Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Well-Known Member
why is the small farmer being punished by labeling his food as better than the rest?

seriously if the market is dying out for "gmo free" food then surely anyone selling it will make a killing? if not please explain why
margins. the margins are extremely thin when farming, and it is really hard to compete on level ground, much less when we subsidize one over the other and set price floors etc.

for those hundreds of millions in subsidies we send, it's not asking a whole lot for them to tell us the basic fact of GMO or not.


Well-Known Member
margins. the margins are extremely thin when farming, and it is really hard to compete on level ground, much less when we subsidize one over the other and set price floors etc.

for those hundreds of millions in subsidies we send, it's not asking a whole lot for them to tell us the basic fact of GMO or not.
the margins are that low that they cannot say it's GMO free?

as i said before theres a hate campaign against GMO that is not based on evidence but ideology

all tests performed on this food shows it to be comparable to its counterparts (non gmo)

as food goes it is no different

there is no reason to label it differently and to label it differntly is to suggest a difference that doesnt exist/ harmfull

im sure theres a proportion of the population that would love to know if the food they are eating is grown/ produced by blacks, mexican or even jews

now whats wrong with learning the basic facts of who's producing this food? people out there want to make the choice

ok that to an extent is stretching it but it makes the point


Well-Known Member
the margins are that low that they cannot say it's GMO free?

as i said before theres a hate campaign against GMO that is not based on evidence but ideology

all tests performed on this food shows it to be comparable to its counterparts (non gmo)

as food goes it is no different

there is no reason to label it differently and to label it differntly is to suggest a difference that doesnt exist

im sure theres a proportion of the population that would love to know if the food they are eating is grown/ produced by blacks, mexican or even jews

now whats wrong with learning the basic facts of who's producing this food? people out there want to make the choice

ok that to an extent is stretching it but it makes the point
yeah dude, that was really stretching!

but it is not the case that they are the same, that's the whole point of modifying the organism. it's modified.

i love better living through chemicals. i mean, i always make sure to put the right chemicals on my windshield before a road trip so that the water beads up and rolls off much easier.

in my food though? i'm gonna be very careful about modifications and chemicals.


Well-Known Member
wanna be left alone? go run away to your comfy corner with your bong :P
already there! even got my dog sitting beside me. poor thing had to go to the vet this morning because he's been pooping up a storm for 24+ hours now.*

the lucky son of a bitch (literally) gets to eat boiled ground beef and rice tonight.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude, that was really stretching!

but it is not the case that they are the same, that's the whole point of modifying the organism. it's modified.

i love better living through chemicals. i mean, i always make sure to put the right chemicals on my windshield before a road trip so that the water beads up and rolls off much easier.

in my food though? i'm gonna be very careful about modifications and chemicals.
they are modified in a way that does not effect humans

unless you have evidence to show otherwise? (apart for your superhuman digestive system that is)

GMO is a matter of prejudice

people want labeling due to that prejudice

now what have you got against all food produced by jews having a label telling the consumer?

theres definitely a market for jew free food


Well-Known Member
they are modified in a way that does not effect humans

unless you have evidence to show otherwise? (apart for your superhuman digestive system that is)

GMO is a matter of prejudice

people want labeling due to that prejudice

now what have you got against all food produced by jews having a label telling the consumer?

theres definitely a market for jew free food
argument from ignorance again.

i haven't even bothered to look at the studies, but i'm sure there's plenty of doubts being raised. i mean, if the GMO feed we fatten up our cows with would kill them if we didn't first, that's something that should raise eyebrows.

oh, i hear the retort. "but the cow is being taken off it's natural diet that it has had for thousands of years!". and i will retort, "and the rapid switch we have made to GMO is much different?".

just because the evidence isn't there yet doesn't mean there is no evidence to be found. to believe so is logical fallacy which i know you are better than.

there's a reason why people love delis and bagels, take your jew boner and move it over to a rawn pawl thread.


Well-Known Member
argument from ignorance again.

i haven't even bothered to look at the studies, but i'm sure there's plenty of doubts being raised. i mean, if the GMO feed we fatten up our cows with would kill them if we didn't first, that's something that should raise eyebrows.

oh, i hear the retort. "but the cow is being taken off it's natural diet that it has had for thousands of years!". and i will retort, "and the rapid switch we have made to GMO is much different?".

just because the evidence isn't there yet doesn't mean there is no evidence to be found. to believe so is logical fallacy which i know you are better than.

there's a reason why people love delis and bagels, take your jew boner and move it over to a rawn pawl thread.
i have no jew boner i am throwing it up as a compariosn

there is nothing to show jewish food is worse than any other food source

yet if we mandated that every foodsource that was jewish (and only jewish food) be labeled how exactly would that reflect on that food?

and i love me a bagel and deli meat ;)


Well-Known Member
came across a few articles about cows dying from GMO grass that would release cyanide, but i am withholding those since that was not my claim. but that's yet another strike against GMO.

i hope "sciencedaily" is neutral enough of a source. it talks about how cows suffer when removed from their traditional diet that they have enjoyed for thousands of years.

the funny thing is, we create a solution to a problem we created (pump the cows full of antibiotics, hormones, etc) that creates more problems which we then reward people for finding solutions to. it's an ass backwards way to go about things.


