Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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no offense, but you're asking some pretty stupid questions, and only a little bit is my fault.

i buy my peas from the same place i buy strawberries and stop in often for humanely raised, grass fed beef (with gluten free and lactose free options for the wife) at the diner on the same corner (they hook it up!).

it is at the intersection of river road and farmington, just southwest of the cruise in diner. peas are grown alongside the strawberries, and i guarantee they are not GMO.*

how do i know if something IS gmo? pretty easy. i look to see if any number of corn derived ingredients are added to the food. if there is anything like HFCS, i just go ahead and assume right there that it was derived from GMO corn and know that 90-99% of the time my assumption is correct.

i absolutely know the difference between those peas and my peas versus a package of peas from the store with some sort of preservative or GMO derived additive. i can taste it and i can feel it after.
you made the statement that you could taste the difference between GMO and not GMO

i had assumed you were doing it on a honest level by comparing like for like but was wondering how you knew it was GMO you were eating in the first place

now it seems with with the bolded comment what your actually doing is comparing farm fresh home cooked meals with processed food

thus conflating GMO with industrial cooking

rather dishonest dont you think?

and the question of what is the GMO style of farming might seem weird to you but to me the idea that gmo by necessity is farmed differently to a level where to any observer it should be obvious is plain ridicules

if you've ever seen portlandia, you know that my wife and i are a little more careful about what we eat. i have been on a personal vendetta for the better part of a year to give as little of my money as possible to GMO producers. it is inevitable that we sometimes eat at restaurants that use products derived from GMOs and we often have no choice but to buy a coke or stop in to mcdonalds or the like for something to eat.

tricked we may often be, but conscious of what we are eating we always are. and sometimes we just go ahead and give in to the inevitable new wave that is the GMO, mass produced, inhumanely raised, uncaringly packaged and processed CRAP.

i have never seen portlandia but i do not think i need to get a good idea about what you are talking about

but even if you travled to the ends of the earth to buy the highest quality vegetables harvested on a full moon by naked priestesses of the temple of gaia and purchased on platers of the purest the only difference in the nutrients make up in the plant is that which is boosted by your own smug factor and it would never be something your body could tell the difference

seriously if you really think your body has these powers theres a million dollar prize offered for skills such as these
so, lets break this down.

i dont like the CFR beldebergers, trilateral commission, or the federal reserve, this results in your bizarre nonsequitor rant against the Rothschilds.

i retort that i dont throw out the rothchilds because throwing stones at assholes who happen to be jews usually winds up being about jews in general.

and this prompts even MORE non-sequitors in which you claim the Morgan group is secretly backed by the Rothschilds (which is untrue)

and now you are calling me a JDL stooge.

If you can't make the connections between the Rothchilds and the institution's you've mentioned, then you've got no idea. Honestly you're rants are so dismally lacking in any aspect of cohesion or common sense many times I just laugh when reading you're posts as they're tainted with arrogance and egocentrism.

We all know when you're small little mind is in a bind and unable to process, as you immediately start in with the "jewish conspiracy" bullshit then, throw in some hitler references - anything to avoid staying on topic or addressing the hypocritical, ignorant viewpoints you parrot as absolute truth...

In fact, you’re the only person in this section that brings up an alledged “jewish conspiracy” ad nauseam...

Show me where I parrot the jewish bullshit you accuse me of? - otherwise it's just another delusional, crack induced fallacy you're famous for.

And please, mossad is staffed by professionals, not JDL wannabes. I doubt you’d pass the psychological screen for the later, let alone the first...
Wwwwwwrong again hitlers foot soldier!!! We dont want any GM weed, or GM anything!!! Theres a reason your side lost the poll, this is a site full of farmers....and we dont want anybody feking with our plants!!! So pack up your soap box and GTFO because nobody cares how loud you you think kicking this dead horse is going to get you some more votes on the poll? I doubt it, your just going to make yourself look like sore losers. I feel bad for you guys, someone has to lose, i guess that would be your side.....right? :):):)
Lol, so you're construing the results of the poll like that?

You're actually SO stupid, Im considering you as the first person Iv ever put on ignore for fear that I might catch whatever brain disease you clearly have.
i dont like the CFR beldebergers, trilateral commission, or the federal reserve, this results in your bizarre nonsequitor rant against the Rothschilds.

Just to address your misconception of an alledged "nonsequitor" - the rothschilds rightly hold their place with the families and institutions previously mentioned.

