. even DECADES to accumulate.. is now being done on a DAILY basis! Here are some amazing breakthroughs that were brought about JUST LAST WEEK!!!
- Tractor beam:
- Temperature of the universe:
- DNA storage:
- Dung beetles:
- Proto-bird:
- Quadruple helix DNA:

All of this stuff has now been proven to be facutal.. Did you know tractor beams actually exist? Anyone who hasnt seen this article would swear up and down that your crazy if you believe in such sci-fi nonsense.. And such is the nature of using crystals to help your plants.. Just because you havnt taken the time to research the factual information behind it.. DOES NOT mean it doesnt work!

It really doesnt surprise me that most of you dont believe in this stuff, The scientific community doesnt even want to believe it... Think of it this way.. If you were a well renowned physicist who has spent their life working on Relativistic theory.. then all of a sudden all of this proof starts popping up stating your lifes work is WRONG... how inclined would you be to try and supress the information? People with power will generally do whatever it takes in order to maintain that power.. including discrediting factual scientific information. I have yet to see any rebuttal that holds merit against the mathematical caluculations I have provided, These are true numbers and have not yet been disputed neither by the people of this site.. nor the scientific community. You can try to discredit my sources all you want.. Backrounds and credentials are meaningless in the face of mathematical proof... The density of a Proton is calculated to be the SAME as the Mass of the Universe.. This is a mathematical truth that can be cross referenced and back checked against EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE.. everything lines up from the largest macrocosmic scale.. right down to the smallest sub-atomic level.. This is mathematical proof that all things are connected, and if all things are connected.. then crystals DEFINATELY effect your plants!

Class Dismissed ;-) lol

A question. How is it that there is absolutely no support from any part of the scientific community for any of Nassim's ideas, talks, or research? None of his papers have been published in any scientific journal – certainly not one subject to proper peer review. Scientists seem to either treat him as a crank or dismiss him altogether. Which of the following reasons sounds most plausible? Is it...

(a) because the scientific establishment are afraid of having all their precious theories overturned?

Science loves having theories overturned. It's true that individual scientists are human and can be reluctant to accept when their way of seeing things is revealed to be false. Some will be slower to accept new things than others. But all will agree that this is part of the job of being a scientist. In addition, many scientists are deeply competitive, and for every theory beloved to one set of scientists, there'll be another set that is devoted to looking for any serious evidence they can use to pull the rug out from under it.

The world scientific community is an extremely diverse and argumentative bunch. Surely it would be crazy to imagine them being capable of unanimously agreeing to dismiss perfectly good ideas sitting right under all their noses.

This is a fact compatible with even the most cynical view of scientists – that they're more often out to prove each other wrong, even to backstab, than to back each other up. It makes it implausible that any scientist actually sees Nassim's ideas as any sort of threat. His ideas have simply never been taken seriously.

(b) because scientists are incapable of seeing outside the box that they were trained to think in, and are too proud to accept radical suggestion from an outsider?

Scientists can be guilty of narrow thinking. If you specialise in an extremely complex area, the effort of getting your head around the ideas within one framework might be so taxing that the last thing you want to be doing is considering the possibility that the whole framework might be wrong. At the same time, there are many scientists who are mavericks and ready for change, ready to throw it all up in the air. They also have all manner of values, and all manner of spiritual outlooks and practices.

There are hundreds of thousands of scientists in the universities of the world, and their ways of thinking are as various as any other group of hundreds of thousands of human beings - if not more so. There'll always be plenty of scientists hungry for any radical idea, especially in topics as hot as grand unified theories, provided it's got some substance.

There may well be unanimous skepticism about things which have utterly no scientific basis, such as someone claiming to have a theory that the moon is made of green cheese. But this is not because of any inability to think outside of the box.

Regarding outsiders – yes, pride and over-cautiousness can get in the way of scientists taking suggestions seriously from people not affiliated to a university. But would every single one of them fall prey to this? Again, scientists, and even scientific establishments, are surely too numerous and too diverse for this to be plausible.

When Garrett Lisi submitted a potentially revolutionary theory for the unification of particle physics, he was an unemployed surfer living in a camper van on a Hawaiian island with no university affiliation. (Aside from now renting a room in a shared house, it seems he still is.) Perhaps the majority of physicists initially did not take him seriously. But there were certainly plenty who did, who were waiting for someone like this to challenge everything, who looked at his work and thought "you know, this guy really does know what he's talking about. He could be onto something here. And I want in on this."

