How much does lbs of marjiuana go for where u live?


Active Member
Right now in cali my prices are a follows

Indoor from 1800 to 2800

Outdoor from 600 to 1600

Post ur prices can u beat it ?
Street level is 3400 lb indoor and outdoor... guy who gets it from cali pays 2600 for outdoor, 2900 for indoor... not gunna lie last 4 months EVERYTHING from cali has been garbage. The outdoor looks worst than dro. Indoors has good stench but is not smoke well at all.

This guy i know just bought dispensary in CA bought back some stuff and jesus it was horrible looking, smelling, and smoking.

Im in RI btw.
I saw a dispensary got popped for selling 5 lbs to an undercover for $11,000, so it apparently goes for $2100/lb here.

A drug bust here other day... white 18wheeler on side of rd with staties. Later that day on news for a "1 ton" of vacum sealed weed found in packaged appliance boxes. Sucks to be driver and who ever ratted on that shipment lol. Wonder what that was being sold for?
3600$ TO 4000$ ... East coast , CT to be exact , but yea i agree what Ricky was saying lately stuff from Cali went down on quality , what's up with that.
Hey, not cool lol... ri has some awesome pot. Everyone just wants top dollar. The majority around here is that cali shit cause it gets sold cheap. Not anymore though. Cali shit = garbage right now. Most likely cause they got away with sending over dro an us selling it for so long. That shit dont work anymore though.
lol thats because there dealers sucks ass. All my weed is good looking good smoking and good high. If i dont like it , I know my customers wont either.
$200 bucks

No seriously, but its compressed south of the border crap.
Living in a border town can be rough.......Its all about quantity and not quality