Well-Known Member
hey bob, what if we fattened our cows up quicker by doing X?

cool sounds good.*

oops, solution X creates problem Y.

fixed it! made solution Z for problem Y.

oops, solution Z creates problem A.

fixed it! solution B fixes problem A.

oops, solution B creates problem C.

fixed it! solution D fixes problem C.

genius! let's subsidize it all!


Well-Known Member
came across a few articles about cows dying from GMO grass that would release cyanide, but i am withholding those since that was not my claim. but that's yet another strike against GMO.

i hope "sciencedaily" is neutral enough of a source. it talks about how cows suffer when removed from their traditional diet that they have enjoyed for thousands of years.

the funny thing is, we create a solution to a problem we created (pump the cows full of antibiotics, hormones, etc) that creates more problems which we then reward people for finding solutions to. it's an ass backwards way to go about things.
thats a high grain diet

it is not about GMO

i can even throw my example a bit further on

even tho there is no evidence that jewish food is any different from any other food source

and even tho people have been eating jewish food with no adverse effects

we cannot know everything and absence of evidence is an argument of ignorance

so why should it not be labeled incase of a problem down the line?

prejudice is the reason why we're having this discussion despite the evidence pointing to the food being safe

i think a look at the prejudice is reasonable


New Member
A Review on Impacts of Genetically Modified Food on Human Health

A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modified soybean: effects on liver ageing

Ultrastructural analysis of testes from mice fed on genetically modified soybean

Here are some of the better studies conducted on the effects of GM foods on other mammals. It's way to early to tell the long term effects of said foods, but Monsanto and the other BioTech companies could put all the speculation and "conspiracy theories" to rest by giving independent organisations & individuals access to the raw data from their safety studies or even just GM seeds to undertake comprehensive long term studies...

I dont understand why all the secrecy surrounding GM crops is required, why the biotech' are so adverse to any testing and how the government will just take Monsantos word when submitting data and results to the FDA.

Let's be honest, Monsanto & DuPont brought us DDT, PCBs, CFCs, Agent Orange, Glyphosphates, RBGH and it worked out quite well ...:-P So why would it be any different with GMO/GM Crops...


Well-Known Member
A Review on Impacts of Genetically Modified Food on Human Health

A long-term study on female mice fed on a genetically modified soybean: effects on liver ageing

Ultrastructural analysis of testes from mice fed on genetically modified soybean

Here are some of the better studies conducted on the effects of GM foods on other mammals. It's way to early to tell the long term effects of said foods, but Monsanto and the other BioTech companies could put all the speculation and "conspiracy theories" to rest by giving independent organisations & individuals access to the raw data from their safety studies or even just GM seeds to undertake comprehensive long term studies...

I dont understand why all the secrecy surrounding GM crops is required, why the biotech' are so adverse to any testing and how the government will just take Monsantos word when submitting data and results to the FDA.

Let's be honest, Monsanto & DuPont brought us DDT, PCBs, CFCs, Agent Orange, Glyphosphates, RBGH and it worked out quite well ...:-P So why would it be any different with GMO/GM Crops...
have you read these studies you just posted? because just looking at the first one it does not support your case

secrecy? not letting people near the seeds? havent you just posted studies of people using the seeds?

your all over the place perhaps you need to go back to hating your NON GMO tomatoes for being GMO


Well-Known Member
thats a high grain diet

it is not about GMO
the high grain diet is courtesy of and synonymous with GMO.

or do you want me to post what happens to the cows eating GMO grass and dying?

by the way, jewish food has been around for thousands of years, GMOs have not. jewish food is just the same food made by different people, GMO food is modified in very fundamental ways, that's the point of GMO.

your analogy is poor and argument from ignorance may not apply to jewish food, whereas it is apt for GMO food.


Well-Known Member
the high grain diet is courtesy of and synonymous with GMO.

or do you want me to post what happens to the cows eating GMO grass and dying?

by the way, jewish food has been around for thousands of years, GMOs have not. jewish food is just the same food made by different people, GMO food is modified in very fundamental ways, that's the point of GMO.

your analogy is poor and argument from ignorance may not apply to jewish food, whereas it is apt for GMO food.
dont conflate feeding high grain diets to GMO they are 2 completely different arguements

gmo has again and again been tested to be the same as other food

gmo has had more rigorous testing in the lab than any jewish food

and lets not over look the fact that allergenic reactions is high amongst the Jewish population they've been eating the food for thousands of years its proof the food is bad for you....


Well-Known Member
not in practice, really. the same outfits relying on GMOs are the same ones relying on (GMO) grain fed cattle and hogs.
the article you posted was talking only about high grain diets no gmo mentioned

its a lovely strawman for you to point at and say GMO is bad tho


Well-Known Member
the article you posted was talking only about high grain diets no gmo mentioned

its a lovely strawman for you to point at and say GMO is bad tho
so how do you account for the newfound prevalence of high grain diets? what factors do you think contribute to the uptick?