There are so many other examples of theories being accepted from outsiders (Einstein, for one) that this answer doesn't hold any water. If he isn't getting taken seriously, it certainly can't be blamed on a complete worldwide closed-mindedness among all respectable scientists.

(c) because they haven't come across his ideas yet?

Nassim and his Resonance Project have a massive internet presence, and they've been promoting their ideas to scientific bodies, presenting at university conferences (alongside student projects and industry researchers) throughout the world, and submitting papers to peer-review journals at every opportunity for most of the last decade. Not to mention training hundreds of people to promote their ideas for them.

There have been considerable efforts to put an article about Nassim Haramein, the scientist, on Wikipedia. The results can be seen here – I think you'll find the discussion revealing.

(It's worth noting that all Garrett Lisi did to set the academic world abuzz was to present his ideas at a single relatively obscure conference in Iceland.)

(d) because anyone with an understanding of science can see that his claims and his methods are not scientific in any sense of the term, and that he doesn't actually know what he's talking about?

I reckon so.
The Schwarzschild Proton and other ideas from The Resonance Foundation have also been discussed in depth at
Ahh yes.. Dr. Emoto.. Brilliant man! Discovered many things about water that have been puzzles for centuries! I keep a Rose Quartz the size of a softball in my res SOLEY based on Emoto's research... Happy water = Happy plants :-)

The simple fact of the matter is that the scientific community is moving at record speed. The same amount of knowledge that used to take years.. even DECADES to accumulate.. is now being done on a DAILY basis! Here are some amazing breakthroughs that were brought about JUST LAST WEEK!!!
- Tractor beam:
- Temperature of the universe:
- DNA storage:
- Dung beetles:
- Proto-bird:
- Quadruple helix DNA:

All of this stuff has now been proven to be facutal.. Did you know tractor beams actually exist? Anyone who hasnt seen this article would swear up and down that your crazy if you believe in such sci-fi nonsense.. And such is the nature of using crystals to help your plants.. Just because you havnt taken the time to research the factual information behind it.. DOES NOT mean it doesnt work!

It really doesnt surprise me that most of you dont believe in this stuff, The scientific community doesnt even want to believe it... Think of it this way.. If you were a well renowned physicist who has spent their life working on Relativistic theory.. then all of a sudden all of this proof starts popping up stating your lifes work is WRONG... how inclined would you be to try and supress the information? People with power will generally do whatever it takes in order to maintain that power.. including discrediting factual scientific information. I have yet to see any rebuttal that holds merit against the mathematical caluculations I have provided, These are true numbers and have not yet been disputed neither by the people of this site.. nor the scientific community. You can try to discredit my sources all you want.. Backrounds and credentials are meaningless in the face of mathematical proof... The density of a Proton is calculated to be the SAME as the Mass of the Universe.. This is a mathematical truth that can be cross referenced and back checked against EVERYTHING IN EXISTENCE.. everything lines up from the largest macrocosmic scale.. right down to the smallest sub-atomic level.. This is mathematical proof that all things are connected, and if all things are connected.. then crystals DEFINATELY effect your plants!

Class Dismissed ;-) lol

Awesome stuff, glad to see this thread is up and running again. Looks like I have some reading to do tonight :clap:
A question. How is it that there is absolutely no support from any part of the scientific community for any of Nassim's ideas, talks, or research? None of his papers have been published in any scientific journal – certainly not one subject to proper peer review. Scientists seem to either treat him as a crank or dismiss him altogether. Which of the following reasons sounds most plausible? Is it...

(a) because the scientific establishment are afraid of having all their precious theories overturned?

Science loves having theories overturned. It's true that individual scientists are human and can be reluctant to accept when their way of seeing things is revealed to be false. Some will be slower to accept new things than others. But all will agree that this is part of the job of being a scientist. In addition, many scientists are deeply competitive, and for every theory beloved to one set of scientists, there'll be another set that is devoted to looking for any serious evidence they can use to pull the rug out from under it.

The world scientific community is an extremely diverse and argumentative bunch. Surely it would be crazy to imagine them being capable of unanimously agreeing to dismiss perfectly good ideas sitting right under all their noses.

This is a fact compatible with even the most cynical view of scientists – that they're more often out to prove each other wrong, even to backstab, than to back each other up. It makes it implausible that any scientist actually sees Nassim's ideas as any sort of threat. His ideas have simply never been taken seriously.

(b) because scientists are incapable of seeing outside the box that they were trained to think in, and are too proud to accept radical suggestion from an outsider?