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System Part One

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order - Global Power and Global Government: Part 2

Next time, don't be a poor consumer of information :finger:
desertdouche once said to me some anecdote about "the pig who squeals the loudest" in relation to my objection to pennsylvania voter ID laws which were later rendered unconstitutional.

my main exposure to GMO first came from squealing stoners in this website. shortly after, i noticed a barrage of ads on TV about HFCS being so awesome and natural, and thought to myself that they were squealing louder.

after looking into it more, i was surprised to learn about just how much our food supply has changed in the last 50~ years or so. our diets have completely changed. and GMO is often synonymous with this change in our food supply. and those who defend it squeal the loudest.

there is no way to know what this change in the food supply will do to us. i do know that altering the diet of feed cows onto GMO feed instead of their natural supply of grass means that they would die anyway if we did not harvest their beef once fattened.

don't even get me started on what these large scale practices synonymous with GMOs means for our chicken friends. i urge you not to google cal cruz hatcheries if you wish to remain unattached from what your consumption habits may mean.

need some sprinkles for that pile of sanctimony? you pious wanker
Just to address your misconception of an alledged "nonsequitor" - the rothschilds rightly hold their place with the families and institutions previously mentioned.

Global Power and Global Government: Evolution and Revolution of the Central Banking System Part One

Origins of the American Empire: Revolution, World Wars and World Order - Global Power and Global Government: Part 2

Next time, don't be a poor consumer of information :finger:

lol this coming from a TWOOFER is hilarious
Lol, so you're construing the results of the poll like that?

You're actually SO stupid, Im considering you as the first person Iv ever put on ignore for fear that I might catch whatever brain disease you clearly have.
Hey foot soldier, can my pumpkins vote for NO GMO too? I think theyd vote NO GMO!! And for the record, the poll states that that we dont want genetic engineering or people like you, monsanto hitler, and his SS of GM food pushing nazi douchbags on our site. We want Quality over Quantity :) We want our craft to stay in our gardens and out of philip morris fields, after all, we havent needed to do anything more than whats being done now to stay buzzin ;) heres a picture of my non GMO pumpkins for you monsanto nazis

YES you can taste the difference... Can you even tell the difference?

Please pick which tomatoe is GM and which is not...

View attachment 2499848
View attachment 2499849

Oh and FYI it's not the beer can...

its a trick question its neither as gmo tomatoes are neither grown or sold in austrailia

Currently, the only genetically modified food crops produced in Australia are canola and cotton, but a variety of other GM foods can be imported and used as an ingredient in packaged foods.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), allows manufacturers to use a wide range of GM food ingredients imported from overseas. These include specific GM varieties of soybeans, corn, rice, potatoes and sugarbeet.

i must say congratulations for proving to us that your fears are completely irrational
its a trick question its neither as gmo tomatoes are neither grown or sold in austrailia

i must say congratulations for proving to us that your fears are completely irrational

Just had to prove a point with the stupids... Just like implying an individuals body cannot tell the difference between GM & non GM.
The danger of GMO's

The question of whether or not genetically modified foods (GMO's) are safe for human consumption is an ongoing debate that does not seem to see any resolution except in the arena of public opinion. Due to lack of labeling, Americans are still left at a loss as to whether or not what is on the table is genetically modified. This lack of information makes the avoiding and tracking of GM foods an exercise in futility. Below are just some of the food products popularly identified to be genetically modified:

1. Corn - Corn has been modified to create its own insecticide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared that tons of genetically modified corn has been introduced for human consumption. Monsanto has revealed that half of the US's sweet corn farms are planted with genetically modified seed. Mice fed with GM corn were discovered to have smaller offspring and fertility problems.

2. Soy - Soy has also been genetically modified to resist herbicides. Soy products include soy flour, tofu, soy beverages, soybean oil and other products that may include pastries, baked products and edible oil. Hamsters fed with GM soy were unable to have offspring and suffered a high mortality rate.

3. Cotton - Like corn and soy, cotton has been designed to resist pesticides. It is considered food because its oil can be consumed. Its introduction in Chinese agriculture has produced a chemical that kills cotton bollworm, reducing the incidences of pests not only in cotton crops but also in neighboring fields of soybeans and corn. Incidentally, thousands of Indian farmers suffered severe rashes upon exposure to BT cotton.

4. Papaya - The virus-resistant variety of papaya was commercially introduced in Hawaii in 1999. Transgenic papayas comprised three-fourths of the total Hawaiian papaya crop. Monsanto bestowed upon Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore technology for developing papaya resistant to the ringspot virus in India.

5. Rice - This staple food from South East Asia has now been genetically modified to contain a high amount of vitamin A. Allegedly, there are reports of rice varieties containing human genes to be grown in the US. The rice will create human proteins useful for dealing with infant diarrhea in the 3rd world. China Daily, an online journal, reported potential serious public health and environment problems with genetically modified rice considering its tendency to cause allergic reactions with the concurrent possibility of gene transfers.

