here is an old pic of me partying with one of my exes familiy... i dont recall how many new years ago this was but i do recall i put almost 9 grams up my nose that night... and god knows how much booze...
I usually shoot the dogs with a bow and arrow that come into my yard and shit.

The last mother fukn neighbor I had, I got tired of it, so I set a trap, caught the fuckers dog, spray painted his entire dog rattle can safety orange.

Ain't seen the dog since.

I also took a chainsaw to a tree in my yard and dropped it on the neighbors fence. Since it was 5 feet over on my property line.

My favorite would be loading up my burn barrel with wet foliage when the wind is right, and smoking out a certain neighbor. He tried calling the fire dept on me but.... My barrel was 24" off the ground and within "code"
I usually shoot the dogs with a bow and arrow that come into my yard and shit.

The last mother fukn neighbor I had, I got tired of it, so I set a trap, caught the fucker, spray painted his entire dog rattle can safety orange.

Ain't seen the dog since.
Not like that. Express fights dogs for 5k, says he fought his dog 3 times and regularly attends these hideous events.