Considering that the DHS includes the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, ICE, and The Secret Service; I don't see why 7,000 M4's (Given the description I saw in one of the links, they at least assume it is M4's.) would be something odd.the arms described are not "assault weapons" since that category is entirely fictional, nor are the arms described "assault rifles"
the arms described are Sub-Machine Guns, and Machine Pistols.
whne your police and law enforecement officers are armed with machine pistols and SMG's they stop being police and law enforcement officers and become "Security Forces".
DHS is becominng what i suspected they were intended to be all along, a paramilitary organization dedicated to the preservation of "The State" and the protection of the regime of the day rather than the Constitution.
soon we will have our own tawdry little version of the Stasi goosestepping around ensuring we all adhere to the accepted dogma or the Ruling Party, and the "Opposition Parties" will be subject to arrest by our new "Security Forces"
man Obama is doing a great job with the Hope and Change.
SMG's and Machine pistols (the spec requires "Maximum concealability") are not generally the stock in trade of the coast guard, the problem with the consolidation of all these organizations under the model of "security forces" used in banana republics, central asian dictatorships and socialist regimes is the ambiguity created in the conglomeration.Considering that the DHS includes the Coast Guard, Border Patrol, ICE, and The Secret Service; I don't see why 7,000 M4's (Given the description I saw in one of the links, they at least assume it is M4's.) would be something odd.
Both articles stated that they were 5.56mmx45mm weapons, that's not a common submachine gun chambering. These weren't 9mm sub. guns, the weapons described in this article are a rifle caliber.SMG's and Machine pistols (the spec requires "Maximum concealability") are not generally the stock in trade of the coast guard, the problem with the consolidation of all these organizations under the model of "security forces" used in banana republics, central asian dictatorships and socialist regimes is the ambiguity created in the conglomeration.
of all the organizations under the banner of DHS, only the secret service and their protection details have any legitimate need for a Mini Uzi, a Mac 11, or other concealable compact SMG or machine pistol.
all the other 'security forces" are well served by weapons which are not easily concealed under a sportcoat, and the only reason the Secret Service protection details conceal their weapons is so we DONT look like a banana republic where the president is always surrounded by heavily armed goons from the secret police (even though he actually is...).
if the secret service ordered 7000 concealable submachine guns, there would be no questions form me.
but since we dont know if they will be issued to ICE (cuz INS just wasnt cool enough) the goons at the BATFE, airport security monkeys, or the border patrol, i gotta wonder why they think hiding their weapons will serve better than the open display of force at deterring criminal action.
Why don't you just come out and say it, The only thing it would be used for is swat team style urban warfare.SMG's and Machine pistols (the spec requires "Maximum concealability") are not generally the stock in trade of the coast guard, the problem with the consolidation of all these organizations under the model of "security forces" used in banana republics, central asian dictatorships and socialist regimes is the ambiguity created in the conglomeration.
of all the organizations under the banner of DHS, only the secret service and their protection details have any legitimate need for a Mini Uzi, a Mac 11, or other concealable compact SMG or machine pistol.
all the other 'security forces" are well served by weapons which are not easily concealed under a sportcoat, and the only reason the Secret Service protection details conceal their weapons is so we DONT look like a banana republic where the president is always surrounded by heavily armed goons from the secret police (even though he actually is...).
if the secret service ordered 7000 concealable submachine guns, there would be no questions form me.
but since we dont know if they will be issued to ICE (cuz INS just wasnt cool enough) the goons at the BATFE, airport security monkeys, or the border patrol, i gotta wonder why they think hiding their weapons will serve better than the open display of force at deterring criminal action.
Both articles stated that they were 5.56mmx45mm weapons, that's not a common submachine gun chambering. These weren't 9mm sub. guns, the weapons described in this article are a rifle caliber.
I see no mention of the P90 being chambered in 5.56 NATO round in that article. I am aware that you can get a rifle chambered in a pistol round, and vice-versa; a sub. gun is pistol caliber.
available in 5.56 nato, described as a Personal Defense Weapon (PDW) by the makers and marketers, but it is in fact a sub-machine gun.
using a round commonly used in rifles and carbines does not make it a rifle, nor are there any strictures on what makes a round a "rifle round" or a "pistol round" save the conventions of most frequent use.
Thompson Center makes a pistol chambered is .45/70 Govt. which is definitely not a round commonly used in pistols
and the Winchester Model 94 ranger is offered in .357 magnum, a rpound commonly used in pistols
I see no mention of the P90 being chambered in 5.56 NATO round in that article. I am aware that you can get a rifle chambered in a pistol round, and vice-versa; a sub. gun is pistol caliber.
Besides the stupidness of the second article. "assault weapons are bad...." It is obvious to me that AlQ is gaining not destroyed and obviously DHS knows something we don't.
I'm surprised they don't call it a "National Defense Weapon", to justify.[video=youtube;0C0dmGeE4MI][/video]
Personal Defense Weapon (not assault rifle when DHS has them, guys!)
The P90 would've been a good choice, it's a PDW, fires armour piercing rounds and it has a 45% damage bonus against Jaffa too.
Track them by ensuring to remove the GPS devices first.maybe they bought the guns to sell to mexican cartels so they can track em
the Heckler and Koch 416c is a super compact sturmgewehr in 5.56 Nato, and it's almost small enough to be concealable for use under a business suit.While badass, it's not in production if it's in development. Does this mean your concern in your original post is not needed? If it still is warranted, would you be so kind as to explain why?