Scientists can be guilty of narrow thinking. If you specialise in an extremely complex area, the effort of getting your head around the ideas within one framework might be so taxing that the last thing you want to be doing is considering the possibility that the whole framework might be wrong. At the same time, there are many scientists who are mavericks and ready for change, ready to throw it all up in the air. They also have all manner of values, and all manner of spiritual outlooks and practices.

There are hundreds of thousands of scientists in the universities of the world, and their ways of thinking are as various as any other group of hundreds of thousands of human beings - if not more so. There'll always be plenty of scientists hungry for any radical idea, especially in topics as hot as grand unified theories, provided it's got some substance.

There may well be unanimous skepticism about things which have utterly no scientific basis, such as someone claiming to have a theory that the moon is made of green cheese. But this is not because of any inability to think outside of the box.

Regarding outsiders – yes, pride and over-cautiousness can get in the way of scientists taking suggestions seriously from people not affiliated to a university. But would every single one of them fall prey to this? Again, scientists, and even scientific establishments, are surely too numerous and too diverse for this to be plausible.

When Garrett Lisi submitted a potentially revolutionary theory for the unification of particle physics, he was an unemployed surfer living in a camper van on a Hawaiian island with no university affiliation. (Aside from now renting a room in a shared house, it seems he still is.) Perhaps the majority of physicists initially did not take him seriously. But there were certainly plenty who did, who were waiting for someone like this to challenge everything, who looked at his work and thought "you know, this guy really does know what he's talking about. He could be onto something here. And I want in on this."

There are so many other examples of theories being accepted from outsiders (Einstein, for one) that this answer doesn't hold any water. If he isn't getting taken seriously, it certainly can't be blamed on a complete worldwide closed-mindedness among all respectable scientists.

(c) because they haven't come across his ideas yet?

Nassim and his Resonance Project have a massive internet presence, and they've been promoting their ideas to scientific bodies, presenting at university conferences (alongside student projects and industry researchers) throughout the world, and submitting papers to peer-review journals at every opportunity for most of the last decade. Not to mention training hundreds of people to promote their ideas for them.

There have been considerable efforts to put an article about Nassim Haramein, the scientist, on Wikipedia. The results can be seen here – I think you'll find the discussion revealing.

(It's worth noting that all Garrett Lisi did to set the academic world abuzz was to present his ideas at a single relatively obscure conference in Iceland.)

(d) because anyone with an understanding of science can see that his claims and his methods are not scientific in any sense of the term, and that he doesn't actually know what he's talking about?

I reckon so.
The Schwarzschild Proton and other ideas from The Resonance Foundation have also been discussed in depth at

Or is it "E" the general consensus of the "Establisment" is to keep people in the dark about the true nature of their connection to the universe and its infinite potential. Anyone who has a serious intention of a career in physics would be commiting "Career Suicide" by backing up Nassim's ideas. The scientific community recieves BILLIONS of dollars in funding from the establishment... but ONLY if they research and release the information that THEY want you to see! Look at Cannabis for example.. The biggest drug companies in the world have spent BILLIONS of dollars trying to find a sythetic "THC" that worked as well.. or better than the natural thing... And low and behold.. they could not find it.. so instead of releasing the info that Cannabis is a miracle plant.. they have burried the info for decades to keep us buying drugs we dont need! Is it really so hard for you to believe that the same establisment is discrediting Harameins work? If you were a renowned physicst that was well respected.. and you seen validity in Harameins theory.. would you back him up if it meant the end of your Career? The simple fact of the matter is the "General" scientific community is HIGHLY profit drivin.. just like most of the rest of society. And if the establishment says they arent going to pay you to research something.. you find something else to research that they WILL pay for.. Its all about money man.. it has very little to do with releasing factual information to the public.. Its about CONTROL.. and they are obviously doing a very good job at controlling YOU!
Oh and by the way... You still have not addressed the MATH? You keep poking at character flaws and other things unrelated... but you completely avoid the fact that the math adds up... Still waiting............. The thing about all of the sources you listed.. is that they IGNORE THE ENERGY DENSITY OF THE VACUUME! If you had done any research on Harameins work yourself.. you would see that this is a BIG factor... Not once does your source mention the density of the vacuume.. and this is something that is COMPLETELY ignored by the scientific community.. Haramein CLEARLY states in his presentation that he is "Not going to do like everyone else and IGNORE THE DENSITY OF THE VACUUME". The main problem with main stream physics.. is the theories between microscopic and macroscopic dont line up! Its as if relativistic physics thinks it has NOTHING to do with the rest of the universe! This is clearly not the case.. as Im sure your aware that BIG things are ALWAYS made up of SMALL things... Haramein is 2 steps ahead of the game.. its no wonder a lot of people think hes a crackpot!
Another point... the video this blog is reviewing is a presentation from 2005! Haramein has had 8 more years of research added to this... here is a more recent video that has the complete theory displayed.. He addresses most of the "holes" that your blog resource pokes... But... You would have to watch the video to find that out I guess...
I believe I have already stated this point.. but it is worth re-mention in light of the recent rebuttal.. You put so much belief in the experiments done by the general scientific community. The natural laws of the universe are ALWAYS tested in an ISOLATED SYSTEM.. Here is Wikipedia's definition of an Isolated System The first paragraph of this definition reads "In the natural sciences an isolated system is a physical system without any external exchange – neither matter nor energy can enter or exit, but can only move around inside. Truly isolated systems cannot exist in nature, other than possibly the universe itself, and they are thus hypothetical concepts only.[SUP][1][/SUP][SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] It obeys, in particular, to the first of the conservation laws: its total energy - mass stays constant."