6. Tomatoes - Tomatoes have now been genetically engineered for longer shelf life, preventing them from easily rotting and degrading. In a test conducted to determine the safety of GM tomatoes, some animal subjects died within a few weeks after consuming GM tomatoes.

7. Rapeseed - In Canada, this crop was renamed canola to differentiate it from non-edible rapeseed. Food stuff produced from rapeseed includes rapeseed oi (canola oil) l used to process cooking oil and margarine. Honey can also be produced from GM rapeseed. German food surveillance authorities discovered as much as a third of the total pollen present in Canadian honey may be from GM pollen. In fact, some honey products from Canada were also discovered to have pollen from GM rapeseed.

8. Dairy products - It has been discovered that 22 percent of cows in the U.S. were injected with recombinant (genetically modified) bovine growth hormone (rbGH). This Monsanto created hormone artificially forces cows to increase their milk production by 15 percent. Milk from cows treated with this milk inducing hormone contains increased levels of IGF-1 (insulin growth factors-1). Humans also have IGF-1 in their system. Scientists have expressed concerns that increased levels of IGF-1 in humans have been associated with colon and breast cancer.

9. Potatoes - Mice fed with potatoes engineered with Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki Cry 1 were found to have toxins in their system. Despite claims to the contrary, this shows that Cry1 toxin was stable in the mouse gut. When the health risks were revealed, it sparked a debate.

10. Peas - Peas that have been genetically modified have been found to cause immune responses in mice and possibly even in humans. A gene from kidney beans was inserted into the peas creating a protein that functions as a pesticide.

The GMO link to strange disease

As early as 2008, reported about a condition called Morgellon's disease. The article went on to report the symptoms of the disease as follows: crawling, stinging, biting and crawling sensations; threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; granules, lesions. Some patients report fatigue, short term memory loss, mental confusion, joint pain and changes in vision. Furthermore, there have been reports of substantial morbidity and social dysfunction leading to a dip in work productivity, job loss, total disability, divorce, loss of child custody and home abandonment.

Prior to its reporting, the condition was dismissed as a hoax, but upon further investigation, the evidence pointed out that the disease was real and may be related to genetically modified food.

Despite this link being established, the CDC declared Morgellon's disease of unknown origin. Worse, the medical community could not offer any information to the public regarding a cause for the symptoms.

When a research study was conducted on fiber samples taken from Morgellons patients, it was discovered that the fiber samples of all the patients looked remarkable similar. And yet, it did not seem to match any common environmental fiber. When the fiber was broken down, and it's DNA extracted, it was discovered to belong to a fungus. Even more surprising was the finding that the fibers contained Agrobacterium, a genus gram-negative bacteria with the capacity of transforming plant, animal and even human cells.

Morgellon's disease is not the only condition associated with genetically modified foods. A growing body of evidence has shown that it may cause allergies, immune reactions, liver problems, sterility and even death. Moreover, based on the only human feeding experiment conducted on genetically modified food, it was established that genetic material in genetically modified food product can transfer into the DNA of intestinal bacteria and still continue to thrive.

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Just had to prove a point with the stupids... Just like implying an individuals body cannot tell the difference between GM & non GM.

ahh doubling down on dumb i see

you just showed that you could not tell that those tomatoes were gmo or not

and i would love to hear the mechanism the body possess that allows it to tell the different between 2 nutritionally identical items
The danger of GMO's

The question of whether or not genetically modified foods (GMO's) are safe for human consumption is an ongoing debate that does not seem to see any resolution except in the arena of public opinion. Due to lack of labeling, Americans are still left at a loss as to whether or not what is on the table is genetically modified. This lack of information makes the avoiding and tracking of GM foods an exercise in futility. Below are just some of the food products popularly identified to be genetically modified:

1. Corn - Corn has been modified to create its own insecticide. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has declared that tons of genetically modified corn has been introduced for human consumption. Monsanto has revealed that half of the US's sweet corn farms are planted with genetically modified seed. Mice fed with GM corn were discovered to have smaller offspring and fertility problems.

2. Soy - Soy has also been genetically modified to resist herbicides. Soy products include soy flour, tofu, soy beverages, soybean oil and other products that may include pastries, baked products and edible oil. Hamsters fed with GM soy were unable to have offspring and suffered a high mortality rate.

