Durban Poison, Weed of God


Well-Known Member
Reference: Durban Poison Marijuana Strains
"Durban Poison Marijuana Strains are the original African strain, from the Rift Valley."
Reference: Great Rift Valley - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"The Great Rift Valley is a geographical and geological feature, approximately 6,000km in length, that runs from northern Syria to central Mozambique. The Rift Valley has been a rich source of fossils because the rapidly eroding highlands have filled the valley with sediments, a favorable environment for the preservation of remains has been created. The bones of several hominid ancestors of modern humans have been found there, including those of "Lucy", a nearly complete australopithecine skeleton..."

I submit to you my friends that durban poison was growing in the rift valley during the time of Jesus, and may have been smoked by the Almighty Himself. More than that, it may have been smoked by our distant ancestors thousands of years ago. I don't belive in religion in the traditional way. Perhaps the perfectly cereberal high infused with spiritual awareness influenced a group of young men into creating a movement based on personal morals and standards of interpersonal behavior in order to better the lives of everyone around them. Is it hard to believe that the tranquility we experience is the same spiritual high that shamans and priests tried to invoke to the masses? Perhaps weed was the driving force of creativity and intellectual progress throughout the eons. When used in small, unrefined, quantities it provokes brilliant insight and unusual thought processes. No one can be certain, there are little to no records of human drug use, but we know it did occur frequently throughout history. It makes sense that a portion of enlightened thinkers may have expanded their consciousness with substances.
Reference: Laudanum - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Samuel Taylor Coleridge wrote the poem fragment Kubla Khan immediately on waking from a laudanum-induced dream." Most famous for writing The Rime of the Ancient Mariner, Coleridge was one of many poets to find his muse in chemical substances. What has the world lost since drugs have been deemed immoral? Personal responsibility and personal freedom should be the founding tenents of any self-governed people. We've come a long way since Jesus lit that first holy joint. Durban Poison is the plant that started a revolution, a religion, and perhaps humanity itself.

Thank you for your attention.


Well-Known Member
Makes me want to get some Durban Poison so its like im smoken with jesus...Good info dude....


Well-Known Member
lol apparently so, rift valley makes no sense to me being a natal local and knowing and smoking the poison for 24 years


Well-Known Member
Durban is possibly the most resin covered plant I have ever grown, literally producing so much resin that it beaded up in large drops and oozey rivers on the buds. Yield isn't the best, but it is an excellent sativa for sea of green style growing.


Well-Known Member
Who has the best seed for the durban?
Well, mine was from Sensi stock in the late 90's I think, but maybe as late as 2002. I can't verify the quality now, but I have been meaning to buy a pack to see if I can recapture the plant I used to have. Did grow it for maybe three years.


Well-Known Member
i did a bit of researching before i bought my DP seeds into who does the most accurate version. I can't find the review i came across last time, but these guys had done an expeirment with sensi seeds and dutch pasion versions. THey claimed that the SS version had at least 3or 4 phenotypes or something, but they said the dutch passion version was consistent, i think, with just one phenotype......but that sounds a lil bullshitty, maybe it was two phenos they found. I cant remember, but thats what made me choose the dutch passion version. Im growing them in a couple of months i can't wait. I smoked DP only once when i was a teen, but it was damp and compressed in a baggy (my town produced some really shitty dealers) but the smell was lke nothin iv ever come across, like rubber mixed with liquorice or something, ive always wanted to try the real deal so ive taken it upon myself now lol if anyone has any better breeder recommendations for pure Durban then please do tell


Well-Known Member
I have the SensiSeeds version, there are only two phenotypes, one that seems to be more of the Durban and the other is Skunk#1 with Durban overtones.


Well-Known Member
For what its worth, High Times magazine cited Durban Poison as one of its "Earth's ten most potent strains" this year. See at 1:41



Well-Known Member
Thanks jogro!!! I'll give the sensi a try, maybe a couple of DP too for comparison. I also see sickmeds seeds coming to hempdepot, gotta get me some of that WW too :)


Well-Known Member
Never grew it. But smoked it had an awesome anise taste to it. Very uplifting. Me and my daughter's fiance talked for hours without breaks lol.


Well-Known Member
How loud is Durban in flowering?
If you get a real durban, it has a strong scent, but its not particularly recognizable as herb by the average joe. It has probably the most recognizably distinct taste and smell of any strain I've grown. I love the hell out of it, some people say anise, but to me its more astringent, but a straight herbs & cleaner taste. My personal favorite strain for butter making, although its much more medicine for the mind than the body.