So even the scientific community and wikipedia agrees that Natural Laws... are NOT based on something that occurs in nature?!?!?! All of our "Laws" are actually "Hypothetical Concepts" BY DEFINITION! Do you not think this would be a bit of a problem if you are trying to figure out how the universe actually works? Mr. Haramein sure does!
I believe I have already stated this point.. but it is worth re-mention in light of the recent rebuttal.. You put so much belief in the experiments done by the general scientific community. The natural laws of the universe are ALWAYS tested in an ISOLATED SYSTEM
WTF are you talking about? By definition, a law in science is based on repeated observation that describes something about how the world works. There is no requirement for an isolated system. Same as with a scientific theory. Isolated systems are sometimes created in order to control variables, but even then, the phenomena being tested is still part of the natural world. Your fallacious reasoning would suggest that if I try to make an isolated system to test gravity, like rolling balls down a ramp in a vacuum, then because I isolated gravitation from other effects like air resistance, you suggest that my results are hypothetical.

Your lack of understanding of the scientific method is what is allowing you to be persuaded by con-artists and pseudoscience.
WTF are you talking about? By definition, a law in science is based on repeated observation that describes something about how the world works. There is no requirement for an isolated system. Same as with a scientific theory. Isolated systems are sometimes created in order to control variables, but even then, the phenomena being tested is still part of the natural world. Your fallacious reasoning would suggest that if I try to make an isolated system to test gravity, like rolling balls down a ramp in a vacuum, then because I isolated gravitation from other effects like air resistance, you suggest that my results are hypothetical.

Your lack of understanding of the scientific method is what is allowing you to be persuaded by con-artists and pseudoscience. Taken STRAIGHT out of Wikipedia

Conservation law

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In physics, a conservation law states that a particular measurable property of an isolated physical system does not change as the system evolves.
One particularly important physical result concerning conservation laws is Noether's Theorem, which states that there is a one-to-one correspondence between conservation laws and differentiable symmetries of physical systems. For example, the conservation of energy follows from the time-invariance of physical systems, and the fact that physical systems behave the same regardless of how they are oriented in space gives rise to the conservation of angular momentum.

And Im the one that doesnt understand the scientific method???? Fuck off troll!
WTF are you talking about? By definition, a law in science is based on repeated observation that describes something about how the world works. There is no requirement for an isolated system. Same as with a scientific theory. Isolated systems are sometimes created in order to control variables, but even then, the phenomena being tested is still part of the natural world. Your fallacious reasoning would suggest that if I try to make an isolated system to test gravity, like rolling balls down a ramp in a vacuum, then because I isolated gravitation from other effects like air resistance, you suggest that my results are hypothetical.

Your lack of understanding of the scientific method is what is allowing you to be persuaded by con-artists and pseudoscience.

If you actually knew ANYTHING about how natural laws come about.. You would know that they are ALWAYS tested within an ISOLATED SYSTEM.. Scientists do this in order to try and ISOLATE the behaviour. This approach is fundamentally flawed because objects ALWAYS interact with thier surroundings in nature. So to think we are getting completely accurate results when removing something from its natural environment is grossley ignorant assuming that it is possible for something to be COMPLETELY ISOLATED from its environment. This CAN NOT and DOES NOT happen in nature.. so how is it we can base such fundamental laws of nature.. on something that DOESNT OCCUR IN NATURE..

Im still waiting for someone to prove the math wrong...................................