Uncle Ben
Well-Known Member
Cutting through all the crap, if the pot feels light to the lift, water. If heavy, don't. Contrary to popular forum thought, don't ever let the soil completely go dry. A plant (and it's soil structure) needs to be constantly moist....not wet, moist.Thanks... I'm set for the day and can keep on doing a few errants with an easy mind.
I see a lot of moans and groans about folks having problems with root rot, something I've never experienced. When you look at the quality of their plant's overall profile, it sucks. Little foliage suggests a poor root system....it just feeds on itself.
See my avatar? That plant had so much plant material, fan leafs and bud leaves and such, that even 2 quarts of water per day didn't phase it. That's just how much water was transpiring from the leaves as it was being drawn up from its root system. That's what you want. That's what plants crave (other than Brawndo.)