3rd Grow, 1st Legitimate One, Comments and suggestions Welcome


Well-Known Member
Like I said, I could. But they just barely don't reach, extension cord would be overkill, plus it looks little tacky in my opinion, only because I have cords in the tent. I wouldn't want some long rolled up cord hanging from the ceiling or in the corner.


Well-Known Member
I didn't realise it was a fashion parade ,
tacky or not , your mother plant will need the lower light , you would't be the first or last to do it , failing that outlay on a t5 or 250mh,
you did ask if it would be sufficent.


Well-Known Member
Point well taken. A little ocd of me I suppose. There is only one goal after all, healthy plants.

are you saying a 250 mh would penetrate the canopy substantially better then the cfl? Cause I wouldn't mind the upgrade I suppose, as a friend would like to purchase the cfl.

And I was thinking a t5 because it would give a bit better coverage.

till then I'll hang my power strip from the ceiling of my tent to give me the extra cord length I need.


Well-Known Member
Point well taken. A little ocd of me I suppose. There is only one goal after all, healthy plants.

are you saying a 250 mh would penetrate the canopy substantially better then the cfl? Cause I wouldn't mind the upgrade I suppose, as a friend would like to purchase the cfl.

And I was thinking a t5 because it would give a bit better coverage.

till then I'll hang my power strip from the ceiling of my tent to give me the extra cord length I need.

The 250 mh will 100% give better penetration , but also more heat ,
I have to say ,even though i use a 250mh for veg x 2 , i prefer t'5's,
Plants just love the light those bulbs give off , including clones and the heat is more than controllable,
It will be my next change , at least to one of the veg rooms.


Well-Known Member
If this sog works out hopefully it won't be much of a strain on my wallet a couple months down the line to get that t5.
I have seen some pretty nice veg rooms run with t5's

As far as I am concerned as long as my flower tent is churning out fat chunky smelly buds then as long as I am able to keep it full of clones, I can work with what I got.
Thank you for your suggestion,

A t5 will likely be my next purchase


Well-Known Member
from the cups? I already moved 2 from cups to 2 gal fabric pots, gonna see how they react,

Would a plant stress out a bit from getting put on 12/12 right around the same time as a transplant.

Someone in another thread said to transplant asap as well, and he also said I need to veg an extra week or 2 or I wont get anything in terms of final product.

How much truth is there to that statement?

Keep in mind I am going to be harvesting 6 plants that have had no veg time aside from rooting, at least the future flowering plants will be that way,

Rough estimate on yield from 5 currently 8 inch tall plants, just switched to 12/12, which I plan on lollipopping?

I was thinking maybe anywhere from 12-18 grams off each?

I am low-balling I hope



Active Member
nice stuff there! Obviously the vegging will grow a bigger plant in time. But u gotta different tchnique going on. Awesome. i never flowered an 8 incher. be cool to watch though! Good Lucks!


Well-Known Member
Thanks Xub,

Yes, I employing instant flowering only so I can have finished product by 4/20,

I am very optimistic that this strategy will have its own benefits,

For one, Harvesting buds every other week is nice,
but I am thinking there will not be much trimming involved in the final products as they will be all main colas,
I can also tweak nute regiments to see how plants preform, I have the ability to remove poor performers, and try topping lst, or hst

I also like the idea of if the plants stretch during flower from 8 inches, I would be surprised if they make it to 20", more likely be around 13-18 inches I am guessing,
Either way, the shortest farthest away plants from the 1000 watts will only be 20-15" from it.

I'm thinking that will result in rapid, dense, stinky bud growth.
With any luck:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I have a 8 inch cheese plant you can judge , its 4 weeks into 12/12
It will give you a rough ideal,
I will take a picture when lights on.


Well-Known Member
I just may have to try to lst after seeing those pictures, it just may be a little hard because I'd like the flower room to be full, so I wouldn't really have room for bushes

But it definitely looks as though lst can improve yield on smaller plants, as well as larger ones,

I'm glad to see though that a small plant flowered has a decent return,

what watt light you using?

And what gallon pots are those?


Active Member
400 hps, currently one bud is at 12" other two -10" fit in pots footprint basically. Pots about 1.75g dollar store buy. Last harvest went 3g didn't need to but pulled just about 8oz with min veg.tallest was 18" I think. My dedicated area is a forgiving 3'x2' the runts are on half and a strapped up sour towers under 2' on other half.


Well-Known Member
Do you keep your light a fixed height above the grow? I assume there is a pretty substantial difference in heights from your 2ft to your 18 inchers. the light being farther away from the 18" doesn't hurt there growth too much?


Well-Known Member
They are very very nice ,
i try for more single cola efforts, 1 is 10inch and 1 is 8 inch , the smaller 1 is cheese , the taller my beloved Romulan :joint:

2013-01-25 10.39.04.jpg2013-01-25 10.39.13.jpg2013-01-25 21.59.42.jpg2013-01-25 21.59.55.jpg

Now these are just grown from the clones i think are the roughest lookin, and they are kept small to grow on the sides of my bloom room were the walls are slanted, make the most of all space i say,
I would norm pull anywhere between 15 -25 grams off of these, i like using lst but these can be lined up side by side.....


Well-Known Member
Do the the fan leaves look yellow because you are almost to harvest? You did say 4 weeks right? so roughly 3-4 weeks left?
And your Romulan is just amazing,
One of my favorite smokes,
The last time I saw Romulan at a clinic was a while agoooooo.
Have not smoked it in well over a year.

I like the idea of a fat main cola though. I want those 10 gram nugs.


Well-Known Member
Do the the fan leaves look yellow because you are almost to harvest? You did say 4 weeks right? so roughly 3-4 weeks left?
And your Romulan is just amazing,
One of my favorite smokes,
The last time I saw Romulan at a clinic was a while agoooooo.
Have not smoked it in well over a year.

I like the idea of a fat main cola though. I want those 10 gram nugs.
Leave yellowing because they are crying out for more feed lol,
They are part of an experiment to try and grow in coco with no nutes , just Bio plus and Molasses,
You have seen what the bigger ladies can do.


Active Member
I've got plants raised about to be daytime I'll get a pic. My pots are less than 10" across could fit 4 easy in 18"x24"


Well-Known Member
My flower tent is a roomy 24"x48"
And I have done the math, I could fit 18 8"x8" 2 gal fabric pots, but I'd like to only use those for the last 2 weeks of possible,
Anyone think 6 weeks is too long for a clone to last in a party cup?