Need some honest advice


Well-Known Member

Check under the hood.

If it's an "outie" instead of an "innie", I'd bail.

It's simply a matter of incompatible equipment, and while there ARE some that would make do with it, or even prefer it, you've got to be true to yourself. You'll BOTH be better off if you're honest.



Well-Known Member
He prolly did ask and real bluntly too. "yo so your friend told me the other day you used to be a guy is that true? Cus I ain't gay yo, and thats not cool."


Well-Known Member
who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks. also if you confront her it could piss her or him off. let me ask this. can you find her clit and when she cums does her pussy tighten up? give her a couple fingers if you cant find a "g" spot your probably fuckin a dude. altho i had a buddy date a chick that everyone said was a dude just becuz they were assholes and jealous becuz they had been shotdown by her becuz she wasnt a hoe. turns out she was a woman and his great relationship ended becuz he felt insecure about it. also she was asian. lmao. so it made a bit of sense at the time. lol.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
You can't tell by inspecting the genitals? If you haven't gotten to the genitals yet...then how can you love her? I'm confused too.


Well-Known Member
Damn those doctors for making these procedures so low key now a days.

that setup definitely looks tranny. camo and red finger nails. sketch.

Winter Woman

Well-Known Member
I knew a tranny back about a dozen or more years ago. She was beautiful, better looking than any real woman I know. She married a very wealth man (he didn't care). He said she gave the best head he ever had. In the end does it really matter? No. Love is love. Do what your heart says as long as she is honest, fun to be around, appreciates you. Once you and your friends get over the shock it won't matter anymore. They might even be jealous.


I have somewhat of a discouraging update.

Ok, so based on the advice I've gotten and the fact that it's now driving me crazy with doubt, I decided to just ask. Didn't turn out as easy as I had hoped. Obviously this isn't something that you ask through text or on the phone so I felt that face to face was the best way to deal with it. I spoke to her on the phone and told her that I was gonna be cooking her dinner and that I really wanted to talk to her about something that has been bothering me (I probably should have stopped at "I'm cooking you dinner"). She asked what it was and I just said that we'd discuss it at dinner. She kept prying so I just said that something her friends told me about her had me kinda confused. We said good-bye and she agreed to come over for dinner.

Well...she never showed. :-( The thing is that she didn't even answer my calls or texts and hasn't replied to voice mails. I've been thinking the worst things like maybe she was in a car accident. I don't know her family so there's no one I can call. I've tried going by her place but there's no sign of her there either. Tried talking to a neighbor but she's only lived there a couple weeks so no one really knows her. My guess is that maybe a family emergency came up and she had to leave town and maybe she left her phone at home. I don't think she would just leave me and not say anything to me. Maybe I did fall for her cause the not knowing if she's safe is killing me. I've even called all the hospitals within a 200 mile radius.

What should I do?? :cry:


Well-Known Member
I have somewhat of a discouraging update.

Ok, so based on the advice I've gotten and the fact that it's now driving me crazy with doubt, I decided to just ask. Didn't turn out as easy as I had hoped. Obviously this isn't something that you ask through text or on the phone so I felt that face to face was the best way to deal with it. I spoke to her on the phone and told her that I was gonna be cooking her dinner and that I really wanted to talk to her about something that has been bothering me (I probably should have stopped at "I'm cooking you dinner"). She asked what it was and I just said that we'd discuss it at dinner. She kept prying so I just said that something her friends told me about her had me kinda confused. We said good-bye and she agreed to come over for dinner.

Well...she never showed. :-( The thing is that she didn't even answer my calls or texts and hasn't replied to voice mails. I've been thinking the worst things like maybe she was in a car accident. I don't know her family so there's no one I can call. I've tried going by her place but there's no sign of her there either. Tried talking to a neighbor but she's only lived there a couple weeks so no one really knows her. My guess is that maybe a family emergency came up and she had to leave town and maybe she left her phone at home. I don't think she would just leave me and not say anything to me. Maybe I did fall for her cause the not knowing if she's safe is killing me. I've even called all the hospitals within a 200 mile radius.

What should I do?? :cry:

My man, I told you not to ask. You cannot listen to these people (see my sig). Forget it, you will NEVER see this person again. The only hope in hell you have is to leave a voicemail saying how much you love and care for this person. Let them know you didn;t believe it, but their friend was adamant so you asked. Don't say, you don;t care, because you cared enough to ask. Good luck.


Well-Known Member
LOL ya asking was the absolute last thing I suggested. There should have been several other obvious factors that would help you decide. If what you just told us is exactly what you said to her, then I'm not sure why she would freak out and stop talking to you unless she already knew what you were gonna ask cus its true. I don't know if that makes you feel better, but thats the most likely I think. If it wasn't true then she wouldn't know what "her friends told you that you were confused about", right? I think Clayton is right about your current options though.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Whatever man, fuck her. Anyone that is going to bail out on you without any notice like that is a piece of shit and you are better without them. If there was a genuine emergency, then work it out once you find out the story. If it wasn't an emergency and she just bailed, then what do you need her in your life for?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Also don't over analyze it and try to construct the perfect approach and the perfect questions to ask. Anyone that is worth building a relationship with will work with you because they will care about how you feel. Any relationship that is so fragile that you can't be open and honest and talk about stuff this important is doomed anyway imo. So light one up and stop fretting.