3. Cotton - Like corn and soy, cotton has been designed to resist pesticides. It is considered food because its oil can be consumed. Its introduction in Chinese agriculture has produced a chemical that kills cotton bollworm, reducing the incidences of pests not only in cotton crops but also in neighboring fields of soybeans and corn. Incidentally, thousands of Indian farmers suffered severe rashes upon exposure to BT cotton.

4. Papaya - The virus-resistant variety of papaya was commercially introduced in Hawaii in 1999. Transgenic papayas comprised three-fourths of the total Hawaiian papaya crop. Monsanto bestowed upon Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore technology for developing papaya resistant to the ringspot virus in India.

5. Rice - This staple food from South East Asia has now been genetically modified to contain a high amount of vitamin A. Allegedly, there are reports of rice varieties containing human genes to be grown in the US. The rice will create human proteins useful for dealing with infant diarrhea in the 3rd world. China Daily, an online journal, reported potential serious public health and environment problems with genetically modified rice considering its tendency to cause allergic reactions with the concurrent possibility of gene transfers.

6. Tomatoes - Tomatoes have now been genetically engineered for longer shelf life, preventing them from easily rotting and degrading. In a test conducted to determine the safety of GM tomatoes, some animal subjects died within a few weeks after consuming GM tomatoes.

7. Rapeseed - In Canada, this crop was renamed canola to differentiate it from non-edible rapeseed. Food stuff produced from rapeseed includes rapeseed oi (canola oil) l used to process cooking oil and margarine. Honey can also be produced from GM rapeseed. German food surveillance authorities discovered as much as a third of the total pollen present in Canadian honey may be from GM pollen. In fact, some honey products from Canada were also discovered to have pollen from GM rapeseed.

8. Dairy products - It has been discovered that 22 percent of cows in the U.S. were injected with recombinant (genetically modified) bovine growth hormone (rbGH). This Monsanto created hormone artificially forces cows to increase their milk production by 15 percent. Milk from cows treated with this milk inducing hormone contains increased levels of IGF-1 (insulin growth factors-1). Humans also have IGF-1 in their system. Scientists have expressed concerns that increased levels of IGF-1 in humans have been associated with colon and breast cancer.

9. Potatoes - Mice fed with potatoes engineered with Bacillus thuringiensis var. Kurstaki Cry 1 were found to have toxins in their system. Despite claims to the contrary, this shows that Cry1 toxin was stable in the mouse gut. When the health risks were revealed, it sparked a debate.

10. Peas - Peas that have been genetically modified have been found to cause immune responses in mice and possibly even in humans. A gene from kidney beans was inserted into the peas creating a protein that functions as a pesticide.

The GMO link to strange disease

As early as 2008, reported about a condition called Morgellon's disease. The article went on to report the symptoms of the disease as follows: crawling, stinging, biting and crawling sensations; threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; granules, lesions. Some patients report fatigue, short term memory loss, mental confusion, joint pain and changes in vision. Furthermore, there have been reports of substantial morbidity and social dysfunction leading to a dip in work productivity, job loss, total disability, divorce, loss of child custody and home abandonment.

Prior to its reporting, the condition was dismissed as a hoax, but upon further investigation, the evidence pointed out that the disease was real and may be related to genetically modified food.

Despite this link being established, the CDC declared Morgellon's disease of unknown origin. Worse, the medical community could not offer any information to the public regarding a cause for the symptoms.

When a research study was conducted on fiber samples taken from Morgellons patients, it was discovered that the fiber samples of all the patients looked remarkable similar. And yet, it did not seem to match any common environmental fiber. When the fiber was broken down, and it's DNA extracted, it was discovered to belong to a fungus. Even more surprising was the finding that the fibers contained Agrobacterium, a genus gram-negative bacteria with the capacity of transforming plant, animal and even human cells.

Morgellon's disease is not the only condition associated with genetically modified foods. A growing body of evidence has shown that it may cause allergies, immune reactions, liver problems, sterility and even death. Moreover, based on the only human feeding experiment conducted on genetically modified food, it was established that genetic material in genetically modified food product can transfer into the DNA of intestinal bacteria and still continue to thrive.

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my god just when i thought this thread couldnt be any more dumb someone has to bring morgellons into it

the disease of crazy people getting fluff from their clothes in wounds

bravo sir very entertaining
ahh doubling down on dumb i see

you just showed that you could not tell that those tomatoes were gmo or not

and i would love to hear the mechanism the body possess that allows it to tell the different between 2 nutritionally identical items

OGTR regulates gmos in aus not FSANZ or SBS. I know people that cannot eat GM corn as they break out in mild rashes and just general itchiness. Only GM corn does this to them.

Obviously your suffering from cell division dysfunction - layoff the GMOs