Help with my first grow - currently in flowering stage.


Just need an opinion on my first grow indoors in a tent.
These are my two ladies moby dick taken from a mother plant.
I have used Canna Coco for media mixed with perlite.
Nutes I have been using are Canna Coco A+B since veg and I added bud XL & canna PK 13/14
I estimate they are into week 12(estimate as I didn't quite take notes of dates etc.)
Here are a few pictures:
photo (4).jpgphoto (3).jpgphoto.jpgphoto (1).jpgphoto (2).jpg
It's been cold here of late and my temp has been between 20C-35C and my humidity is showing 80%.
I have a 4" carbon filter and use a 600w HPS(brand unkown) which I'm using during the my 12/12 period.
Some of the top end of the plant(don't know the correct term?) the hairs are going orange slightly.
I'm worried about my temperature and humidity at the moment(humidity mostly) I tried using my filter through the night but half way through the night I checked the temp and it had dropped to even worse levels so I put it back to the 12/12 timer along with my light. Another of my concerns is a read that the budd at roughly this stage should be pretty rock hard but I've felt it and it feels quite soft.
Any comments/opinions welcome


Well-Known Member
With your filter off, is there any air exchange during the night?
20-35C temps!? 30C+ is a problem....What were your lowest temps?

Nice plants :)


No air exchange at all I'd say once the filter is off.
Lowest I've seen the temperature get was 10C which was this morning.
Should I be worried about the humidity? Need a cost effective way of keeping it down as I don't want to encourage mould.


Well-Known Member
No air exchange at all I'd say once the filter is off.
Lowest I've seen the temperature get was 10C which was this morning.
Should I be worried about the humidity? Need a cost effective way of keeping it down as I don't want to encourage mould.
Yes worry about your humidity, good air exchange is what will keep PM and botrytis at bay. If your pistals are just turning orange theres lots of time left so dont worry, your buds will swell and harden up more.
If the temps are an issue, you could run your light through the night when its cold, thereby uesing it to heat your room and continue to run your exshaust during the day when its warmer so as to not worry so much about dropping temps. I hope this helped, whateve :):):)


Yes worry about your humidity, good air exchange is what will keep PM and botrytis at bay. If your pistals are just turning orange theres lots of time left so dont worry, your buds will swell and harden up more.
If the temps are an issue, you could run your light through the night when its cold, thereby uesing it to heat your room and continue to run your exshaust during the day when its warmer so as to not worry so much about dropping temps. I hope this helped, whateve :):):)
If I change my 12/12 hour timings will this effect the plant much? I mean for instance my 12 hour light comes on at 5am-5pm should I just leave the light for another 12 hours until 5am and then start using my lights 5pm-5am instead?


Well-Known Member
If I change my 12/12 hour timings will this effect the plant much? I mean for instance my 12 hour light comes on at 5am-5pm should I just leave the light for another 12 hours until 5am and then start using my lights 5pm-5am instead?
Ive never tried to change them in the middle of the cycle but id say....go for it if you think it will help your temps and humidity.


Well-Known Member
Run your lights through the night, and keep a fan extracting air on 24 hours a day (whether through your filter or not)
It's what I do, otherwise I'd have similar stats as yours.
To change over either (a) change slowly 15 minutes at a time (b) 24 hours dark then lights on.
I think a plant in flower is more upset by 24 hours light than 24 hours's extended dark time that makes them think "Oo! Flowering time!"



Well-Known Member
I have to add; I'm not saying changing light cycles is okay, or to be done lightly (pun intended ;))
But in this case I think it's "needs must..."


I have to add; I'm not saying changing light cycles is okay, or to be done lightly (pun intended ;))
But in this case I think it's "needs must..."
Most definitely!
I will leave the light off for 24 hours once today's cycle ends and I will go from there :)
Are the Nute's I'm using ok?


Well-Known Member
Judging by your plants they're fine, if you're at week 12 you may want to cut back on them a little...


Currently I'm only having to water every 3 days as they aren't drinking as much it seems.
I think on the next feed I'll just give them some water to flush out some chemicals.
cold temps slow the matablism of the plant so if they go over 12 weeks dnt wrorry about it they are ready when they are ready ..the trichomes will tell u when ur done ..24 hrs of dark then lights on is the way to go to change light cycle as sworth says. as for nutes im a bio bizz user so cant help u there . looking at ur pics the size of ur buds look like they have been affected by temps and humidity but i can see the thc packing on nicely so keep up the good work ur nearly there.